Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

witcherz#1677 wrote:
I hope GGG understands that no one from their core auditory won't play this Path of Ruthless 2

Good thing it'll get its own core audience.

Not necessarily one that can truly sustain the game. If they didn't want to appeal to PoE1 audience at all, then why use the same IP?

We need to wait around a month or two to really see where the dust settles. Given the amount of people who have clearly quit, I suspect the relative drop to be much higher than it would be from new league numbers of PoE1.

And if we talk about retention between leagues, currently PoE2 would have almost none because of how much it takes to complete the acts. Doing same slog over every league with a leaguestarter and then rolling more chars? Just can't see that being reality.

I wish GGG would´ve reskined poe1 with poe2 graphics and animations. Boss design is amazing too but everything else im not sure...
Nagisawa#4090 wrote:
Lauxent#2629 wrote:
Thinking is the problem.

Most people don't do it.

I died about 20 times for the first boss of ACT2.

But it was my fault for being stupid.

Once I realized playing close to him and getting to his back was the way to go, it became way too easy.

The checkpoint system helps with not having to redo a lot of stuff.

What you're complaining and rage quitting about is your own self pity and victimism.

Finally someone honest. Thanks.

Yes, everyone else is lying, because they don't agree with your take.

As always.

Ok, lets start with facts, you`re dumb, nooone said about lying. Also, you saying "everyone else is lying" implyes that you dont even consider de fact of a enourmous part of the comunity agreeing with that opinion, so as always, you disregard the opinion of people who doent agree with you.

So far(act 3) the game isnt HARD as people say, yeah i died a couple of times, but that does not make the game hard, people who are getting stuck on easy stuff, its because they are refusing to learn how to play, its the same situation as giving a sheated sword to someone and sking them to cut wheat and they refuse to Draw the sword before trying, the tools to beat the game its there[/quote]
I really dislike the direction of the game. I dislike how every company now tries to be "souls-like," and by doing so, GGG has abandoned their identity as ARPG developers.

Even if lack of loot will be fixed, I don't like the core design of the game.

In a good souls-like game, you can beat every piece of content as a level 1 character. It's all about skill. In every bad souls-like game, you cannot beat the game as a level 1 character; you need to be powerful enough to kill enemies quickly before they attack you.

In an ARPG, you will never beat bosses as a level 1 character, it's all about a stats check, just like in every bad souls-like game. So why force the souls-like idea into a genre that isn't even remotely compatible with it?

Also, the hitboxes are really bad.

I am at the end of Act 3, and the only fight I liked was Count Geonor's. I can easily imagine that fight in a FromSoftware game. Other bosses are meh, boring and overtuned.

Now I am fighting the Queen of Filth in act3, and the fight is really bad. One-shot attacks and covering the arena (which is too small for this encounter) with ground spells is just bad design.

Most of the time, I'm just happy the fight is over. I don't feel any sense of reward or accomplishment.

I also hate that every new game has small, narcissistic, selfish trolls who think the game should be made just for them. "Git gud", "This game is everything I ever wanted", yeah, sure. We saw the same comments when Last Epoch or Diablo 4 released, and now no one cares about those games.

I can bet the same people made similar comments about D4 when it come out.

These players will finish Act 1 in the next two weeks and then abandon the game because it will be too hard for them. Ironically, this kind of player are looking for easy gratification in games and gets bored easily.
Not necessarily one that can truly sustain the game.

Why do you think that PoE1 audience sustains it but PoE2 audience won't? Are you even have any data that it won't be the other way around?

If they didn't want to appeal to PoE1 audience at all, then why use the same IP?

Because they're heavily reusing everything (worldbuidling, lore, setting, etc etc) from the first game?

Naaaaah, can't be. Surely it's only because they hate PoE1 players.

We need to wait around a month or two to really see where the dust settles.

We need to wait until PoE2 releases out of early access and THEN a month or two.
Player retention in a half-finished and still unpolished game is hardly a good measure. I don't even expect it to be good despite the game itself being good. Personally, I sure won't be sitting there for hundreds of hours watching those "coming soon" labels and playing half-finished late game.

I suspect my blood mage build is pretty sub optimal while leveling, mostly due to the very limited options for of physical damage spells. Still everything seems way too tanky. I've made unearth and bonestorm as strong as I can, and still I have to resort to pulling and kiteing small groups of enemies. It might actually be fun if I had to do this for the tougher groups, but it's literally every single generic enemy I have to do this with, and that just get's tedious. Still it wouldn't be that bad if not for the fact that when you die they all just come back. At minimum I feel like enemies should not respawn on death. If they're going to make the game tough and grindy for sub optimal builds, at least don't undo all our hard earned progress on death.

