Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Hello GGG,

since you changed Perfect Agony Keystone, are you changing Passive Tree nodes like Dire Torment and Cluster Nodes too?

Damage over time multiplier on crit is useless wehn your damage over time multiplier is equal/dependend on Crit Multi anyway.
Ondrugs wrote:
Raxanto wrote:
Is it now possible to create a new character good and not follow a guide?
i'm not super good at the game, but creating my own melee build and get very far would've been fun :'D

It was always possible, depending on how you start to build your characters. If you would conc on damage only, no, it's probably not. If you but take first defenses and then go for damage it is. defenses -> life, armor/evasion (or both), leech/recovery...

Even with very low knowledge, as long as you check to have around 5k life or more, capped res, good chaos res of 20-30+, 20k + ar/ev, 2% leech with some extra maximum leech rate n stuff you can deal with T16 and the pinnacle bosses.

The know the basics for each class or artstyle you want to play, will mostly carry you to Endgame with ease. Is it the fastest or most effective, probably not.

Thanks alot! i really want to learn it all. But from your explaination it seems like it's not all too hard.
I know-ish how defenses and all work, but not all too familiar with how to scale damage very high.
i think then the game will be even more fun, when you can make your own build and get it going in t16-16 and normal to pinnacle bosses.
I need to learn it, im gonna invest some time researching and learning it all.
This game is so good, so it's a shame not being able to make your own build - for me that is.

But following a guide isnt bad, but blindly following it without knowing why you use those items etc is bad, then it'll be even harder to get a build to pinnacle endgame.

Thanks again!

Have a great day and a good weekend!
Hucuchill wrote:
Varunastra nothing numerically buffed? :(

Got buffed indirectly by the new Gladiator's The Weapon Master Ascendancy Passive Skill

What happens to Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame with the reworked classes. i.e what happens if my current Forbidden Flesh/Flame allocates Blood in the Eyes (Gladiator), which has now been removed?
New patch looking very good!

Can we please keep some of the cute sheep, even in the fully-developed settlement Kingsmarch?

(Or at least some sheep MTX?)
Removed attack speed from Rage + removed from Berserk + removed ancestral protector = enjoy needing 2 seconds to swing your axe in 3.25

Nice scaling increase for Perforate and Bladestorm but I highly doubt it'll make up for the removal of Totems.

Gladiator seems interesting but I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to dual wield when crafting even 1 weapon now is horrendous with the neutered crafting.

I hope the Sentinel encounters in t16 drop Recombinators, this game as it is, is in dire need of crafting improvements.

Overall this patch looks much better than any patch since 3.15, though that's not a high criteria.
HC balance should be separate from SC I don't care which outdated 1993 game dev philosophy this goes against. youtube/

Hello @GGG Slayer was supossed to be the leech focused spec.

Keeping in mind that you have restored Vaal fact to its former glory (god bless you) is there any chance that you could change the slayer Ascendancy notable passives wording/interaction with leech?

Endless Hunger
20% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life
20% increased Attack Speed while Leeching
Cannot be Stunned while Leeching
You are Unaffected by Bleeding while Leeching

Brutal Fervour
100% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech
Life Leech effects are not removed at Full Life
10% reduced Damage taken while Leeching


Endless Hunger
20% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life
20% increased Attack Speed if you have leeched recently
Cannot be Stunned if you have leeched recently
You are Unaffected by Bleeding if you have leeched recently

Brutal Fervour
100% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech
Life Leech effects are not removed at Full Life
10% reduced Damage taken if you have leeched recently

I understand that we have just 7 days away from release and you will have many important things to do but I think this change would be necesary otherwise the leech intended character is not benefitting from the "best" passive skill tree leech bonus.

Thank you!
Last edited by Yavëtîl on Jul 19, 2024, 7:19:20 AM
God damn, GGG is cooking with this one. Never change, you absolutely insane bastards <3
Champ now dead - for no reason i guess?
Don't get this almost all ascendancy class nodes features nerf.
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Jul 19, 2024, 8:05:54 AM
Everything is fine, cool or acceptable BUT not Hatred aura.
1. By this change you basicly deleted "Call of the brotherhood"
2. on cold attack builds with paradoxica - the only damage aura
3. on aura stacker ~ 80 more damage and thay usualy used "Call of the brotherhood" also.
4. deleted the only good aura for cwdt.
5. now in 90% build that were used hatred you can just say say goodbye yo "tripple hatred Watcher's eye", because you just have no benefits from an aura.
i'm sure that someone can add to the list more things which are damaged or ~dead now.
Please, at least 5% more damage to an aura, that's incredible painfully.

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