Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

poeGT#1333 wrote:
Are you happy now?

Try playing the game for more than a day. I am now swimming in rares, gems, the new increased drop rates.

It's a semi loot pinata now, I have stashes filled with everything an alt needs. Bosses are /lol as soon as you get any sort of synergy

It's far beyond Dark Souls, so much alarmist gloom and yet you didn't even bother to play a decent length to get a true gauge.

Yes it starts off slow, some builds slower than others, some builds start fast off the bat. But it only takes 1-2 days before the loot fountain is overflowing.

Do you want it to go back to were you loathed loot drops because it was 95% useless and saturated?

TBH they could have balanced the loot at the START to make the very start a bit more smooth.

I'll admit as a FRESH player starting from zero the gold costs for vendor gear at the start are WAY too high and need toning down.

The vendors are an amazing source of gear later on too, I really do mean amazing. Some pieces may last you multiple acts or even all of them.

Adjust the vendor gold costs at the start to make it more realistic for what the mobs drops. I havent played an alt today but,when I was fresh the uncut level 1 skill gem drop rate felt really low, but the level 2 drop rate is really high.

Maybe add/adjust some source to get a couple more support lvl1 uncuts in A1 too. But nothing now needs to be drastically done.

The jeweler low orb change was good too, I agree they were too low before the buff.

The powercreep will come fast, A4+ if it wasn't for no movement skills you'd be zipping around like POE1 with all the damage you can get.
Last edited by poeGT#1333 on Dec 10, 2024, 7:04:18 AM
I'm a monk at level 28. I'm outleveling the trial of sekhamas at monster level 22.

And I still fail.. Five attempts now, reached last boss (in attempt 5) but couldn't take it down before losing my last remaining honour. Took me 2 hours to fail all 5 attempts. I think this game are not meant for those who can only play for short(er) periods. It needs time to keep retrying over and over again.

I really want to enjoy POE2, really do. But this game is leaving me dismayed, frustrated and I'm literally banging my fist on my game table.

Time to take a breather....

Last edited by ChengMW#7850 on Dec 10, 2024, 9:57:09 AM
The newest patch is making things feel better, still a ways to go but I am having a bit more fun now.

I still feel bosses have too much HP but drops are feeling much nicer, just got 2 exalts off a rare mob in Act 2.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
ChengMW#7850 wrote:
I'm a monk at level 28. I'm outleveling the trial of sekhamas at monster level 22.

And I still fail.. Five attempts now, reached last boss (in attempt 5) but couldn't take it down before losing my last remaining honour. Took me 2 hours to fail all 5 attempts. I think this game are not meant for those who can only play for short(er) periods. It needs time to keep retrying over and over again.

I really want to enjoy POE2, really do. But this game is leaving me dismayed, frustrated and I'm literally banging my fist on my game table.

Time to take a breather....

At that point you're just playing wrong. All the monsters in the Quest Sekhema trial are slow and have super-telegraphed attacks. I'm playing Melee and I hardly got hit by anything except the big golem boss.

Remember that monster melee attacks in PoE 1 and 2 are not automatic hits, they're invisible AoE cones in front of the monster. Meaning you can circle behind monsters and get free hits in while avoiding incoming damage. This also works in PoE 1 where you can circle behind Hillock and Izaro and dodge 95% of their attacks.
Sahara48#0771 wrote:
Having a blast! No time to cry on forums, sorry :D Yeah 3 deaths so far, just finished Act1, loooving it, already crafting more than ever during act 1 in PoE1 and such.

Oh btw for those who forget: Its an Eaaaaaarly Access <3

wdym by "crafting"? idk if id call transmuting a white item crafting
MEITTI#3999 wrote:
kuudou#3277 wrote:
I kind of agree, the Act 1 boss Count Geonor is prime example of a boss that is only "hard" because of how insanely tedious the fight is.

Two phases? Cool. Varied attack patterns and screen filling spells that you have to dodge? Great stuff. An invulnerable phase with ads that you have to overcome to switch things up? Very creative.

Now how about we give the second phase a huge chunk of health so you have to repeatedly slowroll through his spells, grind through his freeze fog phase and hear his voice lines on repeat 8 times throughout the fight until you run out of flask charges and die due to pure attrition. That's not challenging, you've seen all the mechanics the boss has to offer about half way through the fight. His health pool being just so much more massive than your DPS at that level (~16 or so) just means you have to suffer the other 50% just going through the motions with nothing new. The balance is completely out of the window.

Kinda curious what class and build you were playing. I played Warrior that early on has really crappy single target damage but I didn't feel like I was running out of flasks at all. Act 2 final boss was a different story because his basic attacks are basically unavoidable from melee range, that one needs some fine tuning.

Mercenary. I didn't look up any meta builds and have been experimenting with double barrel frag shot, passives mostly focus on maximizing bleed. The setup works fine on most of the content (albeit a bit slow on bosses because of the reload speed), but the Geonor fight is where I hit a wall since the damage output is just not high enough to keep the fight under 15 minutes. Pure attrition, like I said.
The amount of views and comments on this thread are a good indicator of how the majority of the playerbase feels. And if you need any more proof look no further than reddit.

They're either gonna make some massive design shifts or the game will sink harder than the Titanic.
Toforto#2372 wrote:
The amount of views and comments on this thread are a good indicator of how the majority of the playerbase feels. And if you need any more proof look no further than reddit.

They're either gonna make some massive design shifts or the game will sink harder than the Titanic.

The game is being praised all over the internet, youtube, twitter, just the cry babies 1% loud minority is complaining.
IGN: Ziggro
I'm a monk at level 28. I'm outleveling the trial of sekhamas at monster level 22.

And I still fail..

You need to spec for some kind of stun, focus on staggering bosses, and kill them fast with bell.

This video is about a higher level point in the monk, but these concepts translate to a lower level also.

This Build Goes SUPER FAST And FREEZES EVERYTHING!! - Ice Strike Invoker Build Update - YouTube
Last edited by KuroSF#6521 on Dec 10, 2024, 2:26:09 PM
ziggro#7495 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:
The amount of views and comments on this thread are a good indicator of how the majority of the playerbase feels. And if you need any more proof look no further than reddit.

They're either gonna make some massive design shifts or the game will sink harder than the Titanic.

The game is being praised all over the internet, youtube, twitter, just the cry babies 1% loud minority is complaining.

Don't worry, all the tourists trying the game out will hop off the hype train eventually. Just give it some time.

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