Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

In regards to the dervish change, can the issue be fixed by hitting the item itself with a 95-100% less damage you do? Much like the totem mastery?

Would love if GGG can somehow squeeze out a change for the duo before league drop. Still hyped on league though, and league start will probably be duo lol.
How is Mana Burn going to interact with Blood Magic?
Why on earth did Cyclone of Tumult have its mana cost tripled?
Why did profane ground just get nerfed?? 10% curse effect? are you srs
Can I use a skill like Eviscerate to apply a large bleed to a target, and then use a secondary skill like Puncture of Shanking to apply rupture stacks to the target with the Rupture Support gem to increase the damage of the initial bleed?

The Rupture Support gem seems to suggest this would not work and that Eviscerate (in this example) would need to be directly supported by Rupture Support and crit to have rupture apply to it's bleed. But this doesn't make since if Rupture stacks up to three (or more) times.
Autoexertion has "Supported Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to you or Allies"

So if Rallying cry links with Autoexertion

Do we still have "Exerted Attacks deal 5% more Damage per affected Ally" since Rallying(with Autoexertion) can't grant buff to allies?
rip to some of the most iconic poe unique items
Can Divine Retribution hit the same enemy more than once?
Last edited by Vataril on Jul 24, 2024, 1:54:49 AM
Does impale benifit from flesh and stone?

Flesh and stone has "Aura makes Enemies take up to 20% more Physical Damage from Hits".

But impale records hit damage before the defender's mitigation,so the record dmg don't benift from flesh and stone.

Damage dealt by impale is a separate reflected hit.As reflected damage, this hit cannot stun or apply on-hit or when-hit effects.

So again does impale benifit from flesh and stone?

If manager lord choose this question to answer, pls explain "intimidated" too.
Last edited by pogduckdogcat on Jul 24, 2024, 4:38:08 AM

Why did you completely destroy builds through Ward? This build has already suffered over the last 5 leagues, only nerfs, and now they have also destroyed the bottle of Olroth's Resolve. I'm upset, my favorite build was destroyed((

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