{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

HunterxXx wrote:
i think i just using bm right now and i'm looking it with 2 bm and 1 ape my question is which better for ape faster cast or atk speed? i need him to buff often

You better forget about BMs. They're dead after vaal update. But if you still love them, then-Faster Attacks for apes.

Thoughts? If I've made errors or incorrect assumptions, I'd love to know - I juggle these numbers a lot, trying to squeeze the most out of my sockets. :-) It's also nice to have a reliable formula, since there's no tooltip dps for minions to rely on.

You seems to be right counting their damage, but wrong counting their speed.
Faster Attacks is "Increased" gem. It's additive with passives from your tree. Multistrice is "More" gem: Multiplicative.
So it'll be:(1.20+0.41)*2.04=3.28
But don't bother about atk spd. FA and Mstrike are the MUSTHAVE gems for zombies, because their base attack speed is VERY slow and stupid.
ah okay thx for advice and sry i mean tittie not bm XD
Last edited by HunterxXx#7208 on Apr 14, 2014, 3:20:50 PM
Could you please stop arguing about titties nd for God sake please stop posting vids...unless you want to to see their breath splater as the future nerf bat will fall on them...
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
lk_77lk wrote:
Could you please stop arguing about titties nd for God sake please stop posting vids...unless you want to to see their breath splater as the future nerf bat will fall on them...

lol agreed with this one its not about damage it just how much u enjoy the game and ur playstyle
I'm trying to decide if I should keep using Evangelists or switch to Tentacles (Titty bitches). But I got some questions:

1.- Gems for good 5-link Tentacles?

Since the damage of Titty Bitches is 50% Phys/50% Fire and Evangelists' are 100% Physical. That means that:

2.- Improving their damage: Vulnerability will improve your Evangelists immediately (along with Zombies) but Tentacles will need more right? Like Elemental Weakness + Elemental Equilibrium? Or will they do fine without those? if they do, that means the game becomes much more difficult in terms or curses and so on?

3.- Better shields: Would it be a good idea to sacrifice a slot (which one?) for Increased Duration on Evangelists for the bubble to last longer? I haven't had a problem yet, I've twice died to Inga Phoenix and the new Templar exile (mind you, both times were rare maps with stuff like 99% extra fire damage...) and I just stayed and watched, zombies died and then the 2 Evangelists (without improved shields) just killed the exiles on their own, no problem, I only had 2 Evangelists at the time.

4.- Auras: Again, Hatred instantly improves Evangelists' damage, but it would only half-improve the Tentacle's, right?

I mean, on paper I think Tentacles are better, but if you run zombies, only 1 curse and certain auras. Wouldn't Evangelists be better and cause more damage?

Has anyone done the damage math for both considering auras and/or curses? I'm almost sure they're both just about the same when you take everything into consideration.

Anyway, again, what are the best links for Tentacles? please.

BTW what is wrong with you people? I just LOVE the sounds the Evangelists make, not kidding, it feels like they're just blowing shit up.
alfapf wrote:
You seems to be right counting their damage, but wrong counting their speed.
Faster Attacks is "Increased" gem. It's additive with passives from your tree. Multistrice is "More" gem: Multiplicative.
So it'll be:(1.20+0.41)*2.04=3.28
But don't bother about atk spd. FA and Mstrike are the MUSTHAVE gems for zombies, because their base attack speed is VERY slow and stupid.

Ah yes. Good catch! Glad to hear the formula is otherwise accurate, though.
BuckingFitches wrote:
I'm trying to decide if I should keep using Evangelists or switch to Tentacles (Titty bitches). But I got some questions:

1.- Gems for good 5-link Tentacles?

Since the damage of Titty Bitches is 50% Phys/50% Fire and Evangelists' are 100% Physical. That means that:

2.- Improving their damage: Vulnerability will improve your Evangelists immediately (along with Zombies) but Tentacles will need more right? Like Elemental Weakness + Elemental Equilibrium? Or will they do fine without those? if they do, that means the game becomes much more difficult in terms or curses and so on?

