Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I restarted a new char yesterday... made a Mercenary (Was warrior before).. I advice everyone suffering to try re rolling... It was a breeze. I almost felt disappointed as the game was almost too easy with a just little change on approach.

I only died again in the Rathbreaker at start of act 2 and after that once in Dreadnought. The count took me less than 2 minutes to kill. Took me 3 hours to reach dreadnought, So even the pace increased vastly after you know where you are going

Also.. anyone that is sttubornlingly not using WASwith a ranged class.. just use WASD... makes the game 10 times easier.

this might be a big reason for some player complaints, I think lots of people wanted to try warrior with shield cuz it looked cool but 1h damage in this game seems like it won't go anywhere.
BndrIPL#2994 wrote:
No other game like CS GO or LoL or Guild Wars 2 or Grim Dawn or OW2 is THIS impossible to play.

GW2?! Game with 5 skills + 4/5(?) utilities + stance/element/... switching + weapon switching coupled with dodges and WSAD action(ish) combat? That GW2?

PoE2 has far less keys needed than that and most of the frequently used can be mapped (why num keys are not mappable?) to any decent mouse anyway leaving one hand to control movement (and lesser used skills) while mouse one does most of the work.

5 (LR+middle+4/5) buttons on average mouse + modifiers if really needed is enough.
Simsung#1729 wrote:
I’m struggling to find many things that are enjoyable about it. It feels like the game has completely lost what made the original PoE great. Here’s what’s been bothering me so far:

The gameplay feels repetitive and monotonous. From level 1 to 30, it’s the same thing over and over. The only progression I notice is the number of buttons I have to press, not in any meaningful evolution of my build or mechanics. The combat feels like it’s turned into a "boss fighter" with small breaks in between for killing white mobs. It doesn’t feel like a hack-and-slash or an ARPG anymore, and honestly, it doesn’t even feel like it should be called PoE2. It’s such a drastic departure from the first game that it feels like a completely different genre.

Build variety and balance are a mess. I started with a minion build, and it was so bad I had to re-roll. Minions spend more time on cooldown than actually fighting, especially with bosses constantly throwing out screen-wide one-shot mechanics. After re-rolling to a lightning build, it felt like I was playing a different game—double the DPS with half the point investment. The imbalance between builds is ridiculous and makes experimenting feel like a waste of time.

The item drops are terrible. There’s no sense of reward, and no noticeable power spikes as I level up. At one point, I had to go back and farm gold just to afford random items to keep progressing. Crafting is minimal, so there’s no way to mitigate bad RNG either. It makes progression feel slow and unrewarding.

The levels themselves are just boring. They’re painfully linear, with no sense of exploration or variety. Add to that the color palette, which is the same dull, dark tones everywhere, and it all feels like one monotonous blur. The lack of environmental variety is a huge letdown. Questing doesn’t help either—it’s as boring as it gets, with nothing engaging or interesting about the objectives.

Movement and combat feel clunky and frustrating. The dodge roll slows down your character, which kills the flow of the game. Why would you intentionally slow down a game like this? Minion body blocking is awful. I can dodge god-tier spells, but I can’t move past a chair or a pebble on the ground? It’s ridiculous. I’ve died so many times because of invisible terrain or random clutter. And getting one-shot by invisible off-screen projectiles like crossbow bolts? That’s just bad design.

Even the performance is disappointing. The game runs terribly on my RTX 3080 and i5-10700K. In towns, the resolution drops, and it barely hits 60 FPS at 2.5K—not even 4K! Optimization is clearly not there yet. And graphically, it’s a mess. The grass and upscaling look terrible, like they were rushed or completely overlooked. How this got through QA is beyond me.

Right now, PoE2 feels like a chore to play. It’s a dull, clunky, and unrewarding experience that’s missing the essence of what made PoE1 great. The potential is there, but unless major changes happen, it’s hard to see how this will appeal to fans of the original. If this is what they’re calling PoE2, I’m not sure I want to keep playing.


Just following up -

If the game releases and continues in this form, I will not be playing it and this will be my last purchase. If I could refund the supporter pack, I would.

An update after getting more hours into the game:

Feel of the game has improved after I have gotten a decent weapon upgrade after lvl 30 from a friend. NOTHING GOOD dropped for me in ~35 lvls.
I got one good rare upgrade that matched my desired build from the npcs.

