Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
" Pick a zone that has some good bosses, try to beeline those bosses, get gear drops, win. I got stuck a few times and just farmed a decent zone that had 2-3 bosses and got enough gear to continue on. If your dying, lose some damage nodes for some tank. |
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" I'd argue the opposite: If you're dying, get your damage up. What's dead can't hit you. Best damage prevention. |
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Mob respawning after death feels really bad.
In dark souls the map is fixed and mob encounters are designed. You can remember where mobs are and avoid them if you like, making backtracking a breeze. In poe2 maps and mobs are random, there are too many mobs for you to ignore making backtracking a chore and destroying any sense of accomplishment, and the worse part is that drops disappear, so if you are about to get that rare weapon you were looking for and die, tough luck, keep grinding 4 more hours until it appears again. |
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i cant believe you are crying over a challenge! so you died get over it. you know how many times people died. and came back for the win after being farmed. The feeling of satisfaction is amazing. If you want a mindless game id say go to d4
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I kind of agree, the Act 1 boss Count Geonor is prime example of a boss that is only "hard" because of how insanely tedious the fight is.
Two phases? Cool. Varied attack patterns and screen filling spells that you have to dodge? Great stuff. An invulnerable phase with ads that you have to overcome to switch things up? Very creative. Now how about we give the second phase a huge chunk of health so you have to repeatedly slowroll through his spells, grind through his freeze fog phase and hear his voice lines on repeat 8 times throughout the fight until you run out of flask charges and die due to pure attrition. That's not challenging, you've seen all the mechanics the boss has to offer about half way through the fight. His health pool being just so much more massive than your DPS at that level (~16 or so) just means you have to suffer the other 50% just going through the motions with nothing new. The balance is completely out of the window. |
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this game is worse than poe 1 in ever way.. it has better graphics and boss fights sure.. but it has worse gem system most skills are terrible or just dont work.. YOU get zero loot even in endgame maps.. you get 2 rares a map with transmutes augs and maybe so other bubblegum currency.. not a single person even had UBER LAB YET so GL casuals theres nothing fun about poe 2
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" Its because you are trying to play POE1. Play it on its own terms. Pay attention to boss mechanics. Be patient. Look for the punish windows. You can't just zerg damage. By Act 3, I was melting bosses. I killed Doryani in one go because I was used to the style. But there is a difference between being a gazelle and a elephant. Be the Gazelle. |
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They have literally deployed a patch an hour ago, so I hope y'all professional whiners can shut up and enjoy the game now ♥
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they are already addressing loot issues and other 'not rewarding' gameplay mechanics :) That was fast. I think soon I will buy my first support pack :D |
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" They are fast :D |
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