Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

QQPQ wrote:
LVSviral wrote:

I suppose you're right that passives being near each-other doesn't mean they have to correlate. Revelry does still affect Pride and Flesh & Stone now that you pointed it out, but according to Path of Building the new banners don't have anything that affects enemies unfortunately. It just seems very awkward to path toward that Banner passive cluster if the nearest Aura notable doesn't even work on banners.

I was thinking of the mastery that makes enemies take 8% increased damage while in the banner area... but I don't know if that actually works with the "aura effect on enemies" stat.

Apparently according to the Recently Asked Questions page it doesn't. Lot of banner questions popping up there.
The map runners: Do they use an atlas, and can they do blight maps?
Half the fun of this game was finding ways to break it. If GGG errata's all the potential interesting interactions between posting patch notes and league start there goes my hype. (Dervish usable outside hollow palm???... just kidding)

Why new/old added frost blades effectivness is less than Lightning Strike?:( Frost Blades is already worse...
Last edited by LukeAbsolute on Jul 23, 2024, 3:25:39 AM
TizeNO wrote:
yashikandreya wrote:
Everything is fine, cool or acceptable BUT not Hatred aura.
1. By this change you basicly deleted "Call of the brotherhood"
2. on cold attack builds with paradoxica - the only damage aura
3. on aura stacker ~ 80 more damage and thay usualy used "Call of the brotherhood" also.
4. deleted the only good aura for cwdt.
5. now in 90% build that were used hatred you can just say say goodbye yo "tripple hatred Watcher's eye", because you just have no benefits from an aura.
i'm sure that someone can add to the list more things which are damaged or ~dead now.
Please, at least 5% more damage to an aura, that's incredible painfully.

You're literally reading my mind.
It's pure madness that the aura OF COLD(!!!) is 100% dependent on your physical damage. It is almost impossible to made a "CLEAN" cold build.
And it doesn't matter if it's melee or any other.....

RIP Hatred 18.07.2024

Same is for Herald of Ash, even more deleted than Hatred, only allowed to play if you are melee. They are not balancing they are deleting things from the game just to force everyone to play melee.

Btw melee was melee 10 years ago now half of this skills are more range than range skills, covering half of the screen in slam or throwing some shield or trash over the whole screen.

Man, this is brutal for a lot of spell casters.
-Removing Divine blessing which impacts reservation selection
-Hatred useless for cold spell builds other than Glacial Cascade
-Hatred now works better on more fire and lightning spells than cold spells, smh
-Cold conversion minions buffed by this?
-Herald of Ash is now basically useless for fire spell builds, every non-ignite fire spell build takes a huge hit to mapping QoL
-What's the point of the Herald cluster at top of tree by the elemental nodes if one of the elemental heralds doesn't even work with fire spells?
Why GGG constantly nerfs defences. Do they want HC to be absolutely dead?
Will the current crit ailment nodes/support be changed? At the moment they give "Damage over time multiplier for ailments from critical strikes" which no longer works with perfect agony.
Question for the developers,

I know hatred had to be changed to accommodate all the melee skill changes, but the lost of the cold damage buff does hurt cold spell skills, and cold damage overtime builds any chance to add

X More Cold damage for spells or X More Cold Damage Over Time/Cold Multi?

Also any chance in the future to get a transfigured version of Vortex that only dose like 5 on hit damage (to count as a hit), has a ton of cold damage over time, boosted aoe and is instant once again miss the old playstyle...
Last edited by Mythalas on Jul 23, 2024, 2:19:15 AM
Hi, how new ward 2s interact with monsters? Do they all and bosses now have 2s ward?

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