every item you loot is tied to inventory management. it's a thing. what you're suggesting is ability to just pickup all the rares in the map and auto sell them? no, that's not how it works. looting an item is an action that takes time. item types have sizes that also fill up space. it's all correlated together. not sure how you don't see this
Oh I see it. It’s just antiquated as fuck.
You seem to have lost sight of the fact that video games are supposed to be fun (don’t worry, GGG has too). Is leaving your map 2-4 times to go disenchant and deposits items in your stash fun? Or would it be more fun to just keep killing stuff and getting more loot?
Inventory management is not fun. It’s really that simple. Making items arbitrarily massive in our tiny inventory does nothing to add to the overall enjoyment of the game. It’s just an obnoxious, unnecessary obstacle from 30 year old games and an excuse for GGG to sell you more stash space.
Last edited by Blasphemous84#2190 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:01:24 PM
Posted byBlasphemous84#2190on Dec 30, 2024, 9:51:15 PM
Genuinely curious…have you played SSF?
I spent 160 hours on a Ranger and never found a single Greater Jeweler’s Orb. I never found a single divine orb despite doing relatively T16-17 maps for 20-30 hours worth of play. Not 1 divine.
I swap to trade league and have better gear in 20 hours played than I did in 160 SSF. It’s just a joke how big a difference it is.
They need to remove rarity from gear, buff the rarity floor of all atlas nodes and add more rarity to the passive tree and waystones. These buffs should be doubled or tripled in SSF in my opinion. As is, it feels like an absolutely slog. Expecting the average person to put in 300+ hours every league to conquer endgame content is ridiculous. It’s just a dead game mode for most people.
so far i've found 2 greater' orb and 1 divine. i m struggling maintaining t15s.
sometimes i get an exalt in a map. sometimes i get 4-6. sometimes i get none.
sometimes i dont even get a same tiered map in return. sometimes i get no maps in return too.
i really hate that some people do not understand that their experience should does not reflect those of others, that they would stubbornly say its fine due to them having a good experience. no hate to them personally. just that its too easy for people to form such a biased opinion and just dismiss other people.
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Posted byexsea#1724on Dec 30, 2024, 9:52:02 PM
我真的很讨厌很多人不理解 MF 对自制构建的伤害有多大
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Posted byexsea#1724on Dec 30, 2024, 9:53:36 PM
this morning i watched a ryhkker vid on the subject and he pointed out something i forgot.
LE SOLVED this issue.
you could play "SSF" or "Trade" as an opt in. if you played "SSF", there were ways to influence your drops so you could get more of what you wanted. while if you prefered to trade, you wouldnt get "tailored" drops but have access to trade and ability to use items from trading.
so what you mentioned is one of the many things i would want in POE2.
Sucks, but what can ye do?
check out how LE balanced SSF vs Trade. they've already solved it.
I thought I addressed that. Last Epoch tried to "solve" this by having what amounts to Trade and SSF leagues. SSF leagues get absolutely, utterly stupidiculous drop buffs. Like, loot explodes from mobs' ears even worse than PoE1.
The "solution" still failed. As I understand it from having read about it secondhand a few times, it's generally still held that trade league is much better for making specific builds - and LE is a game with dramatically lerss build diversity and gearing than PoE. Frankly, if at any point SSF is ever actuall 'better' at creating targeted builds than trade league, the game as a whole has utterly failed - and since that is the thing people in Path of Exile want to do? Trade league is going to be the de facto standard regardless of whatever.
No they absolutely solved the issue, I don't know what you're talking about, also it's got dramatically larger build diversity with several top performing builds per class and subclass, it's just that they know how to make items not hyper super specific to only be useful on one build.
The LE solution really really works, trade is a little better than SSF, sure but it's not clearly the intended first solution to all problems presented in the game now and forever, like it is in PoE 1 and 2. SSF isn't an afterthought so much so that the devs were surprised anyone wanted to play that way.
Posted byj33bus#3399on Dec 30, 2024, 10:01:22 PM
every item you loot is tied to inventory management. it's a thing. what you're suggesting is ability to just pickup all the rares in the map and auto sell them? no, that's not how it works. looting an item is an action that takes time. item types have sizes that also fill up space. it's all correlated together. not sure how you don't see this
Oh I see it. It’s just antiquated as fuck.
You seem to have lost sight of the fact that video games are supposed to be fun (don’t worry, GGG has too). Is leaving your map 2-4 times to go disenchant and deposits items in your stash fun? Or would it be more fun to just keep killing stuff and getting more loot?
Inventory management is not fun. It’s really that simple. Making items arbitrary massive in our tiny inventory does nothing to add to the overall enjoyment of the game. It’s just an obnoxious, unnecessary obstacle from 30 year old games and an excuse for GGG to sell you more stash space.
it may not seem like that on the surface for you, but inventory management and the "weight of items" have an affect on the player. for example, why would a 2x4 staff take up the same space as a 1x1 slot? also, at the end of the map and you see a bunch of rare one-handed swords laying on the ground, you know you can pick those up and fill your inventory with more rares than if they were all staffs. it's the tiny things like this that add up (and there's more, that's just off the top of my head).