3.- Better shields: Would it be a good idea to sacrifice a slot (which one?) for Increased Duration on Evangelists for the bubble to last longer? I haven't had a problem yet, I've twice died to Inga Phoenix and the new Templar exile (mind you, both times were rare maps with stuff like 99% extra fire damage...) and I just stayed and watched, zombies died and then the 2 Evangelists (without improved shields) just killed the exiles on their own, no problem, I only had 2 Evangelists at the time.

4.- Auras: Again, Hatred instantly improves Evangelists' damage, but it would only half-improve the Tentacle's, right?

I mean, on paper I think Tentacles are better, but if you run zombies, only 1 curse and certain auras. Wouldn't Evangelists be better and cause more damage?

Has anyone done the damage math for both considering auras and/or curses? I'm almost sure they're both just about the same when you take everything into consideration.

Anyway, again, what are the best links for Tentacles? please.

BTW what is wrong with you people? I just LOVE the sounds the Evangelists make, not kidding, it feels like they're just blowing shit up.

maybe like this RS-GMP-Faster ATK-Remote Mine-Fire Pen
I tried the Titty Bitches, tho only 5L coz i cant afford to 6L them on Dominus run. Yes they are pretty squishy[1 died to dominus tho it was weird pathfinding{Titty isnt supposed to attack dominus from melee range}]. I'll definitely try them out on open maps and maps with bigger rooms like Villa. The damage potential is pretty awesome, even on a 5L.

Tho I did not get the cozy bubble protection, tentacles clear pretty much everything by themselves. Trading defensive utility for more damage, may not be such a bad idea now I think. Also after Colonnade boss, Kole, got near about 1 shot from them[couldnt land a single hit], I think I'll try them on 72-73 maps for maybe a few days.

One thing, I have to ask, their projectiles, do they pierce?? I tried watching closely, but extremely hard to see at that fire rate.
They sometime pierce.
I just noticed something while finaly giving a little try to something:
Consecrated grounds glue on minions when they leave it.
AG seem to now respond tu curse if you turn your back on it, it will stay near you.

I also respected from EE just to try eva with added fire instead of inc dur.
But what really changed everything is the combo desecrate with flesh offering THEN curses: its a different world!

I also gave a try to 5L zombies with skull head for the snapshot instead of the min +2 helm.
They lose 200 hp but I cannot estimate their dps loss... but they re tougher ( armor + regen)

They can now "solo and withstand" merc. Dominus from buddies to all phase, Dominus usually wont slap third hand of god and just die.
Atual gears are

Emergency..or if chaos deteced or guardian closencall
hard to edit link on a cell...

Dual sceptre + dual signet = 21% xp gain 400 more es, AA lv17

If I mind I can do some gem swapping and have +1 level on clarity and discipline... and.. while browsing for a new armour I just sawa 670 es SHIELD oo_oo !!!!! If not for my amulet ill take some anvil.

To have have it survive, cross your finger that ranged will shout at or that it engaged mob on melee..then it start to prop cons ground like it had some stomach leaks. .

I think cons ground are in the 3 to 4 % life regen, sonthe guardian should be nearing 10% and it critt very often (tried the setting with a voll protector then with pcoc support.

My eva poleaxe is nearing to the ready:
Rs. + rem min + trap + min dmg + fas cast + add fire + in aoe (built in)

ZoneShot with sidhebreath + skull head.
Then its like it have dual skull head.
With dual ungil its capped at 75% block
Cassock for the chest(perfect roll)
Skull head helmet (perfect roll)
Glove and boots have tri res + life

It lack a bit of armor and acc and atk spd but dual skull head mitigate a bit with the 4% life regen and the 600 to 700 ish armor it give.maybe next level is using same stats but corrupted item or some unique boots (would lose life and res) to gain some spell block

Carcass jack? Any good for snapshots?
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Last edited by WIKARINA#1936 on Apr 14, 2014, 9:53:15 PM

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