Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

POE2...this aint it chief. Tedious from minute 1. People dont play ARPGS to get slaughtered endlessly, it is supposed to be the opposite.

POE1 closed beta supporter. I got to the act 1 boss, and called it quits. Sunday to myself, family is out, lots of time to game. POE2 isnt even installed anymore.
May 15th 2012 - The day the king of ARPGs died. January 23rd 2013 - A new king takes the throne.
+1, I am in act 3, decided to stick around to make sure i dont change my mind but nope.. Just to be clear, its a nice game, and I would like it if I got it with no expectations. Sadly though, being continuation of a game I love, all I can say is, it has nothing to do with it. No matter what gear, balance, or whatever happens, its obvious that the vision for this game was to catch a whole different audience that im not a part of, and thats likely not changing..

That said i think things could improve a lot by simply adding movement skills, litteraly everyone wants them there, and devs should listen
When I die in game it's not because I screw up. It's because of some cheap stuff I never saw coming.

And I'm not that good at most games. Not only that, I'm 50, so my reflexes have dulled and again, they weren't all that good in the first place.

Actually, the thing is, a Diablo like game is NOT based on skill. Giving a Dodge Roll and Skill Cancel doesn't change that.

Massive damage is not difficulty. Extreme reach is not difficulty. Bullet Sponge health is not difficulty.

This is what Dark Souls uses to fool the gullible, don't be Dark Souls.
I think the difficulty is fine. Almost all bosses are pretty simple to avoid dying on and it's a very small fraction of bosses where I have had issues telling what was going on (partially caused by playing fire wall + solar orb).

Haven't fought any boss so far that I have struggled on too much and I am in the end of act 3.

I think people just need to adjust. PoE1 was unironically much harder than this when Fall of Oriath came out.
I think top down ARPGs should be power fantasies first.

I also think that you should be able to grind up levels and gear to make any boss fight a cakewalk, eventually.

When I started in PoE1, D2, D4, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest as a total newb with no built up stash loaded with great leveling gear and no "meta-game" knowledge...Those games were hard. And fun. Because unlike a Souls-like, you could always grind yourself OP and there was no real penalty for death. Enemies didn't respawn unless you saved and exited, either.

I'm barely anywhere in PoE 2 yet, but the main complaints I'm reading is about boss difficulty, difficulty in general, spongey mobs/bosses with too much health, too much dodge-rolling, etc.

My only real complaint so far is the slide-y movement/movement-while-shooting. Might help a Merc, but does NOT help my Sorc. I prefer the precise mouse/KB movement of PoE 1.

I'm going to assume that in the next several months, GGG will actually listen to player feedback. If people want a more classic top-down ARPG and less Souls-like hybrid, well...They should give the people what they want.
Last edited by seti2323#1585 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:41:17 PM
Suffered thru all of act 12 and most of Act 2 bosses...then got to Janamra...You just lost a new player with this kind of tryhard game design. I quit retail WoW for the same reason, havent played it in months because M+ was designed for the sweatiest 2% tryhards. Y'all can have it.

Completely out of touch devs.
Wow so many crybabys in this thread it's not even fun to read.

Hope GGG doesen't listen to this loud minority and make a Diablo 4 (2.0) so all the whiners here can 1 hit all content while applauding themself doing so.

I'm far away from being a good player and I completely suck at Souls games but even I am doing well here.....everyone with more than 10 hours experiance in ARPGs and a little bit common sense is able to achieve the same.

If you can't beat a boss go back to the last area and farm gear (farming gear in ARPGs?...no way)....It's not a MUST to rush all areas and bosses first try.
Last edited by CroDanZ#1818 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:45:51 PM
About 12 hours in and I think that's all I can take. Bosses absolutely ruin the entire game for me. This is just NOT FUN. Just running in circles for 10 minutes trying not to get hit is not engaging hack and slash gameplay.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
With how fluid the game plays. No fps issues with a lower mid-range pc, makes me sad this isn't straight up a remake of PoE1.

Cause otherwise, the design decisions in PoE2 is like the worst aspects of PoE1 bundled together.

And for people saying the devs wanted this to be more slow like Dark Souls. The souls-games have better power fantasy than this, cause there you can absolutely wreck everything with even the dumbest weapons if you know how to play.

Then you also go Nier 2 which throws ARPG loot into the mix relatively fine.

PoE2 feels more like a korean P2W ARPG, without the P2W enabled.
Last edited by mrfox123#7595 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:50:32 PM
CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
Wow so smany crybabys in this thread it's not even fun to read.

Hope GGG doesen't listen to this loud minority and make a Diablo 4 (2.0) so all the crybabies here can 1 hit all content while applauding themself doing so.

I'm far away from being a good player and I completely suck at Souls games but even I am doing well here.....everyone with more than 10 hours experiance in ARPGs and a little bit common sense is able to achieve the same.

If you can't beat a boss go back to the last are and farm gear....It's not a MUST to rush all areas and bosses first try.


pick one please
Very helpful criticism of you to come in here just to insult people

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