Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I see with today's patch notes that they have somewhat nerfed the minion combo explosion damage. I agree that class balance is not very good atm but the right approach should be to buff the garbage skills and weaker classes instead of nerfing something that is a little OP but not broken.

Another thing, after I one shot the Executioner boss with my second class, the ranged adds that spawned mid-fight didn't despawn when the boss died, it was so strange. So I was half health when the boss died, about to collect loot, then got shot by the ranged mobs and almost died. Considering the loot disappear when you die, that there are still mobs left attacking me when the boss itself lay dead on the ground is really wierd.

So far I'm taking my time. Ranger at lv.15, death count 5; switched to Witch since with Ranger I only got garbage loot and it was become more and more of a chore just to clear maps, and I knew how demanding Geanor is. Witch now at lv.14, death count 0. To those who have never touched a soulslike game before, you do need to learn to dodge, it's not to be spammed, I do agree GGG doesn't do a good job educating players on this important new mechanic. And even when you play a ranged class, never stand still for more than 2-3 seconds, I always stay on the move and it's easier to do that with WASD than K&M. Movement and dodging should be a lot friendlier to souls veterans and hardcore MMORPG players.
I’m loving it so far but it is a tad on the difficult side, mostly because of the very limited ways to get better gear. Crafting currency is way to uncommon. I don’t understand how it is remotely possible to max res in the campaign for example, items that add sockets are very uncommon. I still run some gear from act 1 in act 3 which made ultimatum ascendency boss hell on earth.
Don't feel bad. I don't even think it's hard and the game still isn't fun.

All the people saying stupid stuff like "Get good" are just idiots. The game is slow, unrewarding, and a chore to play.
Gkek#1581 wrote:
Don't feel bad. I don't even think it's hard and the game still isn't fun.

All the people saying stupid stuff like "Get good" are just idiots. The game is slow, unrewarding, and a chore to play.

I had no problems finishing acts without dying. But I have thousands of hours of experience. I can see why people die all the time. For new players this game is a horrid experience.

Regularly dropping a common crafting component, a scroll of wisdom and a couple of magic items from brutal act boss fights are laughable, from a game that is supposed to reward with loot.
If you take loot out of these types of games, there is very little left.

Running around maps for half an hour looking for a small quest objective is the anthesis of fun.
It feels like a chore to play, completely unrewarding. No space to experiment with gear, gems and currency
I actually like how hard it is. Diablo 3 and 4 got boring fast because they were too easy to the point where I was mindless grinding until I would fall asleep.

PoE 2 keeps me on my toes and makes each boss fight feel like an accomplishment. Makes me want to keep playing.

Please do not lower the difficulty.
It feels pretty amazing. It was quite a long time ago I've experienced a game where e.g. a 2H weapon swing felt like a 2H weapon swing and not some flailing with a styrofoam stick.

I'd take it over PoE1 weightless and twitchy tempo any day.
8valve#1162 wrote:
I actually like how hard it is. Diablo 3 and 4 got boring fast because they were too easy to the point where I was mindless grinding until I would fall asleep.

PoE 2 keeps me on my toes and makes each boss fight feel like an accomplishment. Makes me want to keep playing.

Please do not lower the difficulty.

It isn't about "difficulty"
I think I died to one random boss maybe 6 times and that was the most I struggled.

The game is slow, boring, and unfun unless you suck at the boss fights and like grinding it out to feel like you did something.

If you played lost ark or a game like it at all the boss fights are all laughably easy.
I like it so far, tho I havent had time to play a lot. I like the scarcity of drops = that drops have value. I like that rare encounters are memorable and dangerous. It feels more like early PoE 1 years, not the epilepsy inducing mess that it has become.

Tho I'd agree that 'trash' mobs take too much time to kill and/or are too plentiful / don't drop enough for the effort.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Yeah this game is to hard it’s not even fun , really hoping they would ease up on it with POE2 but nope it’s worse , just frustratingly not fun what so ever , definitely refunding this game.

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