Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I understand you, and that's perfectly fine. Someone who can't learn a boss's mechanics and improve with each attempt likely won't enjoy this game, and that's okay. That's precisely why they split the two games and continue updating both to cater to different audiences.

The game does need some adjustments, like drop rates, respec costs, and turning off auto-targeting by default. However, as you mentioned, "there are other people who DO like that." Most players seem happy with the game's difficulty overall.

I've played Path of Exile for about six years, clocking over 6k+ hours, and I’m extremely satisfied with the game's challenge and pacing. My complaints are minor and revolve around things that can be easily fixed.

Every time I kill a boss, it becomes easier—I improve at the mechanics and get faster. The first time, I spent an hour defeating the Act 1 boss, but by the third time, it was a one-shot. I truly hope they never nerf the difficulty.
Not to brag at all, as all my previous posts in this thread would testify, just to give some players unfamiliar with Souls games on how PoE2 actually compares in terms of difficulty.

I just one shot Geonor with minion build witch. Always stay on the move is the key, as when the red circle appears you are already moving from the center of it. Move, then dodge, and you're ok. With the adds phase: I run around in small circles, basically timing the boss attack myself as it's rhythmic, he does the charge attack every several seconds.

My witch death count still sits at 0 (lv15 ranger death count 5), just one shot the act 2 first boss as well. Geonor was the hardest fight so far sure, but I barely had to heal, finished the fight with almost full health flask. Wish I'd recorded the fight but got a screenshot.

Have only mediocre gear as well. 0 uniques so far, half rare, half blues. Minions dead half the time isn't a deal breaker, as witch I still had 2 DoTs and a curse, these skills did the most damage.

I always play melee in Souls games and never cheese bosses. So far PoE2 is challenging for sure, but nowhere near as brutal for a Souls veteran. I went into Geonor and other bosses with 0 knowledge of their attacks and just played normally. Part of the problem is the overall slow progression and unrewarding loot, class balance is also pretty bad. Another problem is that I'm not representative at all of the average player's skill, and I can totally see many typical ARPG enjoyers having a hard time right now, let alone the casual crowd.
its not suppose to be a fkn souls like my guy its suppose to be an ARPG this aint poe
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If it was the same game it wouldn't make sense they release a new one, wouldn't it?

Weird that people use "souls like" like they only have one word in their vocabulary. What makes a game "souls like"? Patters recognition? Mistakes get punished? Limited resources? Access to roll with iframes? Aren't we all playing goth Zelda then?

Y'all need to learn how to give feedback, most of this community just sound like gamer Karens and it is hard to empathize. I have been playing PoE1 since Betrayal as a very casual player and by my understand people are just pissed because they aren't shitting currency and manipulating the market by the first Sunday. This was never a reality for me, so I am okay with that.

The game is still extremely unpolished, you won't have to worry about replaying the campaign for a least a year. Why did we normalize growing adults giving tantrums because they didn't get exactly what they expected?
its a negative when a league comes out and you are rolling what 1 starter? 1 farmer? 1 mid then 1 endgame build then some meme builds? thats the problem, who wants to take ages to progress acts for the 100th+ time
Add Scion To PoE2
Last edited by Victini#7730 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:47:57 PM
Maybe will help someone Give it one more try

I changed my mind on this game.
I hope GGG understands that no one from their core auditory won't play this Path of Ruthless 2. And tourists will play the campaign once and forget about PoE forever. And those tourists won't buy support packs.

PoE2 should become the Diablo 4 killer, now it can be the GGG killer. Unless they make some radical changes.

I personaly don't want to play it anymore. And I definitely don't want to replay those boring, tedious, unrewarding and slog acts again every league.
Last edited by witcherz#1677 on Dec 9, 2024, 1:16:29 PM
witcherz#1677 wrote:
I hope GGG understands that no one from their core auditory won't play this Path of Ruthless 2

Good thing it'll get its own core audience.
I understand you, and that's perfectly fine. Someone who can't learn a boss's mechanics and improve with each attempt likely won't enjoy this game, and that's okay. That's precisely why they split the two games and continue updating both to cater to different audiences.

What you need to understand is the difference between something being to difficult for someone to pull off and someone disliking something.

For example, I have done Geonor with multiple characters. With the first one it took me 8-10 attempts, I don't really remember, but it was a lot. The last one took me two attempts (there's a specific problem in that I have difficulties understanding the depth information of the 'kill pillars', so if I get a 'bad' pattern it's game over), so I learned what to do and I can execute it.

I still strongly dislike the fight, to put it mildly. It takes way too long for the things that happen. The majority of the actions you have to take is run away or dodge. That does not feel satisfying, let alone heroic. You just run from combat until your attack window comes, and repeat that ad nauseum.

Actually, the reason why I lose these fights is specifically that they take so long without anything interesting happening. I get _really_ bored and try to hasten it, which of course leads to mistakes. These are simply wars of attrition, and that's something I'm not particularly fond of. (Especially since I seem to be unable to build a character with really strong self-sustain, but that might be a 'me problem' or a drop RNG problem.)

Thing is, all the boss fights are essentially that. Run away like the scared little thing that I am until I see a tiny window to attack.

Additionally, there's a couple of other things I don't like. For example, I think the amount of CC I am subjected to is too high. CC in games are a fickle thing. It feels very nice to CC monsters and then bash their head in with some mighty skill/spell. Being on the receiving end is one of the worst things to have in a game. It means you have to watch helplessly as your toon gets destroyed. This is not only true for Geonor (get slowed/frozen and nuked by the slam or some pillars), but for many other bosses as well. While this is of course the player's fault for not executing well enough, it's one of the worst ways to punish them. So of course I'll learn that and avoid it the next time. It doesn't make the experience one inch better, though.

Please understand that when someone criticizes something it's not automatically 'boo, player bad, git gud'. Even if I clear an encounter on the first attempt (like many of the other bosses) I can have valid criticism about them and/or dislike them. These things are _not_ tied together. An easy fight can be 'bad' just as well as difficult fights can be 'great'.
Last edited by Zork#7081 on Dec 9, 2024, 1:22:16 PM
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Last edited by barrakick#7574 on Dec 9, 2024, 1:23:51 PM

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