{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]
" Ofc we're playing what we like. But as for me, i like anything that clears faster. Many ppl are saying, that evangelists are the best in this case, even after nerf. I just want to solve that out-why? Have you tried other types of spectres? I was a stupid one saying that tentacles are crap untill I tried them. And you can see the result. About indoor maps-don't even want to try, really. That would be 10+mins(cells map). All I can say is that in indoor maps clearing speed will be the same for any spectred because of one simple thing-they can kill when they're near. And they 1shot everything in any case(or at least kill everything that's near them with same speed), so I choosed strand maps, I seldom run cells or other tiny indoor maps. |
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Where summon the Tentacle Miscreations?
To summon the Evangelists i go to the scetre of god and use desecrated, same to the Flame Sentinels in laboratory and are lvl 69 and 68. Last edited by sebaper#4904 on Apr 13, 2014, 6:34:06 PM
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" Yes, all spectres were from starting locations: SOG\Lab\Luna 3 Link: GMP+mine+min dmg+trap+FA Maybe it's even not the best gems for them, idk, but it's a bit hard to paint my chest each time I want to test-out of chromes now. I was thinking of replacing min dmg with phys proj dmg, gonna count that tomorrow. Btw, titties\evangelists were summoned with Vis Mortis. |
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Today I replaced my Alpha's howl to summon skeletons. The problem that now I face is that the 8% mana reservation from the howl proves to be quite a lot now. I have to drop either Hatred/Haste for a 40% aura to keep mana pool for MOM.
My question is, which one should I drop?[would the 2x att speed,cast speed minion passive from tree{beside Gravepact}somewhat make up for the haste?] Also I run my summoner on matt's cloak build, how much would the skeletons affect in maps? All insights are welcome. Oh, one more question, my friend kind of pulled me into Necromancer Aegis. How much of a Spell Block diff would be a legacy safell's frame to a non-legacy one[80%]? |
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" I had not given them a try since they gave us flesh offering. Evangelist does sounds great on paper but your videos really home in the point. I guess I need to experiment more I feel like the "stupid one" now =P. K I will update my guide with this info, but for now lets theory craft the most effective gems. I know for sure that tentacles deal 50% fire 50% physical. I remember asking the devs about this some time ago. standard gems: Remote mine Faster attack GMP/LMP mix choices: -trap -minion damage -faster projectile (was hitting things 2-3 screens away) -pierce (does tentacles projectile pierce 100%? I don't think it does i think its just moves very fast so it looks like it is piercing? -added whatever damage (base on the fact that i think tentacles projectiles has a 1:1 effectiveness with elemental damage) -physical projectile damage is a more modify but it will only modify half of the damage i think. " if you watch any end game summoner vids you see that in the time you summoned your skeletons every thing on your screen is already dead. I don't see the point. Combined with bone offering it won't matter if your legacy or not in regards to spell block but the diffidence in max res will make a difference. Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon |
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So, You are saying that having the Alpha's howl is better?
I do use snapshot on Zombie[though gems are still not 20 yet :|] but dun have the expensive snapshot gears like, vis mortis/midnight bargain/grasp. Are skeletons useful in boss fight of maps 72+? Should I go for a 6L chober or a +1 tabula? |
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Where do you summon the Tentacle Mis-creations from? I tried Lunaris 2, not a single corse in 10 mins.
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U have to head to lunaris 3. That is the annoying part of this spectre, finding them lol.
Are skeletons useful in boss fight of maps 72+? not really. Even boss fights end very quickly for a geared summoner Should I go for a 6L chober or a +1 tabula? Chober is going to be extremly hard to roll the right colors. Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon |
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" luna 3...it's higher area level anyways skels should only ever be used in extreme situations, like fighting atziri or invasion bosses where combat boils down to chucking bodies at them like dirt. in a constant resummoning situation, skels win out otherwise, even if you get them out quickly, they're just a massive dps loss anyways cuz their slow asses bodyblock your high dps zombies and melee party members and causes massive lag and desync |
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" its in lunaris 3 and use descrate so u dont have waste ur time finding her btw there is another one that like tittie bitches the one at domi place.. i'm gonna try it later :D |
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