Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I can't believe how awful some of you are at gaming. I am by no means a pro. Barely any experience in ARPG's (PoE 1, Diablo) and the gameplay to me feels perfectly balanced. Some of the early act 1 bosses i rolled through on the first try and it progressively got more difficult to where I started wiping and had to figure out a way past the boss. Whether that be figuring out the boss mechanics or improving my gear/resistances. That's exactly how the game was intended to be and to me that is fun. For some reason I feel like alot of you casuals just want to brainlessly walk through the game while holding left click to attack and that somehow feels fulfilling to you. Well I hate to say it but you ARE the minority here. Acting like this game is tuned for pros like zizaran and wudijo is a STRETCH. I'm progressing through the game just fine as someone who has little experience in PoE and not a pro gamer. Back to PoE 1 with you people.

I think for the most part the bosses are ok but we need better than ‘ruthless’ tier drop rates to gear up for them.
What is bad imo is the trash, the time to kill (especially in act1 where most that give up wild have) is excessive. Some packs I can wipe out in 5-10 seconds and others (just whites no mods) take me 2 mins plus.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
i keep seeing people posting this difficulty will result in a small player base yet the number keep getting bigger daily...

2 days in, the difficulty is not anywhere near souls like, i swear its only the players who like insta kill trash mobs and 1 button kill everything game play are the ones moaning,

played 4 differnt classes now, witch, merc, sorc and monk and each class has its pro's an cons

no matter what you have to think about your posistioning vs the enemy, you have to approach situations with some tactics now, so apologies i still dont see why people are finding such issue with it, other than they want a super easy button, and ARPG's arnt all just fairy tale easy they never where only very recent has gaming generally and this genre catered to being super soft,

i thought maybe yesterday and where i posted i wasnt having difficulty with the game was maybe just i was super lucky with the build i picked, after taking time to start other characters im still of the opinion that people are over reacting, either not using their builds properly, or just clearly wanting a one button kill all fest,

i beg you devs please outside of some clear balance issues which are expected. dont turn this into a another POE, add expansions to POE1 for those who want kids difficulty,

and again people keep saying their wont be any players, there are loads of players getting alone not moaning on here just fine, more than the original game for sure, so no its you easy folk who will have a empty game if you relentlesly keep pestering for easier and easier game
+1 op
I'm currently stuck on the wolf boss, and honestly, if PoE 2 launches in its current state, I won't be playing it. The gameplay just isn't enjoyable. Even if I manage to defeat a boss, it feels hollow—I've wiped on almost every boss at least once, and none of the victories have felt rewarding. It honestly feels like the internal team has been using hero editors for testing, which makes the entire game feel unbalanced and frustrating.

This sums it up. I don't mind a challenge, sometimes I enjoy figuring out a boss fight, through 20 tries might be a but much (really the only bosses I spend try after try on are anyone that use Ice as a main mechanic)..

The issue if after beating this epic boss you literally spent an hour trying to beat...

You get some shitty blue or yellow drop.... THAT makes me want to rage quit. I don't think I have gotten a SINGLE upgrade from any of the act one bosses.
personally, i think they shouldve released a game like this under a different name. people expected something very specific when they heard about a sequel, and this is not a sequel. its a really really good game, but this is not what poe is.
Vote with your time.
Vote with your money.

As long time players, fans and supporters of PoE1 we have the power.
PoE2 only exists because of PoE1 funding. If we are not happy with this new "souls" direction let it be heard.

Avoid the PoE2 client, avoid the PoE2 streamers. Let our displeasure be shown in metrics GGG will be forced to respond to.

We wanted a sequel true to PoE1, not a rehash of another genres game.

Keep blasting exiles :)
Just finished Act 4 in like 1 hour. Yeah, it's slow af
On Probation Any%
This game is COMPLETELY overtuned. I'm a tryhard "Had highest dps lightning strike build across all ascendancies in settlers of Kalguur" . this game just isnt fun. It's completely overtuned. what a pile of crap this game is. I'm extremely disappointed.
You know that the difficulty relies heavily on the dropped loot and build?
Some have it easier or heavier than others.

I am at a point where I have to decide:
- Stop trying to play (because I have been at the Act 1 boss second phase for over two hours now)
- Start playing a new character

I have enjoyed it somewhat so far. I liked learning the mechanics and even perfectly completing the bosses without taking any damage.
But now it's only frustration.
Lucky089#6618 wrote:
I am at a point where I have to decide:
- Stop trying to play (because I have been at the Act 1 boss second phase for over two hours now)
- Start playing a new character

Dude, no shit. There was no starters in PoE1 to get gear so you can play whatever you want, lol
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Dxt44#4050 on Dec 8, 2024, 4:16:13 PM
Skill issues.
Skill issues everywhere.

I represent that remark :)

What I'd prefer in an ARPG is balancing off player skill WITH gear, skill choice, passive tree on equal grounds.

PoE2 [for good or bad] is now a skill based game [85%] with a nod to gear, skill mix, and passive tree feeling like it's 5% of the battle each.

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