Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

Perq#4049 wrote:
I've been playing PoE for years, and I have thousands of hours in the game.

Today I played PoE2 for ~5 hours and rage quit.

I failed to kill the act1 boss 10 times, i have 22 deaths, and honestly........ it's NOT FUN.

You joined in 2017 sweet prince. You have years of experience in PoE1 that is a game that most veterans of the original PoE left because it is TOO EASY.
You're not good at the game, the issue is not within the game.

Just if you wonder, I've killed the act 1 boss on my first try. Get good zoom-zoom boy.

But what if i do not want to get good? What if i don't want to break my fingers constantly doing 3 spell combos for white mobs? The game is not for me, eh? Imagine a world where there would be several difficulty levels when starting. The elite pro gamers (in an ARPG, LOL) like yourself could feel especially elite by starting on hard and i could enjoy the game on normal or even easy... Alas no. I got to git good. I opted for the uninstall instead.
The game feels too slow. Even slower than Diablo 4 and that's no fun. I've played 3 characters now and at no point does it feel rewarding. Almost no items drop and currency is zero

I don't care that bosses are hard or that mobs do more damage, but rather that the bosses are currently just "roll roll roll hit" mechanics and then drop a scroll. I can't improve my character with crafting because I can't get the mats anywhere. It's even worse than Ruthless POE 1. is just boring and Its not that hard, its just unnecessarily tedious.
why does path of exile 2 try to be like diablo 4 only in "dark souls"ambience... everything that made up poe 1 has been removed here.

I hope something changes a lot, but it looks like I'll continue to stick with poe 1.
Man, what I noticed after reading some of this is that anyone who thinks this game is too slow and difficult - gets gaslit with replies saying “you just want poe1 zoom zoom screens explode”.

Theres a middle ground here and I hope everyone can see that. You can make this game less difficult and more rewarding with better player speed and not create screen explosions meta. It’s not dark souls or loot simulator. That’s not how this works.
I've got to A3 with a patently zdps warrior without ever using dodge or wasd (apart from unskippable tutorial), it is doable, but some attacks (a2 end boss, megababoon in the jungle) seem to be unavoidable even if you move exactly as it is telegraphed (it's tracked in such a way that you can't avoid it even with leap slam and shield charge). Regardless, controls aren't the issue, the issue is that you have to perform with no major mistakes for 10+ minutes (which is about as long as it took for us to kill hc bosses in WoW pre Legion (quit after that), which is very challenging especially if the mechanics constantly affect you FF XIV style). It maybe fun to do once (and even that is arguable), but definitely it will get stale very soon if you have to farm bosses 10s or 100s of times (i've killed ubers in 3.25 SSF for dozens of times and got none of the good things apart from ashes that I don't need on both my chars)
Last edited by tsamolotoff#0248 on Dec 9, 2024, 10:26:20 AM
Theres a middle ground here and I hope everyone can see that.

I'm pretty sure we're at this middle ground RIGHT NOW.

Not a single basic mob requires special attention, you throw some of your skills their way and they die (provided your build is at least functioning at all).

Some elites require some attention, still they die pretty fast.

Bosses require your full attention.

This is very much "middle" ARPG ground were you can mow trash mobs fast yet take care around special mobs.
I got to act 3 for the first time after trying 5 different characters... from late act 1 onwards everything feels abit too overtuned. i dont mind challenging game, but fuck me it took me over an hour to get thru the Dreadnought thats ONE FUCKING ZONE.i died 7 times to those leaping monsters, 10+ of them jumping on me and theres nothing i can do (cough cough phasing for dodge roll please)

Last edited by Shatraugh#5113 on Dec 9, 2024, 10:29:51 AM

Some elites require some attention, still they die pretty fast.

Yes, but only if you've been fortunate enough to get good drops lol, or any drops at all that lets you progress your weapon and/or armor.
A lot of people including myself have so few drops it's crazy. That's probably the basis of the majority of the complaints on here.
Give us more crafting drops and a little bit more gold, this will allow us to enjoy the game more.
Good thing theres poe1, a lot of people like me want poe2 to be what poe1 was on beta release. They could make it harder and id love it.
IGN: Ziggro
Since I didn't play PoE1, I wanted to get a general feel of the game to see how different classes are. I have tried 3 so far, Sorceress, Warrior and Monk. I played them all to 6 to familiarize myself to the game and then played my Monk up to level 9, so far.

The first fight I have really struggled with has been

Asinia, the Praetor's Consort

I don't know if I am under-geared, under-leveled or both. My plan is to try the same again maybe with the sorceress and see how it goes.

Generally speaking though, I have enjoyed the game. It's challenging and I did not feel the pacing of the game or going through maps has been too slow. Not to this point atleast. But then again, I didn't play PoE1 and have not played an ARPG since D3.
Last edited by fistfullofbeer#7624 on Dec 9, 2024, 10:58:51 AM
Thinking is the problem.

Most people don't do it.

I died about 20 times for the first boss of ACT2.

But it was my fault for being stupid.

Once I realized playing close to him and getting to his back was the way to go, it became way too easy.

The checkpoint system helps with not having to redo a lot of stuff.

What you're complaining and rage quitting about is your own self pity and victimism.

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