Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I've been playing PoE for years, and I have thousands of hours in the game.

Today I played PoE2 for ~5 hours and rage quit.

I failed to kill the act1 boss 10 times, i have 22 deaths, and honestly........ it's NOT FUN.

The reason why I love PoE is that i DO NOT HAVE TO BE ZIZARAN to enjoy it.
Let's be honest, i've played for thousands of hours and I'm NOT good at it.

Do you know how many times I've killed Maven without being hit by the memory game? 0. I've never been able to dodge it with all the beams. It's a matter of skill. But you know? it never mattered because i had my freaking 6 portals. And by getting a lot more gear than what the GOOD players need, I can finally do it. In softcore of course.

And in the campaign, I can try to kill brutus multiple times. On a brand new character I was never able to pass the second map without being killed by Roas at least once since the rework of act 1. I just can't. I try. I'm NOT GOOD. It didn't matter, because i could progress anyways!

The "dodge or die" mechanic is boring to me. I do NOT play souls games because they are boring. There are other people that DO like that. It's totally fine, but it's not the gaming i like. PoE2 feels a LOT more like "souls" than PoE1 IMHO.

That's why I rage-quit. Because i'm tired of one-shots and having to re-do the whole thing again. Because of losing progression. I'm barely in act 2 and i'm already tired of this.

I understand your decisions, but they are not fun for me. I don't even want to make another character right now to see if it changes anything. Because I won't be able to dodge the mechanics; and therefore I won't be able to play it.

It's a shame :( I was beyond excited.
I have suggestions, but I don't think they matter, because you went in a completely different direction than I'd like.

Honestly, I don't get it.
I never played poe nor diablo. It's my first time with such game.
I glide through maps without any effort. Sure, I die sometimes, usually it is due to going too fast and taking too many mobs.
The first act boss died on my second attempt, and had 20% hp left in last phase in the first attempt (I went too much Rambo style at the first one).

I would not say that this game is particularly hard. It even seems too easy most of the time, as there is not much challenge as for now (sekemeth was the only challenge, I am at Deshar in second act right now).

I enjoy exploration and making sure that I've seen everything on each map and didn't miss anything. Maybe you are just going too fast between maps, missing out on xp and items?

You also can go back to previous, easier maps and farm some better equipment if you feel that you need it (which you probably know better than me as you played poe for years).

I would be dissapointed if this game got any easier in terms of fights...
I was OK with the campaign being pretty annoying and was hopeful for maps.

Now I'm at maps and farming t4's and it's just not good...

The game reminds me soooooo much of diablo 4 launch. Terrible map layouts that force you to run around doing nothing. Every single map layout is some annoying series of tight hallways, seemingly designed to make us move as slowly as possible. The map layouts alone make me not want to play.

If I could respec for a reasonable cost that would keep me engaged longer, but my spec feels boring now and a respec of 50% of my nodes will cost over 300k. In PoE1 I'd just buy a stack of like 200 respec orbs at the start of the league and never have to worry about it again.

kuudou#3277 wrote:

Mercenary. I didn't look up any meta builds and have been experimenting with double barrel frag shot, passives mostly focus on maximizing bleed. The setup works fine on most of the content (albeit a bit slow on bosses because of the reload speed), but the Geonor fight is where I hit a wall since the damage output is just not high enough to keep the fight under 15 minutes. Pure attrition, like I said.

Look for comboing abilities together, thats where the high damage comes from. Example with Warrior your damage is going to be very low if you just spam one ability. They're clearly going for a gameplay style where you combo abilities together.
The difficulty of the game is amazing. Perfect balance. Please don't make it easier!
MEITTI#3999 wrote:
kuudou#3277 wrote:

Mercenary. I didn't look up any meta builds and have been experimenting with double barrel frag shot, passives mostly focus on maximizing bleed. The setup works fine on most of the content (albeit a bit slow on bosses because of the reload speed), but the Geonor fight is where I hit a wall since the damage output is just not high enough to keep the fight under 15 minutes. Pure attrition, like I said.

Look for comboing abilities together, thats where the high damage comes from. Example with Warrior your damage is going to be very low if you just spam one ability. They're clearly going for a gameplay style where you combo abilities together.

I hear you. With my build frag shot works best with freezing shot. Except Count Geonor has high cold resist sot he freezingshot/fragshot combo works very poorly on him since he takes wayyy too long to freeze. I've been spamming grenades and even trying flameshot with the incendiary change+ support gem. It's still a slog at level 16. So maybe I just need to farm.
I feel exactly the same i will stick to poe1 this version feels like it is for top players only :(

The "dodge or die" mechanic is boring to me. I do NOT play souls games because they are boring. There are other people that DO like that. It's totally fine, but it's not the gaming i like. PoE2 feels a LOT more like "souls" than PoE1 IMHO.

