{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

Of course titty bitches do the most damage. I thought that was established a long time ago.

But they are glass cannons. They are not as sturdy as evangelists and sentinels and will just die when you run into something that poses a threat.

mattc3303 wrote:
U mean those plumed things? They really suck don't bother xD...

not really bad just got range problem lol their atk range to short XD
alfapf wrote:
They're not so tanky without their bubbles anymore. Even with fast cast mobs have enough time to come out of their first circles and get close to them. Honestly, with zombies and evangelists zombies usually do the whole clearing work. With titty bitches-titty bitches do most of the killing work. I can see it with mortis buff on my zombies. Sentinels... Sometimes I take them, sometimes not... Depends on my mood. But evangelists... No, thanks. I used them only to kill atziri when it was possible with my build. Now they're useless for me. Tentacles clear the room they're in and the nearest room(or half of the room).

Ohh, Idk why did I write it, we all are playing how we want! Test everything and pick whatever you like more-that's the only rule)

So? How can we disregard a part of spectre's arsenal just because sometimes some other minions don't get the benefit and it is no longer constant - it is still there so it should be counted, titty-bitches have no defenses at all. Clear win for evas.

Speed of slearing isn't proven yet.

The best scenario would be to use just the spectres and see who clears faster. But it is impossible. As tentacles will just die and evas won't hit anything as zombies provide distraction in both cases. It seems that with the tentacle case they provide mostly shielding/distraction, while with eva case they do a notisable part of the damage too. But it is merely a speculation, there is no proof of it as of yet. As we are talking clear speed, not damage. One can clear quite well with just zombies anyway.
Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Apr 14, 2014, 9:03:19 AM
i think i just using bm right now and i'm looking it with 2 bm and 1 ape my question is which better for ape faster cast or atk speed? i need him to buff often
Allnamestaken wrote:

P.S. Still don't like them though - that constant noise they make with their shields and attacks drives me nuts.

guess i'll have to turn my game sound on and experience that for a brief moment.
Last edited by plasticeyes#2789 on Apr 14, 2014, 11:44:53 AM
Tentacles do seem to clear faster, under normal circumstances survivability isn't a problem for end game minions till you reach those op spell casting bosses.

The biggest gripe I have with them is the trip to lunaris 3 to get them =/.

Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
So, I see people calculate damage on lot on this thread, but I've never seen attack speed directly figured in (though maybe it has been and I've missed it).

It seems like the best way to do it is the same as damage, since attack speed also has the 'increased' and 'more' distinction, and then multiply the results together.

So, if I have 105% increased damage and 20% increased attack speed from passives, and link my zombies to Remote Mine, Melee Physical, Multistrike, Minion Damage, and Faster Attacks, this is the math I get: (most gems at lvl 18)

Damage: (1+(105 passive + 48 MS + 75 minion dam)/100) * 1.46 RM * 1.46 MP * 0.64 MS = 4.47 damage multiplier

Speed: (1+(20 passive + 104 MS)/100) * 1.41 FA = 3.16 speed multiplier

Doing 4.47 times more damage at 3.16 times the speed = 14.11 times the total dps?

Obviously this doesn't account for things like wasting the extra multistrike attacks. I also haven't figured in Hatred, Haste, gear, etc until I'm sure I have the formula right.

Thoughts? If I've made errors or incorrect assumptions, I'd love to know - I juggle these numbers a lot, trying to squeeze the most out of my sockets. :-) It's also nice to have a reliable formula, since there's no tooltip dps for minions to rely on.
41% more speed is like 41% more damage in the total dps

trap can be replaced by FA

pd: Somebody have a gem calculator? I try to make one in google spreadsheet, but i dont find a way to combine different gem from a menu
Last edited by sebaper#4904 on Apr 14, 2014, 12:54:30 PM
Im fed... I now play minionless..in 6 plrs maps :/
angry rant
as I love maps like promenade, scpter or colonade it has become glaringly unavoidable to miss that lovely smoke mine..losing some eva cause they getting stuck... so I abandonned the 4 specter layout.
I used to have 1 bm 1 eva and 2 titties.. 1 guardian..
No I play minions less and buff the party and cull everything...

Summoner was my favorite bus as of now its pretty boring..stressing and looking for guardian life bar and managing the quicksilver ccharge instead of strategize and use good placements. No more use of terrain or object features.

So minionless is the best choice you get 5 autonomous minions thag you cannot re summon without the need to snapshots..sometime they are good level and have tremendous dps and a superior AI and are pathfinding proof...sometimes you are a bit unlucky and they increase significantly item quantity. But beware they also takes some loots, sometime trigger box and worst: run to temple piety like a blind AG and get slaughtered. Then you'll have to summonnthe defaut minion to finish alone but that's get rarer and rarer cause that kind of minion s ai is improving overtime and annot get broken buy a godamn nerf.

I remember using 1 lv 71 titty unsupported when I lost a BM and she survived and did pretty damage.
The only way I see to keep EE is to summon lv71 titty, myabe lv72 if desecrate give +2 lv
The link I used were
Trap + remM + add fire + min dmg + chain

The big difference with eva is that they mostly draw their circle in the same place, titties are quicker a switching target, especilla that horrendous totems.. at first I used 3 of them, one with knockback and another with blind.

But seeing the big need in socket, eva is the rational choice (I really hate them: how they look, move, attack and most of all THAT sound ) you only need one curse to boost all of your summon and you geta bonus temporary shield. They r also the easiest higher hest level spectre you can get and you get a free skill pts to put where you like from EE
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Last edited by WIKARINA#1936 on Apr 14, 2014, 1:56:27 PM
Speed of slearing isn't proven yet.

I made some vids on the prev page comparing them. Think it's a kind of proof(at least for me)

It seems that with the tentacle case they provide mostly shielding/distraction, while with eva case they do a notisable part of the damage too.

They do damage because evas can't kill everything as fast as titties by themselves.

titty-bitches have no defenses at all. Clear win for evas.

Tentacles 1shot everything-1
Evas have, I would say, no defense after the last patch-2
They just have a bit more hp and base ele res.

Tentacles do seem to clear faster, under normal circumstances survivability isn't a problem for end game minions till you reach those op spell casting bosses.

IMO: You will definitely lose 1-2 spectres while fighting tough bosses, no matter who are they. I'm talking about academy boss right now, or crematorium, or courtyard. Courtyard was doable without losing anyone with smoke mine. Now it's just a miracle. Crematorium-Bubble will save you for the 1st 2-3 seconds, zombies will still be under fire. The one way for me to kill her is to rush-the best work for tentacles. Fire purity helps a lot, I always use it while entering crematorium. Academy? Well, idk... I can rushkill him on map without mods for extra damage\projectiles\etc, but with tough mods I usually lose someone. Sentinels tended to survive there after the fight—can't say the same thing about evangelists\tentaclies, they usually died.
If you want to farm any boss without any loss-go NA. It's really nice thing. Noone will die, no matter what. I don't want to respec, change my gear, etc, that's why I'm not using it.

Titties Are Nice!

Another proof. They have low def? Do they really need it??
Last edited by alfapf#5389 on Apr 14, 2014, 2:54:55 PM

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