Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

For me, the difficulty of the boss fights has mostly come down to two things.

One, I don't seem to be finding good gear consistently. I was level 25 and still had level 8 boots. I was able to compensate for some of that by leaning into gambling more, and that has helped.

Two, a lot of the arena areas for the boss fights are just unnecessarily small. I understand there being one like that occasionally to capture a certain feel in a boss fight, but it seems like in most of them you can't create any distance between you and the boss or get away from certain AoEs.
Thinking is the problem.

Most people don't do it.

I died about 20 times for the first boss of ACT2.

But it was my fault for being stupid.

Once I realized playing close to him and getting to his back was the way to go, it became way too easy.

The checkpoint system helps with not having to redo a lot of stuff.

What you're complaining and rage quitting about is your own self pity and victimism.

Finally someone honest. Thanks.
Theres a middle ground here and I hope everyone can see that.

I'm pretty sure we're at this middle ground RIGHT NOW.

Not a single basic mob requires special attention, you throw some of your skills their way and they die (provided your build is at least functioning at all).

Some elites require some attention, still they die pretty fast.

Bosses require your full attention.

This is very much "middle" ARPG ground were you can mow trash mobs fast yet take care around special mobs.

That's your opinion and perspective and there's a lot of people that disagree with you. So it doesn't appear we are at the middle ground.
Lauxent#2629 wrote:
Thinking is the problem.

Most people don't do it.

I died about 20 times for the first boss of ACT2.

But it was my fault for being stupid.

Once I realized playing close to him and getting to his back was the way to go, it became way too easy.

The checkpoint system helps with not having to redo a lot of stuff.

What you're complaining and rage quitting about is your own self pity and victimism.

Finally someone honest. Thanks.

Yes, everyone else is lying, because they don't agree with your take.

As always.
Well, I can accept this kind of difficulty when it's skill based like in the soulsbornes this is trying to emulate (and incidentally almost no one manages to emulate, even when it looks like a soulsborne, because they don't know how to do fair difficulty).

However, this is grind/gear based difficulty in an endless grind free to play game. So I'm afraid I just deleted my characters and uninstalled because i don't see myself doing this for months.
Last edited by Gugurila#1722 on Dec 9, 2024, 11:59:08 AM
edit: it failed to quote. lame

"there will be a demographic it appeals to"

yeah, a tiny demographic.
Last edited by lordkazan#6983 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:00:33 PM
dontango#3737 wrote:
But what if i do not want to get good? What if i don't want to break my fingers constantly doing 3 spell combos for white mobs? The game is not for me, eh?

Yes. The game is simply not made for you. That's just the reality of it. It just so happens I enjoy this style of gameplay a lot, so I'm happy with it.
Double posted for some reason.
Last edited by bendking#6176 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:01:55 PM
bendking#6176 wrote:
dontango#3737 wrote:
But what if i do not want to get good? What if i don't want to break my fingers constantly doing 3 spell combos for white mobs? The game is not for me, eh?

Yes. The game is simply not made for you. That's just the reality of it. It just so happens I enjoy this style of gameplay a lot, so I'm happy with it.

Nice! You just told him he wasted his money and should get a refund from GGG. Or they effectively stole his money for misleading him.

Well done!
Nagisawa#4090 wrote:
bendking#6176 wrote:
dontango#3737 wrote:
But what if i do not want to get good? What if i don't want to break my fingers constantly doing 3 spell combos for white mobs? The game is not for me, eh?

Yes. The game is simply not made for you. That's just the reality of it. It just so happens I enjoy this style of gameplay a lot, so I'm happy with it.

Nice! You just told him he wasted his money and should get a refund from GGG. Or they effectively stole his money for misleading him.

Well done!

GGG never lied about this game. They made it clear it would be slower and more strategic, as well as harder. And yeah, if he's disappointed with it I assume he did 'waste his money', that's just the way it is. Sometimes we buy things and aren't happy with them.
Last edited by bendking#6176 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:09:29 PM

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