GGG added ctrl+left click to auto move an item from inventory to stash and vice versa. that's an awesome QoL improvement. they also added the affinities and folder system. which are incredible.
inventory management is tied to items and the looting experience. it's all connected. it's intricate but it's there. i hope you take a step back and look it from a different perspective.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020 Last edited by girng#7675 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:04:34 PM
Posted bygirng#7675on Dec 30, 2024, 10:03:18 PM
Quite frankly, I don't believe you. I run T15/16 frequently, with juiced maps and over 100% MF on my character's gear. I'm lucky if I get one Exalted a map, while spending two or three to run it, if I'm fully juicing (depending on if I use an Alchemy or Regal/Exalted). I can't possibly afford to roll items at the same time.
So either something else is affecting drops, or you're full of it.
If you are running t15/t16 maps frequently, that means you exalting them, and vaaling them, correct? Probably about 50 a day if you are really farming?
So... Again, How do you not believe it's possible if you are doing it lol. Maps are items that you slam too.
Posted byAverBeg7#1689on Dec 30, 2024, 10:03:43 PM
What is your counterpoint to that?
there are casuals, there are sweaters, there are people who follow builds, there are those who dont. there are people who are lucky, there are those who are not.
the fact is there are many people who are playing the game and feeling the itemization is "not sufficient".
i personally was overleveled and had a tough time "SSFING". i was over 80 and was tired of doing lower tier content, i solved everything INSTANTLY by just trading for items that i wanted. my resists were fixed. my survivability improved, and i made progress.
similarly on the campaign i was 5-10 levels overleveled but when i got really good drops or if my yolo crafts worked out, i would suddenly be able to progress.
when i rerolled, thanks to all the old gear i kept, the game was so much easier.
for sure you had a good time and found everything sufficient. but thats YOUR experience. whatever i say cannot invalidate your experience. i will not try to because its stupid of me to do so.
on the flipside, just because you managed to get what you need, does not mean others are having the same experience.
heck, if you're up for a challenge try rolling a trumelee warrior and not resort to cheesing strats such as cry/totem builds and not resort to using twink gear.
it might change your viewpoint. or... it wont.. but in either case, just because you didnt see a problem with it, doesnt mean others shouldnt.
Okay, there's casuals, and there's sweats. What makes you feel entitled to be on the same level as the players sweating, as a casual?
There's people who follow builds, and people who play scuffed builds that hit walls too early. It is a community effort to make great builds. Why do you expect to run into something that clears the whole game as just one person with no POB?
As a casual, you should be happy with completing the campaign. Which can be done with any scuffed build. If you are not using the community to bounce ideas off of, or to get inspiration from, then what makes you think you are entitled to the highest level of gameplay?
The lategame is there to be conquered by these so called "sweats". If your build sucks, then find a better one and reroll, like everyone else. If you want to do only your own ideas, you are just making it hard on yourself.
Any counterpoints?
Last edited by AverBeg7#1689 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:10:13 PM
Posted byAverBeg7#1689on Dec 30, 2024, 10:06:29 PM
mf on gear forces players to optimize. the existence of MF necessitates GGG to balance drops around MF. dont play MF? fuck you, here have a few wisdoms scraps and t1 waystones. it feels bad.
if you're weak, you're effectively punished for being weak as you cant fit in mf.
mf only serves the players that are using highly efficient builds.
its creating the player gap that is prominent in poe1. i fucking hate that gap. a gap definitely will happen but mf helps make the gap larger.
A game like Torchlight Infinite has the crafting you'd probably enjoy. There is no MF, only juicing maps. And trading exists, of course, but you're also able to craft all your gear with the currency you find. It felt amazing.
But too bad PoE2 won't learn from Torchlight Infinite because wtf is that game, right?
Anyway, if you get bored of PoE2 at some point, you should check it out.
Posted byHwtChirino#2462on Dec 30, 2024, 10:07:18 PM
If you are running t15/t16 maps frequently, that means you exalting them, and vaaling them, correct? Probably about 50 a day if you are really farming?
So... Again, How do you not believe it's possible if you are doing it lol. Maps are items that you slam too.
this is the entire premise of this thread.
the game REQUIRES you to MF if you want to play. running safe maps, or just even slamming trans/augs. is not enough.
thats a good way to kill the "more casual" playerbase, as well as kill of build diversity.
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Posted byexsea#1724on Dec 30, 2024, 10:07:32 PM
A game like Torchlight Infinite has the crafting you'd probably enjoy. There is no MF, only juicing maps. And trading exists, of course, but you're also able to craft all your gear with the currency you find. It felt amazing.
But too bad PoE2 won't learn from Torchlight Infinite because wtf is that game, right?
Anyway, if you get bored of PoE2 at some point, you should check it out.
i actually sing a lot of praises to TLI in other subforum topics.
that said, if poe2 simply becomes an updated version of poe1 with all the nuances of mf/juicing still being around it really does make my enjoyment of the game reduced and it could very well definitely make me quit poe entirely.
i've already given up on poe1 and the entire reason why i m bitching is because i want poe2 to be more enjoyable than it already is.
poe2 is the best arpg TO ME. but does have some rough bits that needs smoothening out.
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Posted byexsea#1724on Dec 30, 2024, 10:10:51 PM