Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Dreadmaker7 wrote:

I don't get why people are saying it's all nerfs, especially to defences. Did you miss the whole thing where we now have substantially better bases? And how endurance charges now stack multiplicatively with elemental res? If they didn't nerf the juggernaut - the ascendancy who just gets a load of endurance charges for free, he actually would be immortal - now it's just going to be reasonable.

The new bases are crazy. They showed that the best ES base chest had 299 ES as a base (and I mean, it'll be a range, but they didn't show what end of the range that's on). For perspective, the best possible roll on a Vaal regalia is 197 ES. That's a 50% buff straight up to the amount of ES you have.

They showed an Armour base with 1212 armour (current best is maximum 892), and an ES base with 1228 (current best 982). It's a little less than 50% in those cases, but we also don't know the rolls, and I'm taking the highest possible value from the current bases.

All that to say, this actually makes gearing and auras way more flexible. Along with the higher life rolls on all gear, everyone is going to have an easier time with defence than before, not a worse time, and I don't understand how people are missing that. Armour stackers are going to be going higher than before, not lower.

ES bases always had high ES, this is just a return of what we had years ago, before ES was gutted to be garbage. It's funny how you take something away, and give it back years later and all of sudden, its a buff. Sure ES builds can be good when stacking mana or int, but it's not like before where you could just get a huge pool, now you still get popped by any phys damage.

Nerfing determination and moving armor to bases does not give "Flexibility" at all, it does the opposite actually. It makes it so you have to make up for armor by investing in prefix's on armor gear. That makes it worse for people who can't craft solid gear, and armor stackers, who use aura effect to scale grace and determination, meaning it could potentially just be worse overall.

Also Juggernauts unbreakable was fine how it is. Nerfing an ascendency because you cannot figure out a way to balance the buffs to enduring cry with it, is beyond stupid reasoning.
They could have simply left it how it was, or gave it diminishing returns.
Not every jugg build plays endurance, since the other options are just as viable, but now you actually have to because unbreakable changed to chaos damage is pretty bad. It just doesn't make sense, it feels like a very lazy attempt to balance that change.
Last edited by Thatsnasty on Jul 19, 2024, 4:59:05 PM

The Dancing Dervish Unique Sword no longer has "Manifested Dancing Dervishes disabled both weapon slots". It now has "Cannot be used while Manifested", meaning you can now weapon swap after Manifesting Dervishes and still use items in your second weapon set.

Are the Dervishes affected by the "Increased Minion Damage" stats on your second weapon set when you weapon swap?
Login in ... Epic thx u for all hard work
wouldnt this be better if new content opens up mid league that would offer people to catch up or switch things up. For example, if the t17 maps were to only open up and have a leaderboard mid league. So that, like most people do, we can start off with a farming build or fun build. Then we can play with a decked out character than can handle uber content. At least we get to play 2 characters and extend the fun of the league.

We can pirate other peoples loot by making our own decked up ship and crew, like backpack battles, void the ship once its lost and make a leaderboard. Queue against AI made ships taking in ship parts as rewards then queueing up a pvp round if you feel like you are strong enough.

Have Faustus offer item lvl 100 and you can select which conqueror you want. It shouldnt come cheap though.

Let the Blacksmiths craft uber crafts like x2 the buffs with extra mats of course.

Build the system like you build megaman games where boss kills grant buffs to other boss kills by timing an event or equiping an item that would grant buffs. like a heist necklace would or even take out a potion slot for it like a tincture. Using an item to skip a Uber maven memory game once, like it would stun her in a memory game and skip it. Like explosives on a cave wall.

Uber breach stones or Uber simulacrum.

All maps that would drop would have beyond with all the atlas passives and all beyond scarabs would be blocked. This would be the only time you can craft on corrupted uniques.

Lock 2 stats in recombobulator. One on each item. so we would save some items in stash and use stash space. Let crafting be easier mid league so we can play what the streamers are playing. Economy wise it wouldnt matter because there is already a surplus mid league. I mean headhunters, supposed to be a chase item, were just 10 div on the 1st month last season O_O

Mid league is supposed to be there if you guys plan on having 4 month leagues.
Can you please clarify the wording on Aggravated? Does it just deal bonus damage regardless or does it change a monsters "state" to moving to force the extra damage similiar to ensnaring arrow?

"Bleeding which has been Aggravated always deals higher Damage as though the target was moving."
"Your Bleeding does not deal extra Damage while the Enemy is moving"

With current wording Aggravated does not change a monsters "state" of moving or standing still. completely different wording than things like ensaring arrow that make a monster "count as moving"
Last edited by NinjainSpandex on Jul 19, 2024, 4:37:59 PM
Maybe I am reading/calculating wrong, but it looks like these changes are actually a buff to ele conversion phys bow builds: more phys damage on the bow itself from quality + buffed phys as extra sources which can be scaled with outside sources of aura / herald effect / eldritch implicits (Hatred, Herald of Ash) + buffed effectiveness of added damage for many bow skills. I think this will be the league I finally try a lightpoacher / shroud of the lightless bow build.

I am also dying to know if many spells have actually been buffed due to the effectiveness of added damage now scaling beyond the old levels with gem levels over 20.
Last edited by dpc6 on Jul 19, 2024, 4:48:22 PM
I saw cutedogs stream for a week and it was the most hilarious and fun thing I saw with his community. He was making these Uber Essence Bosses in maps and inviting his viewers to kill it with a bounty. I was laughing my ass off seeing his viewers die 1 by 1 getting one shot by this boss. Some could handle it and some couldnt. Not once did I see him kill a uber boss this league but his streams were fun and engaging at that time. I hope you can make more of these so communities can play with their streamers in POE.
in 3.25 Aurabots with 0 dps will be busy loading maps to NPC's running map from them
no more spam Aurabot LFW (they are busy)
Their defense mechanism against physical damage is very poor. Especially the armor value is almost ridiculous. And you also removed the method for converting physical damage to elemental damage. So that we get hit once and die from a tiny spider again.
Last edited by _i2x on Jul 19, 2024, 7:00:04 PM
fostaa wrote:
Any chance of adding staves to the weapon groups in Gladiator's "Weapon Master"?

Bows first of all.
There are many clusters with bow/projectile damage around the Duelist but the Gladiator does not have Bows in that ascendancy? What.
I find this as a pure bug and will most likely be reporting it in a timely manner.


greguuu85 wrote:
There are now more Notables on the Passive Skill Tree than there are Oil combinations to Anoint them all. 😳

13 oils = 13 * 13 * 13 = 2197 passives combinations - a lot of notables really?

No, the formula is 13! / (13-3) x 3! = 13x12x11 / 3x2 = 1716 / 6 = 286 possible combinations with oils currently.

No, the formula is (n+k-1) choose k for values of n 13 and k 3. You are choosing 3 things out of 13 with possible duplication but order doesn't matter. That's 455. Given there were 418 notables on the passive tree in 3.24 plus a few annoint only, 286 wouldn't work anyways.

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