Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Does the game track the 50 most powerful shocks on an enemy for a warden that can apply more than one shock?

Similarly, does Crimson Dance track the 8 most powerful bleeds?
wallacethefmh wrote:
Does the game track the 50 most powerful shocks on an enemy for a warden that can apply more than one shock?

Similarly, does Crimson Dance track the 8 most powerful bleeds?

The warden notable makes any shock successfully applied is overrided to be 2% increased damage taken, so they will all stacks will have the same effect, it was posted in the QnA if you wanna chech it out
Sweep: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 289% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 664% at gem level 20 (previously 281%). Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels).

does not mention the removal of knockback :)
IGN: Nivius
Ty for scam <3
Is there gold in blighted maps, and can the map runners complete blighted maps?
Will replica kaoms heart still have 500 mana or will that also be updated to 1000?
Well, im done with this...

With Taste of Hate changes "right tree" classes cant do anything with physical damage taken. Just ZERO options to mitigate/convert physical damage taken and be alive.
Only Lightning Coil isnt enough, large armour numbers wont save against big physical hits.
Bow players has only way to stack evasion and get 95% evade change to get killed by random white mob arrow - thats isnt healthy.
Armour stacking cant solve a problem.
I hate that stereotype that bow classes are glasscannon s##t.

I wont play meta as others, my favorite build is dead now.
Im quit
Are only the Divination cards displayed when mouse hovering over the map compatible with Nameless sheer swap? And are there only four map-specific Divination cards?
Will any of the items or passives be changed with the adjustment of the standard default maximum rage from 50 to 30? Examples would be Bear's Girdle "Nearby enemies are crushed while you have at least 25 rage" or Ascendent's Berserker node "Cannot be stunned while you have at least 25 rage"?
"Judgement Staff now have +25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff (previously +20%)."

But in game now judgement staff have block spell damage chance, not attack.
Does the Champion's new Unstoppable Hero allow allies to exceed their maximum fortification to match the Champion's?

Unstoppable Hero in general seems very awkward to use now and is probably the only co-op Ascendancy in the game that doesn't benefit the user at all...

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