POE 2: Class Gender Lock is a Step Backwards

There's something to be said about gender choices in a story heavy RPG such as Mass Effect or Baldurs Gate. Your roleplaying a tailored character and you're immersing yourself in the world.

ARPG's like PoE and Diablo are not that story heavy and are much more mechanics focused. You're not doing much roleplay inbetween cutting down swathes of monsters. Sure, it'd be nice to have the option to toggle between the two genders per class, but it's literally double the work on the character artists and animations team, as well as double the required voice acting. I'd much rather they put that effort into other parts of the game.
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
Last edited by ciknay#1000 on Dec 1, 2024, 4:54:40 AM
Jonathan did say they'd like the lore of the world to be more 'accessible' for players, so perhaps there are lore reasons why certain classes are men/women. On the other hand, it makes sense the warriors be men and witches be women, for example.

Also also, when you already have a character class called Sorceress, it would be silly to have it be a dude. We'll see, maybe we get Sorcerer as well, but there wouldn't be any tangible difference gameplay wise.
go play undecember you can play all skills as man or woman.

move forward with undecember lol

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Last edited by Jarod_GGG#0000 on Dec 1, 2024, 6:54:20 AM
KZA#6416 wrote:
am I overreacting?


I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
It's unnecessary.

99% of people play POE for the action, killing hundreds of enemies. "Modern audience" that complains about not having options for gender swap is so small, there's no point in appealing to them. Why wasting budget on some pointless gender swap instead of making good and rewarding league mechanics? It's aRPG, not RPG and that's a difference.
AlvinL_#4492 wrote:
so perhaps there are lore reasons why certain classes are men/women. On the other hand, it makes sense the warriors be men and witches be women, for example.

Of course it makes sense. A female Templar? Historically or fantasy, it makes no sense. Let artists be artists and let them portray a story/experience how they see fit.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Yep would also preffer to have more femine and masculine choice for each character class.

If that can't be done, then easy and cheap option to choose a body and voice of a different class - so for those that it would be important for any reason, can play with the body they preffer.
Phrazz#3529 wrote:

Of course it makes sense. A female Templar? Historically or fantasy, it makes no sense. Let artists be artists and let them portray a story/experience how they see fit.

Tell that to Red Sonja. Or She-Ra.

Tell that to Red Sonja. Or She-Ra.

I will.

Oh, wait, they're both fictional characters and have nothing to do with "Templars" what so ever. Female warriors can make sense, by all means, but it's not a story GGG wants to tell, which is totally OK.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I'm kinda ok with it just as long as they keep it somewhat 50/50. I'm not really expecting two completely separate models per class with different voice-acting from a game like this

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