Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

KuroSF#6521 wrote:

I read this as a request for "every builds to be viable" which I simply don't agree with.

If 95% of skills are not viable, 'build diversity' is a lie.
GGG needs to do better at balancing.

Also, big problem in poe2 scaling is that passive tree is boring and weak.
Finding a better weapon usually gives more power than getting 10 extra passive points.
I love p.o.e 2 compared to Diablo 4 and I never played p.o.e 1 but they need to take the good from Diablo and idk about the first game and work with at making it better. Gear shouldn't just dissappear into the void if you get killed by a death effect or something else before picking it up and the only other real problem I have is that you die so easily and the game atleast on xbox lags a ton when you play with other players. I can do some t4 and t5 maps very easily and than I go into some and get 1 shot by some stupid mechanic. I would rather take a little longer to kill enemies but be able to survive enough that 1 mistake or lag in the game doesn't end all my work up until that point. If you want to make 2 game modes one soft soft core and one where people get 1 shot do that but atleast make progressing matter. I haven't really progressed much from level 50 to now 74, I have gotten some extra damage but not a ton and I've gained almost 0 survivability in all those levels. Maybe that's my fault but getting better gear is very very rare on drops or crafting amd buying them is impossible until you're good enough that you don't really need them anyway. I have plenty of upgrades I can do but to get even a little upgrade over the gear on me takes divines or 100s of exalted amd even with 140% rare find ive found 2 divines the entire time playing and 0 greater or perfect jewelers orbs.
game is hard at first. i died 40 times to the colossus titan. kept trying and won. Gets a whole lot easier.. even with a fresh char, i can blow through the acts quickly..
"fuck around and find out"
Although people are stating it gets easier and you learn to defeat the bosses after repeated attempts, this isn't why I, personally, play games. I have limited gaming time and I don't want to spend it having to learn the secret to not dying 20 times to every mini-boss when I first encounter them. For me, it's not fun. It feels like I've been put in a Grandmaster first-person lobby and I'm canon fodder so the mini-bosses can have a good time.

POE1 was not like this, I love POE1. This is not a successor, it's a whole new design strategy.

I have also quit, I tried to come back, and rediscovered the frustration. I know if I put the time in I'll be able to defeat the mini-bosses and see the content I have paid for, but I just don't have the desire to do so. The cost outweighs the benefit.
I agree with the OP 1000%.

I bought into EA because of PoE1 and wanting to support GGG who has set the bar for F2P games in my book.

However, I think they made a huuuuuge misstep by catering to pure sweats. Yes, I am a filthy causal, non-stat whoring, non-buidlguide using pleb, and am totally fine with that.

I ran through every campaign in PoE1 without any help and had a blast.

Now, I kit a ring, and it makes a skill disappear and I have no idea why - spent several minutes browsing forums and can't find answers.

Die 20 or so odd times to the end boss in ACT ONE (like wtf? can't you ease us into it guys?) after dying repeatedly to mobs and sub bosses, IN ACT ! FFS!

Yes I have looked at changing builds figuring out how to counter, etc ... I'm lazy, but not that lazy.

It's like GGG thinks were all Mathill or Ziz ... fuck this. I wish I could get a refund.
Last edited by Z3R0J33#8383 on Jan 18, 2025, 5:49:18 PM
POE 2 is infuriating. Its frustrating because I love the game so much, I continue to play even though at times, the hardness of the game takes away the fun.

Don't get me started on Act 1 final Boss.... I am the type of player that likes to go through a campaigne doing my own thing, trying different stats that I think would be good for my character, only to realise at the end of Act one and part way through Act 2 that it's not going to work. Constantly dying, not killing fast enough and in the end I had to get a friend to help me get to end game as I couldn't solo at this point.

By the time I got to end game, all bets were off, I just could not survive, I had to go onto youtube and follow a build and respec my skills, I couldn't do my own thing. Now I can kill fast and I am on T15 maps of end game and also on Citadels. I am sick of getting one-shot killed not just by Rare bosses but also normal mobs within the maps, and exp is so hard to get now, that losing 15% every time you die really sucks. I made it 50% through level 89 and then died in the next few maps and lost all of that experience... not fun when you have to start again from scratch. To be honest I think I would have reached level 90 Ages ago if it wasn't for the one shot kills that happen to me.

I don't have the most epic gear but in my opinion my gear is not bad and could be worse. I can't afford to buy the propper end game gear because players are selling the gear I need for like 20+ divines and thats just for a wand I need.....Yet my mate who has an archer was able to buy most of their gear for about 3-5 divines (lucky him). Because I dye so easily, I dnt bother doing things like those purple hand things, or rituals etc, and if I have a map that has a world boss in it, I can only do T10 or lower Map (depending on the boss) if I go higher, I will most likely die. I don't upgrade mt maps at T15 because I will die.

Whats up with world bosses that have the mana and life sucking barrier around them - that seems so unfair, I had to fight Radja Dread Engineer in muwdaun mine and immediately died. Why? Because the area in which you fight it was small and she had one of those mana and health sucker barriers around her, so she kept draining my life and mana really quicky and would also hit me with her insanely powerful flame thrower. Even though I have 55% fire resistance. Thats just one of many examples where I think the game needs some blanace. Yes a game should be challenging, but this game is just out the gate, its not fun. I really hope they fix it, getting oneshotted by annoying purple floating balls or grenandes or bolts of lighting coming down from the sky sucks!
180hours in game. Endgame. Good gear, good build.
Chill run to maps before bed, just 12 level. And from outside the border of the screen appears f....ing beam of fire... dodge don't help, it's auto aim on you.
Ok, dodged first one, okay another two appears a drilled me to death at the seccond. Is that fun ? No. Is that based on my skill ? No. Is that my build issue ? No, all the other stuff almost dont do damage to me.
And how do i need to fight monsters outside of my screen ?
Hello ?
This f..ing hardcore only made for hype "wooow most hadcore game".
Stupid boring grinding shit with overcomplicated mechanics that doing simple things.
Two types of mana regeration and recovering... WHY ??!
+30% damage but it's no +30% damage it's ony 30\2*123.7 then add your skill level, put that modifier stone (that didn't work on your skill) and add your current time and you get +3.5313123% of additional damage. Thanks a lot !
I'm having a lot of fun. This shit ever worse than in diablo 4 (and diablo 4 was made by tooootal retards by the way), but there more fun.
Hubris. Dev hubris. I wish I could get a refund.
I'm suffering through it to see if things improve but it hasn't been fun at all.

This is verbatim what I've been saying. I love PoE1 and I love souls games, and I've beaten all of them and I still hate the execution of this game as some sort of "version" of that. It fails to even understand what made those games have a mass appeal in the first place and just thinks rolling and being one-shot is the whole fuckin thing.

I beat the campaign, and loved it. It needs to be a little easier, I think, for newer players in act 1. In act 3, a little difficulty is fine. In Maps? Maps are misery. Its like they went "We found a bug where players didn't want to jump off a bridge while mapping, which goes against our viiision so we added hating you into every single button press. This should lower your enjoyment back down to a reasonable negative integer. :) So quirky!"

Like excuse me? Why do I hate this game more the more I play it?!
Gambling addiction means that I win more than you do.
Sahara48#0771 wrote:
Having a blast! No time to cry on forums, sorry :D Yeah 3 deaths so far, just finished Act1, loooving it, already crafting more than ever during act 1 in PoE1 and such.

Oh btw for those who forget: Its an Eaaaaaarly Access <3

Toxic and tone deaf.
Gambling addiction means that I win more than you do.

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