Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I feel what sums up PoE2 is if you're not using a meta build you're gonna have a hard time.

Does it get much harder after A1? Only fought the A1 boss once and came close to winning
unless he has a third stage
, pretty sure I can beat him if I get another level or an item upgrade. I died less than 5 times for sure. Plus, I have no idea what the meta builds are and am just trying some stuff myself. Craft your own gear if you feel weak.

Honestly, just go play an easier game like PoE1 or D4 if you just want to face roll from level 1 onwards.
Last edited by Koeitje#3564 on Dec 8, 2024, 4:59:59 PM
i killed the count at the end of act 1 but died from something random completely out of my control right when i killed him and i didnt get any loot from it.

absolute dogshit mechanic.
Koeitje#3564 wrote:
I feel what sums up PoE2 is if you're not using a meta build you're gonna have a hard time.

Does it get much harder after A1? Only fought the A1 boss once and came close to winning
unless he has a third stage
, pretty sure I can beat him if I get another level or an item upgrade. I died less than 5 times for sure. Plus, I have no idea what the meta builds are and am just trying some stuff myself. Craft your own gear if you feel weak.

Honestly, just go play an easier game like PoE1 or D4 if you just want to face roll from level 1 onwards.

No, it doesnt.

We have a group with a few people behind so we've just disabled the downscaling on bosses because cba doing them
Last edited by rebdog133#3759 on Dec 8, 2024, 5:01:57 PM
Trash. Game speed is halved. Eat a slow one.
It's FORCING you to play properly, or die.

Dying shouldn't be part of your bossing strategy. That's bad game design.
MaxW81#9965 wrote:
I feel what sums up PoE2 is if you're not using a meta build you're gonna have a hard time.

Would be hard as there is no meta

Just have to know how to build and test things yourself.

Testing is kinda hard when you need your respec gold to buy gear because monsters drop nothing.

It's a catch 22, you disenchant to try crafting better equip or do you sell for gold to respec, they are conflicting.

Besides I don't want to spend a whole bunch of time collecting everything that drops when I'm still in the middle of the normal mode campaign...
MaxW81#9965 wrote:
I feel what sums up PoE2 is if you're not using a meta build you're gonna have a hard time.

Would be hard as there is no meta

Just have to know how to build and test things yourself.

Testing is kinda hard when you need your respec gold to buy gear because monsters drop nothing.

Testing things is pretty easy and farming gold is also pretty easy. Reloading zones, especially ones with bosses/events....

Drops seem fine to me I think whats happening is another one of the Affliction syndrome's

You can def test and do plenty and multiple characters. And the alternate characters will be much easier to get up as well with how things have changed for gems, supports, gear, gold etc.

I've just finished act 1 on cruel. Yup, a standard minion witch. I will mention that i avoid any pro players content so that i tyr to play it as a tabula rasa (pun intended)/ Having fun so far, but i have concerns.

The Act 1 boss i see is "A great divider" that really takes you to rethink the game and how you play it. Yes, it took me about 20 tries to beat him, but this boss really hard as nails for the first time (btw all poe vets remember your first innocense or kitiava, had the same time with these).

Afterwards i seemed to ketch the game flow and apart from several unfair bosses (yes, viper, i mean you) the rest of the acts went absolutely all right.

Still in cruel the damage of enemies upscales and also our resistances are lowered which comes back too close to the "one-shot-fest" that is so despised in poe1. Hope it won't get so much worse with rezzes nerfged in cruel.

My main concern is gearing. This is the worst time i have with progression then ever before. I spend all of my gold on scepter gambos and nearly half of my currencies, but i can get no better scepter then i got at lvl 18 or so. The dorp rateds are absolutely horrendous. You get your thin stream of crating currencies and white/blue gear, but still you cannot expect to get anything relevant. Through the 4 acts i got 2 relevant uniques (lucky me i guess). And bricked about 50 items which seemed decent bases. And you keep your idea of lowering the player resistances again... Lower it to at least 10% per act, please. I have seen no item that gives you at leaset 50 rez total at all yet. And anyone will need 5 of these in the endgame. I understand the policy of making the loot valuable, but there are still the same 99% ground trash that you just diz. So most of the fights feel like you don't make any relevant progsess.

The other concern is narrow corridor maps. I know that this mainly concerns minion builds, but i feel tired of running around the corner and then running back waiting for the skellies to respawn, because they caught in a doorframe 5 meters back. And even for the other classes the clutter in the corridors results in a number of "beaten in the corner" situations. Especially since body blocking enemies and no movement skills.

The crafting system seems to be too nerfed also. You don't have enough essences to make relevant items in preps to endgame.

Droprate fixing will be very appreciated.
Giving some mobility options is greatly awaited.
Crafting system needs some tuning.
Pathfinding for minions need seriour rework or a working teleport.
If these will occur, the game will surely replace POE 1 for me at least.
I don't know what would make the game fun, but unlike POE1 I just don't feel like logging in again. I could wake up in the morning as a lvl15 in POE1 and immediately log in and spend my whole day continuing my journey.
Yesterday I spent 10 hours playing POE2 and I have absolutely no desire to log in again.
You might be able to fix the early game progress by improving movement, adjusting drops, moving/adding new skills, and adjusting the damage stats.

But I doubt we'll fix all the bad design decisions that make the game unfun.

It seems Ruthless was not simply a 'developer passion project' that we could ignore.

Disappointed you made a souls game instead of POE2.

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