Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

So do we know if the Warden's nodes for elemental stuff - the shocks, the unbound fury, etc, etc - will work with proxies like mines, totems, or traps?

For something like poison or ignite, even if minions or proxies inflict them, they still count as your damage. So the question here is does, say, a trap that inflicts shock on an enemy count as you inflicting shock with your hits?
I picked a heck of a time to get back into PoE.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
First in the credits!
Thatsnasty wrote:
Lmao the fact that champion got destroyed on top of a determination nerf is hilarious. Rip basically all your armor.

On top of that, hatred and ashe do nothing if you aren't a convert build, and Jugg's best talent also got destroyed, which I can only assume is because of an enduring cry buff? Which means you just lose all res to make up for something you should have gotten, to gain a little chaos reduction. Oof.

This aint it GGG. What's the point of buffing melee if you completely wreck 2 of the main classes and 2 of main auras? lol..

eze answer: balance and meta shifting
openup001 wrote:
panikouk wrote:
This game is moving towards the wrong direction

lol more like CORRECT direction

Oh yeah, nerfing almost all defense, gutting jugg, champ, and zerker all at once, and almost every good aura is "the right direction"..
The only good change in this patch seem to be the auction house, rework of Gladiator ( which seem viable / good for DW), melee skill damage buff, endurance charge ele reduction.
Everything else is either a QOL nerf, defense nerf, or ascend nerf.
Last edited by Thatsnasty on Jul 19, 2024, 11:38:07 AM
Sentinel is implemented EXACTLY as I wanted it to be :)
As objects randomly encountered in the map - without that micromanagement from Sentinel league (picking them up, recombinating spent ones, respecing the power matrix)

I expected them to repalce Torment mechanic. Torment is very outdated and Sentinel does the same thing (buff monsters and their rewards)
PlammX wrote:
Thatsnasty wrote:
Lmao the fact that champion got destroyed on top of a determination nerf is hilarious. Rip basically all your armor.

On top of that, hatred and ashe do nothing if you aren't a convert build, and Jugg's best talent also got destroyed, which I can only assume is because of an enduring cry buff? Which means you just lose all res to make up for something you should have gotten, to gain a little chaos reduction. Oof.

This aint it GGG. What's the point of buffing melee if you completely wreck 2 of the main classes and 2 of main auras? lol..

eze answer: balance and meta shifting

Meta shifting, sure, but balance? I think you need to look at the numbers, and how historically awful GGG is at balancing really anything.

13% of players playing deadeye? Gets a buff.
1% of players playing zerker? Destroy rage.
4-5% playing Jugg and champion? Destroy champions defenses and stun immunity + determination nerf on top of that, take away unbreakable ele reduction.

I was happy playing Jugg and being ignored for years, and at least undeniable and unbreakable were solid enough to work on most builds.
But these ascendency changes are awful, and to mask it under a melee buff to damage, who cares about damage when you're just way squishy for no real reason.
fix hexblast mines
Glad the slow hit fast hit animation form some attacks was removed.
Last edited by IonDrako on Jul 19, 2024, 10:34:41 PM
Thatsnasty wrote:
PlammX wrote:
Thatsnasty wrote:
Lmao the fact that champion got destroyed on top of a determination nerf is hilarious. Rip basically all your armor.

On top of that, hatred and ashe do nothing if you aren't a convert build, and Jugg's best talent also got destroyed, which I can only assume is because of an enduring cry buff? Which means you just lose all res to make up for something you should have gotten, to gain a little chaos reduction. Oof.

This aint it GGG. What's the point of buffing melee if you completely wreck 2 of the main classes and 2 of main auras? lol..

eze answer: balance and meta shifting

Meta shifting, sure, but balance? I think you need to look at the numbers, and how historically awful GGG is at balancing really anything.

13% of players playing deadeye? Gets a buff.
1% of players playing zerker? Destroy rage.
4-5% playing Jugg and champion? Destroy champions defenses and stun immunity + determination nerf on top of that, take away unbreakable ele reduction.

I was happy playing Jugg and being ignored for years, and at least undeniable and unbreakable were solid enough to work on most builds.
But these ascendency changes are awful, and to mask it under a melee buff to damage, who cares about damage when you're just way squishy for no real reason.

balance and meta shifting
This is a very strange comment for me. And what about people who LITERALLY like to play those builds that the old HATRED supported? And they don'T want to play convert builds? In fact, it is not a BALANCE, but an IMPOSITION
I am not sure if we miss something at the moment, but it looks like a nerf fest only and some pseudo buffs of skills to kind a compensate the nerfs. What I see (but I am not the expert), most builds are going to be very squishy and for melee characters that's not a good thing I guess. Possible stuff like insta leech will help, but will see. Last league mechanics were kind a annoying and lots of people left very fast, so hopefully we don't get a repeat.

I still enjoyed the last league because the base game is great, so I hope it didn't mess it up too much :)

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