Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

+100 to everything OP said.
Summoner#7705 wrote:
dontango#3737 wrote:
But what if i do not want to get good? What if i don't want to break my fingers constantly doing 3 spell combos for white mobs?
You can play PoE 1 or Diablo 4 or billion other ARPGs. PoE 2 is one of a kind game and you want to ruin it for those who love it just so you get another clone on the pile of other screen clear ARPGs made for people like you.

And no, difficulty levels are not good. One difficulty retains strong community and gatekeeps from casuals who want to turn everything into the same slop.

Hate to tell you this, games that need to continue to make money typically need the casual crowd for population. POE1 tried the difficulty and less rewarding route and was against screen clear racing. There is a reason they changed to be easier and embrace screen clear racing in seasons.
913dinor#3498 wrote:
So why force the souls-like idea into a genre that isn't even remotely compatible with it?

That's your opinion. If your gear in PoE 2 is lacking, you can offset it with skill. If your skill is lacking, you can be doing twice as much damage as me, but you're going to die. The game punishes you for playing poorly and rewards you for playing well, which is incredible and as it should be. If you don't like a challenging game, that's fine, not every game needs to cater to you. PoE 1 still exists.
913dinor#3498 wrote:
We saw the same comments when Last Epoch or Diablo 4 released, and now no one cares about those games.

No one cares about Diablo 4 because Diablo 4 was released unfinished and is and always was the EXACT OPPOSITE of PoE 2. It's a screen clear look at the pinata boss slop. Have you even played it?

Nothv13#0740 wrote:
Hate to tell you this, games that need to continue to make money typically need the casual crowd for population. POE1 tried the difficulty and less rewarding route and was against screen clear racing. There is a reason they changed to be easier and embrace screen clear racing in seasons.

It needs a community that will keep coming back, not the casual crowd that will leave onto the next big thing the next month. And if you turn PoE 2 into another PoE 1, it won't make business sense because now you have two f2p live service games competing for the same type of player and basically cannibalize or split the community when you could retain it on your product 1, and then keep a different type of player on product 2.
Nothv13#0740 wrote:
Hate to tell you this, games that need to continue to make money typically need the casual crowd for population. POE1 tried the difficulty and less rewarding route and was against screen clear racing. There is a reason they changed to be easier and embrace screen clear racing in seasons.

And there's a reason PoE2 isn't going the same way. The reason being that your "casual crowd" isn't really keeping PoE1 afloat. I bet they're simply too finicky on average and will happily move away from PoE once another similar game entices them with shinier looks (like D4 did).
Nothv13#0740 wrote:
Hate to tell you this, games that need to continue to make money typically need the casual crowd for population. POE1 tried the difficulty and less rewarding route and was against screen clear racing. There is a reason they changed to be easier and embrace screen clear racing in seasons.

And there's a reason PoE2 isn't going the same way. The reason being that your "casual crowd" isn't really keeping PoE1 afloat. I bet they're simply too finicky on average and will happily move away from PoE once another similar game entices them with shinier looks (like D4 did).

So tell why did POE1 start out difficult with less loot and cut back on difficulty while upping the loot drops? Why is Ruthless mode so unpopular? They are repeating the same thing they were trying in the beginning of POE but with a dodge roll and claiming souls-like difficulty.

Then entire point of seasons is to get casuals back and playing. The hardcore fans don't need seasons to come back and play, just like the hardcore Souls fans play the games religiously over and over, or how D2 fans played it so much with no new content. It works for those since they are not wanting to make continuous money or really care about player base after the initial purchase.

Maps are stupidly big, takes forever to slog your way through it all to find the interest points / exits.With all the hp sponges in the middle that you can never ignore because you'll get body block.
Feels more like a chore than anything else, I'm bored

I'm trying to push thinking maybe it gets better when you have the right gems and all but really getting frustated at this campaign slog.
too hard for me :(I can't even pass the final boss of act 1.
lvl 17, I try to read some tuto to optimize my necro, but I m still too weak.
I knew POE 1 was hard but I couldn't imagine POE 2 could be so hard on act 1 :(
very frustated too and a little bit disapointed.
Last edited by Starfox#7487 on Dec 9, 2024, 4:57:53 PM
Played more. Stuck in A2 because of loot, way to less. Lvl 30 with a 50max hit 2h mace. Impossible to play.
Roll, Roll, Roll your bod
Furriously around the screen
Furiously, Furiously, Furiously, Furiously
cos fun is just a dream
Last edited by shadygiz#1432 on Dec 9, 2024, 6:00:29 PM
too hard for me :(I can't even pass the final boss of act 1.
lvl 17, I try to read some tuto to optimize my necro, but I m still too weak.
I knew POE 1 was hard but I couldn't imagine POE 2 could be so hard on act 1 :(
very frustated too and a little bit disapointed.


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