{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]
U mean those plumed things? They really suck don't bother xD...
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon |
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" As for me-6L chober is a ton better! I was so happy when I linked it! Both 6l zombies and spectres is just wow! Also, chober gives +1 to rz, multistrike and meleephys gems! I've painted it into RRRGBB for solo target/splash zombies(don't use them with splash though). Btw, empower is better than trap gem for zombies. Their damage diffs for about 10-20, but they get +2k hp! If I get +1 tabula somehow, I'll still use it for spectres, but I don't see the point of rush-buying it. Last edited by alfapf#5389 on Apr 14, 2014, 12:12:46 AM
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With my luck, 2015 will come quicker than a 6L chober lol. I'll probably take the dominus grind route for a month of so, and just buy the damn thing of poe.xyz.
Btw, Matt, i got the non-legacy saffell from a guild member, u were right. It's pretty much max block in spells with Bone offering[tho the ToG of dominus always goes through, maybe that thing cant be blocked at all]. After taking Necromancer Aegis, I feel a bit squishy now, so will probably keep a couple evangelist when I play maps. I ditched the skelly idea after reading through the feedbacks I got. Thanks for ur advice. Now will just sell my minion helm if possible on standard, lol. Empower is really nice, but a +1 to either gems or zombie, I'm waiting for that item :D. I'd replace it with trap too I think, but that's probably gonna happen next month. |
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" tog is an attack |
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That with the direct comparison is a nice thing no doubt. BUT:
Evas-7.12 min This map was FULL of mobs and you moved very slow in the beginning, you didnt port as much, you didnt use move speed flask as much etc. Sentinels-6.46 min ( have not seen this) Titties-5.08 min In this video there are few mobs(low monster number, compared to the one with the Evas), you used speed flask very often, LW etc. The start is very fast. That with the evas is like slowmo and that has nothing to do with the clear power of the specs. For me this is showing nothing, absolutely nothing. The clear speed times in this cases are absolutely worthless and irritating, leading to false assumptions, or at least, make things look greater n better, n faster then it rly is. This is just my opinion ok, but pls have a closer look at those things I just mentioned You need to watch the maps with all its features and take close look on the movement and acting speed of the player. The Titti map is the fastest, yes, but it is obviously why :) That was the first thing I realised when watching the videos, in direct comparison. Nice thing but if one wants to make a real comparison: Same ammount of mobs , same mods, same movement etc. like: hit speed flask on CD(know what i mean?:D) etc. And I have lil doubt, that if you do that: The difference in time will shrink greatly:) At this point, thx a lot matt for this guide and ofc. all the players who helped work out this great stuff:) Ps: Just want to add something: That time varies greatly within the same type of map, I experience- and anynone who pays attetion to time/ or wants to do clear speed like : this map max. 5 min for efficient exp/h- will have noticed that too. I role only magic mobs only or + one light mod on every map I do, so I dont have great additional things, which make a map much harder etc. Even if you do Tropical Island without any mod added, you ll notice that. It depends hardly on the type of monster and in the end, that can and will make a difference in time. May that be +1 minute or 30 seconds, even if one doesnt open chests and just KILL fast, collect nothing except rares etc. Thats also a point which comes in handy. How many chests have been opend, how many extra ways have been walked. etc. Every map varies, also in size n shape a bit. A chest in a corner you move towards will add a couple of seconds etc etc. But that s it for now. Pls dont get this wrong okay, it is not written to bash your videos it is more for: paying attentions to detail and maybe helping creating a comparison, which shows up how the difference rly is. Regards Last edited by Purity777#2840 on Apr 14, 2014, 2:21:01 AM
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I didn't warp that much/used flask because there still were mobs near evas. But still, titties should've completed that map faster than the map I've rolled to them. Another reason I'm not using Evas is damn phys reflect!!!
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" Poor excuse, if you ask me. The results are suspiciaous, since there were no clear rules of comparison. So until people come out with a clear unbiased comparison - evangelists are the better spectre. Even simply bcause of their overall better tankiness. P.S. Still don't like them though - that constant noise they make with their shields and attacks drives me nuts. IGNs GroovyBeard JooJooFromTheWell Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Apr 14, 2014, 3:47:55 AM
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They're not so tanky without their bubbles anymore. Even with fast cast mobs have enough time to come out of their first circles and get close to them. Honestly, with zombies and evangelists zombies usually do the whole clearing work. With titty bitches-titty bitches do most of the killing work. I can see it with mortis buff on my zombies. Sentinels... Sometimes I take them, sometimes not... Depends on my mood. But evangelists... No, thanks. I used them only to kill atziri when it was possible with my build. Now they're useless for me. Tentacles clear the room they're in and the nearest room(or half of the room).
Ohh, Idk why did I write it, we all are playing how we want! Test everything and pick whatever you like more-that's the only rule) |
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...wouldn't titties just instagib themselves on cb and lit thorns instead? I haven't used them in a while, but as I remember it, they couldn't exactly take a punch. in fact they're squishier than BMs...
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" No, no problems there. Cb is nothing because of huge regen from nodes+skullhead+vitality+leech. Thorns mobs got killed in1-2shots. Anyway, even with 6ppl they received no damage. |
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