That's why I rage-quit. Because i'm tired of one-shots and having to re-do the whole thing again. Because of losing progression. I'm barely in act 2 and i'm already tired of this.

I understand your decisions, but they are not fun for me. I don't even want to make another character right now to see if it changes anything. Because I won't be able to dodge the mechanics; and therefore I won't be able to play it.

Just out of curiosity, what do you want from a game? Basicaly just you and the boss exchanging blows and the highest numbers win?
kuudou#3277 wrote:
MEITTI#3999 wrote:
kuudou#3277 wrote:

Mercenary. I didn't look up any meta builds and have been experimenting with double barrel frag shot, passives mostly focus on maximizing bleed. The setup works fine on most of the content (albeit a bit slow on bosses because of the reload speed), but the Geonor fight is where I hit a wall since the damage output is just not high enough to keep the fight under 15 minutes. Pure attrition, like I said.

Look for comboing abilities together, thats where the high damage comes from. Example with Warrior your damage is going to be very low if you just spam one ability. They're clearly going for a gameplay style where you combo abilities together.

I hear you. With my build frag shot works best with freezing shot. Except Count Geonor has high cold resist sot he freezingshot/fragshot combo works very poorly on him since he takes wayyy too long to freeze. I've been spamming grenades and even trying flameshot with the incendiary change+ support gem. It's still a slog at level 16. So maybe I just need to farm.

Yeah the builds need some kind of other option if the main idea doesn't work. Lot of really huge bosses are near immune to Stuns, so against those bosses Warrior usually has to resort to fire damage instead. Also don't underestimate the standard attack, its surprisingly decent single target dps if you put some support gems in it.
I see very similar feedback from a lot of PoE 1 players that they simply don't ever want a mechanical skillcheck in the game essentially. I think PoE2 benefits that your mechanical skill is a factor and you have to work on it. I find it very odd they were willing to put in hundreds of hours to learn all the systems in poe1 but are unwilling to put time in to learn an encounter.

They should buff underperforming skills and fixed bugged interactions ofc. But I don't think you should be able to just ignore mechanics and pass the boss fights. Particularly all the complaints for the act one boss. I've gotten past him on two characters now and none of the mechanics one shot you, you die because you eat multiple things in a row.

Dying ten times is really not a lot, it's a few minutes a try. I think too many PoE1 players cannot handle any sort of friction. Which is fine, but I don't want to see PoE2 become that, it is not meant to be that imo. If you want no friction PoE1 is there for you.

And whilst OP did not say it, too many are puffing out their chests that they've played arpg's for years and that they shouldn't have to play differently. PoE2 is not the same as the others, it's time to adapt to something new!

I don't want it to rain useless loot that needs filtered, I don't want the game to become 1 button clears nor do I want the mechanics to be ignorable. If you can ignore mechanics, mobs and never need a combo you're not even playing a game anymore. Might as well play cookie clicker at that point.
I'm not dissapointed, persay, I'm getting what I asked for. But I do have one issue with the current design above all others:

PoE is a game about gear, I wish that weren't the case but it absolutely is. It is a game about locating better +1 stats from the previous hour. You now have a dodge button that can mitigate some of that, but the difference between doing a Maraketh Trial with a level 16 weapon and a level 20 weapon isn't night and day, it's a completely different game.

The issue is that there's extremely limited control over how we obtain items. PoE1 has this endless flood of 'rare trash', but it did mean that you were never behind the curve for long. You would, likely, locate a +1 at around the time you'd need it.

But in PoE2, the most effective way of actually getting +1's appears to be using the gambler and just hoping you roll a rare on a higher base item than you had before. It's possible the Regal Fix may help with this - I haven't had much time .0c, but it's extremely painful, especially for the melee classes who suffer the most from having their gear constantly 'checked' by boss autos, or forcing you to dodge roll between every attack.

Oh, and just a bugbear, you could cut every map in half and they'd still be massive. As they currently are they are *insane*, I was legitimately thinking of Diablo 4's massive nightmare open world way too much, and that's not a positive comparison at the best of times.

Still, the game is sticky and when it works, it works super well. It's rough right now, but a year or two in EA should make something very, very special. Good bones.
Every death brings me life.

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