Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

-30%hp on mobs +400% drop rates. and turn off respecc costs for EA.
-30%hp on mobs +400% drop rates. and turn off respecc costs for EA.

Why shouold they do that? I think the cost could be minimally lower, but I respeced like half of my tree 2 times already by doing couple of map runs. Not even whole maps. Gathered some rares - sold them and I was able to respec, gained some xp and moved forward with new skills.
Monster hp also feels ok. I mostly one shot everything in act 2, except rare mobs or minibosses and bosses ofcourse. What I found myself doing is a lot of juggling of skills supports before boss fight. It would be nice to have some sort of gem skill sets like with weapon, a preset that you can switch to for AOE map cleaning vs single target demanding boss fight.This would be amazing!
Last edited by piotrektt#6808 on Dec 10, 2024, 2:23:49 AM
the game is making me mad twice, bad loot and design all around and its fucking freezing my pc i have to force reboot every 1 hour
the game is making me mad twice, bad loot and design all around and its fucking freezing my pc i have to force reboot every 1 hour

its win11 update24 issue. I had it in poe1. Seems some games on that windows version freeze. There is already couple threads about it and ggg is also aware. I expect they will have a fix or workaround soon enough because I know how annoying this one is. I solved by installing win10 and now waiting to update to win11 because of this.
Last edited by piotrektt#6808 on Dec 10, 2024, 2:29:17 AM
dontango#3737 wrote:
Perq#4049 wrote:
I've been playing PoE for years, and I have thousands of hours in the game.

Today I played PoE2 for ~5 hours and rage quit.

I failed to kill the act1 boss 10 times, i have 22 deaths, and honestly........ it's NOT FUN.

You joined in 2017 sweet prince. You have years of experience in PoE1 that is a game that most veterans of the original PoE left because it is TOO EASY.
You're not good at the game, the issue is not within the game.

Just if you wonder, I've killed the act 1 boss on my first try. Get good zoom-zoom boy.

But what if i do not want to get good? What if i don't want to break my fingers constantly doing 3 spell combos for white mobs? The game is not for me, eh? Imagine a world where there would be several difficulty levels when starting. The elite pro gamers (in an ARPG, LOL) like yourself could feel especially elite by starting on hard and i could enjoy the game on normal or even easy... Alas no. I got to git good. I opted for the uninstall instead.

Creating difficulty levels is not as easy as you think and the most "obvious" approach of just decreasing damage/life of monsters is often criticised in games (for a good reason). This is additional work that would have to be put into the game that is probably not worth it, since THE FIRST GAME STILL EXISTS.
If you don't want to "get good" and don't enjoy this playstyle, just keep playing the first one.
That said I doubt that you'll try to understand anything I just wrote since your attitude is more of a stubborn baby than an adult. Laughing at me using "the elite pro gamers (in an ARPG, LOL)" while also complaining that the game is too hard because you have to press more than one button tells most everything about why you're here.

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:
Fayzon#6008 wrote:

Pick a zone that has some good bosses, try to beeline those bosses, get gear drops, win. I got stuck a few times and just farmed a decent zone that had 2-3 bosses and got enough gear to continue on. If your dying, lose some damage nodes for some tank.

I'd argue the opposite: If you're dying, get your damage up.
What's dead can't hit you. Best damage prevention.

okay sure, where is the dmg coming from? thin air?
I look forward to what the next several years bring for POE2. So many QOL improvements (seeing #'s on the tree is insanely good), boss fights are amazing, but the feel of movement, skill/support gems, classes, everything -- is lacking for me.

No way to sustain well (like spell leech for instances) -- no way to feel OP/strong (especially early). It just feels too much like dark souls for me personally. I like the boss fights ---- but I don't like rolling non-stop and spamming the same couple skills that don't feel that customizable / powerful. Just feels bleh for me personally.

I will probably continue for a great deal of hours though, hopeful I'm getting that late-game payoff. Love GGG regardless and I have to believe they see something in this game style that I don't currently see. I was shocked when they said they would continue supporting POE1, but now I completely understand (and appreciate) this statement.

I hope on-going support for POE1 continues hard while POE2 finds its identity.
I also had trouble with act 1 boss. Would get him to 30-40% before he killed me.

But i went back and re-speced points and skills. After that annihilated the boss after that. I also had full charge on bottle at the end of fight.

So I think you have to adjust a bit.
I also had trouble with act 1 boss. Would get him to 30-40% before he killed me.

But i went back and re-speced points and skills. After that annihilated the boss after that. I also had full charge on bottle at the end of fight.

So I think you have to adjust a bit.

This is it.
It is heavily based on the build.

I mean it sounds kind of obvious that the build has a huge impact, but bad loot drops paired with hard boss mechanics lead to frustrating experiences.

Lower damage = longer boss fights = more chances to die.
Lower armor/evasion/shield = more chances to die.
Lower flask = more likely to die.
And so on.

Or to say it differently:
Dodging boss mechanics for 5-10 minutes is more fun than perfectly dodging boss mechanics for over 20 minutes.

It is not so much of a skill issue like other people here say, but has a lot to do with luck due to loot drops.

This is why I am looking forward to the changes that were announced today.
It is a good compromise.

Bosses do not get nerfed (actually, I really like the mechanics), but the players get a better experience due to bad luck protection and some other changes (dodging, etc.).

I am happy that PoE is making those seemingly well-balanced changes. Let's see :-)
I restarted a new char yesterday... made a Mercenary (Was warrior before).. I advice everyone suffering to try re rolling... It was a breeze. I almost felt disappointed as the game was almost too easy with a just little change on approach.

I only died again in the Rathbreaker at start of act 2 and after that once in Dreadnought. The count took me less than 2 minutes to kill. Took me 3 hours to reach dreadnought, So even the pace increased vastly after you know where you are going

Also.. anyone that is sttubornlingly not using WASwith a ranged class.. just use WASD... makes the game 10 times easier.
Last edited by Urza_Mechwalker#7393 on Dec 10, 2024, 5:20:03 AM

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