{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

HunterxXx wrote:
lk_77lk wrote:
Could you please stop arguing about titties nd for God sake please stop posting vids...unless you want to to see their breath splater as the future nerf bat will fall on them...

lol agreed with this one its not about damage it just how much u enjoy the game and ur playstyle

what we need to do is listen to reddit

devourers are most op spectres. 1 shot any boss without warning!!!!11!!11!oneoneone!
lk_77lk wrote:
They sometime pierce.
I just noticed something while finaly giving a little try to something:
Consecrated grounds glue on minions when they leave it.
AG seem to now respond tu curse if you turn your back on it, it will stay near you.

I also respected from EE just to try eva with added fire instead of inc dur.
But what really changed everything is the combo desecrate with flesh offering THEN curses: its a different world!

I also gave a try to 5L zombies with skull head for the snapshot instead of the min +2 helm.
They lose 200 hp but I cannot estimate their dps loss... but they re tougher ( armor + regen)

They can now "solo and withstand" merc. Dominus from buddies to all phase, Dominus usually wont slap third hand of god and just die.
Atual gears are

Emergency..or if chaos deteced or guardian closencall
hard to edit link on a cell...

Dual sceptre + dual signet = 21% xp gain 400 more es, AA lv17

If I mind I can do some gem swapping and have +1 level on clarity and discipline... and.. while browsing for a new armour I just sawa 670 es SHIELD oo_oo !!!!! If not for my amulet ill take some anvil.

To have have it survive, cross your finger that ranged will shout at or that it engaged mob on melee..then it start to prop cons ground like it had some stomach leaks. .

I think cons ground are in the 3 to 4 % life regen, sonthe guardian should be nearing 10% and it critt very often (tried the setting with a voll protector then with pcoc support.

My eva poleaxe is nearing to the ready:
Rs. + rem min + trap + min dmg + fas cast + add fire + in aoe (built in)

ZoneShot with sidhebreath + skull head.
Then its like it have dual skull head.
With dual ungil its capped at 75% block
Cassock for the chest(perfect roll)
Skull head helmet (perfect roll)
Glove and boots have tri res + life

It lack a bit of armor and acc and atk spd but dual skull head mitigate a bit with the 4% life regen and the 600 to 700 ish armor it give.maybe next level is using same stats but corrupted item or some unique boots (would lose life and res) to gain some spell block

Carcass jack? Any good for snapshots?

Why would you use carcass jack for snapshotting? It doesn't have anything minions benefit from.

Remember you can use bor for snapshotting zombies and tabula for snapshotting spectres. That way you get 7 link zombies and 6 link spectres instead of 6 link/5link.
BoR snapshotting is viable for legacy ones[which are reaaaally expensive now]. I cant even sell my non-legacy one. I still prefer Tabula for the snapshot, specially when you can get quality on ur gems[BOR wont give u quality on 3 supports], till I get my 6L chober.

If someone can advice me, if Grasp will be a substantial upgrade over Chober. These days I cant find a single Grasp below 10-12 ex, which would be fine for many players, but it's like a lot of farming for me. I dun stay on trade channels, so all wealth comes from Dominus.

I can link my gear, so people can suggest upgrades and stuff.

Edit: I figured it out from google. Didnt realize stuff would be this easy lol.
Last edited by ScarS#6572 on Apr 14, 2014, 11:04:50 PM
Well, grasp is definitely worth 12+ ex
Well I personally like Evangelists more, visually speaking and overall. But I just tried Tentacle Miscreations and damn, the clearing speed is noticeably better.

But they really are much more squishy, they died vs Inga Phoenix on a rare map, where as Evangelists basically solo'd her.

I guess it depends on what you're going to do, if you plan on doing easy maps, Tentacles would be best. But if you need more defense and endurance, Evangelists all the way.

Tentacles also see much more aggresive and the damage much much higher. My friends went from "Damn dude your minions can put CoC builds to shame" to "What the hell? what did you just do?"

This is only with 2x Spectres tho, I'm running IIR/IIQ, I got about 210IIR/28IIQ so I get less damage, once I get another Andvarius I'll prob drop the IIQ altogether and go full IIR + damage, replace the IIQ boots and belt for Ullr boots and elemental resists belt.

Once I reach certain level I might jut drop all IIR/IIQ and go full damage. But for that I need moar money :P
alfapf wrote:
mattc3303 wrote:
Damn titties clear fast. Evangelist won't benefit from anger its probably making a difference.
What was your links for them again? And are those from lunaris?

GMP + remote mine + trap + ? + ?

Yes, all spectres were from starting locations: SOG\Lab\Luna 3

Link: GMP+mine+min dmg+trap+FA
Maybe it's even not the best gems for them, idk, but it's a bit hard to paint my chest each time I want to test-out of chromes now.

I was thinking of replacing min dmg with phys proj dmg, gonna count that tomorrow.

Btw, titties\evangelists were summoned with Vis Mortis.

How does trap work with remote mine? Does it have to be triggered by an enemy?
You use Sunblast. Detonate the mine, it lays a trap, Sunblast triggers the trap, it casts the spell.
cMarivs wrote:
You use Sunblast. Detonate the mine, it lays a trap, Sunblast triggers the trap, it casts the spell.

waste of time. we're summoners...just snapshot the damage boost onto the mine

lay the mines then put the trap in. just like cod
BoswerLK wrote:
cMarivs wrote:
You use Sunblast. Detonate the mine, it lays a trap, Sunblast triggers the trap, it casts the spell.

waste of time. we're summoners...just snapshot the damage boost onto the mine

lay the mines then put the trap in. just like cod

Well you can change trap for something else and then you won't need sunblast.

I bought a sunblast (low roll) for 3c and used trap to summon Tentacles and damn they were wrecking stuff.
BoswerLK wrote:
cMarivs wrote:
You use Sunblast. Detonate the mine, it lays a trap, Sunblast triggers the trap, it casts the spell.

waste of time. we're summoners...just snapshot the damage boost onto the mine

lay the mines then put the trap in. just like cod

Are you sure this works? My understanding is that they fixed mine snapshotting with the CoD nerf.
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