The closer I got to 40, the more I like the game, but:
a) I feel like I'm playing a piano. If I dont use my skills perfectly, white mobs require 5-6 actions each and are extremely punishing.
b) I got ONE regal orb till lvl 30
c) I got two exalts till lvl 30
d) between 30 and 40 I got 4 exalts
e) the more damage I deal and better gear I get, the bosses become much easier, so the difficulty curve in my playthrough, is the exact opposite of what you would expect in a video game
f) if you are unlucky (like me) some builds are basically unplayable and you will get stuck in the campaign
g) REMOVE THE BODY BLOCK or give me a tool to deal with it early on. There's no counterplay to it, it absolutely sucks, especially when you spawn mobs on purpose on both sides of the character. If the player doesnt have the top tier gear, they cant even kill it fast enough to get out of it.
h) when a decent item shows up, it costs 70% of your total gold

will report back after I put some more time in
I dont regret the purchase any more, but I have issues with the game
shammma#4977 wrote:
i bet 90% of people making these post have all passives invested in offense.

I do, and I could die in one shot(ish) if I made mistake. And I love it :).

Taking it slow and only in mid Act2 ATM without looking up builds and guides.
I love the difficulty level in this game - that you can, and you will very often lose. You will be killed repeatedly, and then you will need to go back, check if maybe for this boss you need to sacrifice a bit of DMG for the the sake of defense, and try again. It is so refreshing.
Poe2 is not hard
Yes, it is harder than Poe1, but hard? Not at all

Killed act 1 boss with my Merc X-bow in 1st attempt - without grenades! It takes 3 attempts with my Lightning rod/arrow ranger and, again, in single try with my Contagion + Ess drain witch. All tries were at lvl 17-18

Can't see where are you able to find that 'hard' really
Just don't rush - this is NOT Poe1!
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313
Last edited by SilverWF#6383 on Dec 10, 2024, 6:06:35 AM
kuudou#3277 wrote:
I kind of agree, the Act 1 boss Count Geonor is prime example of a boss that is only "hard" because of how insanely tedious the fight is.

Two phases? Cool. Varied attack patterns and screen filling spells that you have to dodge? Great stuff. An invulnerable phase with ads that you have to overcome to switch things up? Very creative.

Now how about we give the second phase a huge chunk of health so you have to repeatedly slowroll through his spells, grind through his freeze fog phase and hear his voice lines on repeat 8 times throughout the fight until you run out of flask charges and die due to pure attrition. That's not challenging, you've seen all the mechanics the boss has to offer about half way through the fight. His health pool being just so much more massive than your DPS at that level (~16 or so) just means you have to suffer the other 50% just going through the motions with nothing new. The balance is completely out of the window.

Kinda curious what class and build you were playing. I played Warrior that early on has really crappy single target damage but I didn't feel like I was running out of flasks at all. Act 2 final boss was a different story because his basic attacks are basically unavoidable from melee range, that one needs some fine tuning.
Are you happy now?

Try playing the game for more than a day. I am now swimming in rares, gems, the new increased drop rates.

It's a semi loot pinata now, I have stashes filled with everything an alt needs. Bosses are /lol as soon as you get any sort of synergy

It's far beyond Dark Souls, so much alarmist gloom and yet you didn't even bother to play a decent length to get a true gauge.

Yes it starts off slow, some builds slower than others, some builds start fast off the bat. But it only takes 1-2 days before the loot fountain is overflowing.

Do you want it to go back to were you loathed loot drops because it was 95% useless and saturated?

It's like people played up until Devourer and just thought this is how hard it's going to be for 6 acts. Act 3+ is a joke, A4 you'll be swimming in everything including gold. I don't even have a reason to spend my gold anymore, don't need to gamble either.
Last edited by poeGT#1333 on Dec 10, 2024, 6:59:26 AM
poeGT#1333 wrote:
Are you happy now?

Try playing the game for more than a day. I am now swimming in rares, gems, the new increased drop rates.

It's a semi loot pinata now, I have stashes filled with everything an alt needs. Bosses are /lol as soon as you get any sort of synergy

It's far beyond Dark Souls, so much alarmist gloom and yet you didn't even bother to play a decent length to get a true gauge.

Yes it starts off slow, some builds slower than others, some builds start fast off the bat. But it only takes 1-2 days before the loot fountain is overflowing.

Do you want it to go back to were you loathed loot drops because it was 95% useless and saturated?

TBH they could have balanced the loot at the START to make the very start a bit more smooth.
git gud i guess

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