Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
Bosses are the most fun part of the game - especially the ones that take longer to defeat. The game is challenging - in a fun way: learning boss patterns, dodging telegraphs, thinking about how to build my character is fun.
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Sadly too late to get a refund.
At least i'm not a streamer to lie to people after testing the game. | |
POE 2 Feedback
The Good Visually Stunning enviroments Mob type diversity is great Bosses feel interesting and different No portal scrolls Massive endgame The Bad Dodgeroll ( I don’t play dark souls nor have the desire to) Gem system ( cant use multiple of the same type of supports for different spells is not good) POE 1 is superior Lack of loot POE1 is superior Lack of currency POE 1 is superior Crafting system is bad where you can brick an item and feel like you just have to throw it away. POE 1 vastly superior Getting pinned by monsters and dieing Being forced to do sanctum for trials Feeling weak at every moment after 12+ hours of gameplay The feeling that you are crawling instead of blasting Did I mention so slow Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I was very excited for early access. Everyone was hyped. GGG did a good job of handling launch given the huge numbers that it drew. I started the game and was impressed with how visually stunning it was. The first boss fight in the first zone felt hard and I was like “ok I will get stronger from here on out”. But that feeling stronger never came. I never got faster either. It was just grueling crawl after crawl. I was playing POE2 thinking to myself “ I wish they could take the world , bosses and endgame and just port it to POE1”. At no point did the game feel good. I kept telling myself “ If I hold out a little longer it will get better”. Feeling forced to dodgeroll feels really bad. I don’t like Dark Souls or Diablo IV but it feel like the designers do. Have they considered seeking employment with the companies that make those games? Getting pinned against terrain by mobs not having the damage to deal with it and having no means of escape is awful. Being forced to engage with sanctum feels bad. I always play tanky or evasive characters in POE1. Where I build in layers of defense to stay alive. But the trials and sanctum are a pass fail if you get touched enough no matter what mitigation you have. I have run the trial so many times and have not passed because I run out of honour over and over. The best part of POE1 was feeling powerful and being able to blast. POE1 is a game you play to relax and it's fun with lots of theorycrafting for your build. Being able to miticulously get every item to just the way you want it. Being an older slower gamer that isn’t perhaps as good as my younger self. I liked being able to make my char tankier with lots of defensive layers that was more forgiving. With POE2 that just doesn’t feel possible. In summation POE2 looks very POE but it feels nothing like POE. I am sad. I am sad that POE1 has suffered for POE2. I am sad that POE1 could have this amazing world and very cool endgame that GGG has crafted for POE2. I am fearful that the game I love POE1 will be neglected for the crap that is POE2. I am actually angry the more and more I stew on all of this. I am going to continue to try to force myself to play POE2. Over the years I have rewarded GGG with my money to support they’re efforts in the development of POE1. I would not and cannot do the same for POE2. I had spent enough money to get into early access for POE2 several times over for free. The wheel is just fine without your attempts to reinvent it. |
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" You can out-level the bosses. Leveling up gives you more HP and as long as you aren't neglecting resistances and defenses, you will usually get to a point where you can survive their slams and one shots as long as you're like 3-4 levels too high. |
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PoE2 do be kinda ass compared to 1 NGL so much is wrong with it, its like a total different direction from 1, its like they are catering to or well trying to cater to a brand new player base and like saying to their existing players "welp if you dont like it you can leave"
Add Scion To PoE2
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If this is the dynamic of this game, which looks like elden ring with the dodge all the time, this is not POE, I think everything is perfect but the mechanics of making everything difficult and playing as if it were elden ring, I don't like it at all. Sincerely it takes away my desire to play. In an Early access put the points for reset so high, that to populate another comination you have to create another character, I think it's horrible. At the moment I think I'm going to stop playing it because it bores me.
Another important thing, you want to make a build with the chaos ranger, and there are no chaos items for the ranger, and so many more things, I hope the game turns out well, but as it is, I won't play it. |
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This game is way overtuned.... Being FORCED to DODGEROLL a damn boss attack or GET ONE SHOT is the dumbest thing ever to be put into your games.... the roll animation is TO SLOW to even dodge shit half the time....
Reminds me of the Lilith fight in Diablo 4... Dodge everything or die in 1 shot... Not fun... I really want to like this game because I have played POE1 for years. This really isn't fun playing Ruthless POE1... POE2 = ruthless POE1.. fuck that shit... You shouldn't have to "go back to a previous zone and farm gear" at level 10... in act 1 of the campaign... make some more gear drop so we can actually have items.. Last edited by dwolfe1985#0632 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:38:24 PM
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" Many in this thread but minority overall. It's always the same nowdays...Some people can't 1 hit all content from the getgo, flood the forums with tears that the game is "to hard" and devs watter the game down to the point that you can beat it with a banana as controler. The market is full of trivial games because of whiners who are not able to press more than 1 button, make logical decissions and spend a little bit time to upgrade the own char, no need to have another one. ;) Last edited by CroDanZ#1818 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:29:14 PM
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wth the final boss of act 2 is supposed be? An act boss or an uber boss?
Last edited by Silverpelt#6095 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:38:13 PM
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" Or maybe you´re playing a class with a broken skill, or maybe you got really lucky with your loot wich made the game acceptable for you, does not invalidate other people opinions, they say currency would be common and it´s worse than PoE 1 by a large margin, the loot is horrible, you see 2 or 3 rares per zone and thats when you see them, then they are either crap or not for your class, im on act 6 and i have like 3 magic items still and my rares are trashy af, the game in it´s current state it´s one of the most unrewarding trash games i have ever played, you´re just killing stuff over and over while struggling and getting no loot to improve the gear and carry on. The game should be challenging but without being frustrating, you should be able to farm decent gear especially in the campaign wich is like a prologue for the real game, the experience should be relatively smooth, but at the moment, if youre not lucky with some drops it is really trashy. Im gonna get to the maps and try to enjoy the game, but you can bet your ass that if they dont solve some major flaws i will not do it another league, im no scrub, been playing games for over 30 years, cleaned all the dark souls, elden ring and a bunch of other hard games and always felt my skill mattered, here it´s just horrible balance. Been playing PoE for over 12 years btw, and got my free EA key, meaning they got to see quite some money from me, that might stop really soon. IGN - Slayonara
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