And the boss fights are even worse. To be clear, I can appreciate all the obvious effort that went into making cool and interesting bosses. And I don't mind losing to bosses repeatedly as I learn their patterns, and adjust my strategy. And some of the bosses are like this. They were very difficult until I figured out a strategy that worked, and then they weren't bad. I wouldn't say it was a particularly fun process for me, but it's at least acceptable.

The problem is that most bosses that are a giant grind fest (for at least some builds) even after you figure out how to avoid all their attacks. These fights aren't exciting or challenging, they're just tedious and grindy. Even when I finally succeed at one, I don't feel excited, or like I accomplished something. I just feel relieved to finally be done with it. Not to mention the near complete lack of loot.

I could understand making the optional bosses this tedious, but it's even the story bosses. I've been stuck on the last boss of act 2 for hours now. I don't have any real issue dodging his attacks even. He just doesn't ever give me enough time to charge bonestorm without losing life myself, and nothing else I have does any damage to him. So eventually my healing flask just runs out due to the lack of adds, and the boss slowly whittles me down.

I'm about ready to give up on my blood mage entirely at this point, as it feels like there is no way to improve my situation. It feels like my only remaining option is to spend all my gold and gems to completely respec and go with some other better supported build. And that just feels really bad.
I like the difficulty and the loot very very much. We dont have to link items now, so way less loot is needed. Find one item type u want and u can easy pimp that to gg. Warrior here.

It is superior in every aspect compared to poe1 and i have 3k hours in the first one.
I suspect my blood mage build is pretty sub optimal while leveling, mostly due to the very limited options for of physical damage spells. Still everything seems way too tanky. I've made unearth and bonestorm as strong as I can, and still I have to resort to pulling and kiteing small groups of enemies. It might actually be fun if I had to do this for the tougher groups, but it's literally every single generic enemy I have to do this with, and that just get's tedious. Still it wouldn't be that bad if not for the fact that when you die they all just come back. At minimum I feel like enemies should not respawn on death. If they're going to make the game tough and grindy for sub optimal builds, at least don't undo all our hard earned progress on death.

And the boss fights are even worse. To be clear, I can appreciate all the obvious effort that went into making cool and interesting bosses. And I don't mind losing to bosses repeatedly as I learn their patterns, and adjust my strategy. And some of the bosses are like this. They were very difficult until I figured out a strategy that worked, and then they weren't bad. I wouldn't say it was a particularly fun process for me, but it's at least acceptable.

The problem is that most bosses that are a giant grind fest (for at least some builds) even after you figure out how to avoid all their attacks. These fights aren't exciting or challenging, they're just tedious and grindy. Even when I finally succeed at one, I don't feel excited, or like I accomplished something. I just feel relieved to finally be done with it. Not to mention the near complete lack of loot.

I could understand making the optional bosses this tedious, but it's even the story bosses. I've been stuck on the last boss of act 2 for hours now. I don't have any real issue dodging his attacks even. He just doesn't ever give me enough time to charge bonestorm without losing life myself, and nothing else I have does any damage to him. So eventually my healing flask just runs out due to the lack of adds, and the boss slowly whittles me down.

I'm about ready to give up on my blood mage entirely at this point, as it feels like there is no way to improve my situation. It feels like my only remaining option is to spend all my gold and gems to completely respec and go with some other better supported build. And that just feels really bad.

I think the bulk of the problem IS the quantity of loot.

The gear we are stuck running with for the bulk of the game is just garbage.

Let's be real, much of the gear we are wearing right now is gear we wouldn't pick up off the ground in PoE.

If you make an alt and feed it good level appropriate gear, everything actually feels 'good'. The boss fights feel challenging but not painful, clear speed is not blazing fast but you're not kiting trash packs.

It's just the gear.
neosun#1001 wrote:
I like the difficulty and the loot very very much. We dont have to link items now, so way less loot is needed. Find one item type u want and u can easy pimp that to gg. Warrior here.

It is superior in every aspect compared to poe1 and i have 3k hours in the first one.

Yet if you don't get that loot you are at a wall. There is a reason why the devs moved POE1 away from what ruthless is when it launched and why its increased difficulty and reduced drops are not popular in POE1.
dontango#3737 wrote:
But what if i do not want to get good? What if i don't want to break my fingers constantly doing 3 spell combos for white mobs?
You can play PoE 1 or Diablo 4 or billion other ARPGs. PoE 2 is one of a kind game and you want to ruin it for those who love it just so you get another clone on the pile of other screen clear ARPGs made for people like you.

And no, difficulty levels are not good. One difficulty retains strong community and gatekeeps from casuals who want to turn everything into the same slop.

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