Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

The large wheel of Totem Passive Skills south of the Duelist's starting location has been removed. The Panopticon Notable Passive Skill has been removed, while the Ironwood Notable has been moved to be a second Notable in the Shamanistic Fury Totem cluster.

Wtf, I get it you remove melee totem stuff, but give me my +1 to maximum ballista totems back! That is unfair;)
UPD: nvm, it kept on Surveillance cluster it seems:)
Last edited by PraetorianMKII on Jul 19, 2024, 5:41:11 AM
Look like even with new vaal pact melee will be lose to bow a lot xD
Last edited by Rubelugya on Jul 19, 2024, 5:25:09 AM
Are you sure you didn't miss the "No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels." on Boneshatter?

Otherwise incredible patch & league! <3
Raxanto wrote:
Is it now possible to create a new character good and not follow a guide?
i'm not super good at the game, but creating my own melee build and get very far would've been fun :'D

Can reflective mist drop ring basetype exclusive to the Lake of Kalandra? Dusk Ring, Gloam Ring etc.
So nothing changed with melee mechanically other than double damage or better? No accuracy change? No splash built-in to strike skills or more strike range? Strike skills FEEL bad to play because you have to invest into half a dozen things for them to feel good on top of your damage.
What is surplus Scarabs?
(ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

Hello GGG,

There is a problem with the new Gladiator if it wields a bow.
It does not have a place where to add it's 4th ascendancy point.

Could you please add a new line to Gladiators -> Weapon Master
"12% More Attack Speed while wielding a Bow".

Thank you.


Raxanto wrote:
Is it now possible to create a new character good and not follow a guide?
i'm not super good at the game, but creating my own melee build and get very far would've been fun :'D

It was always possible, depending on how you start to build your characters. If you would conc on damage only, no, it's probably not. If you but take first defenses and then go for damage it is. defenses -> life, armor/evasion (or both), leech/recovery...

Even with very low knowledge, as long as you check to have around 5k life or more, capped res, good chaos res of 20-30+, 20k + ar/ev, 2% leech with some extra maximum leech rate n stuff you can deal with T16 and the pinnacle bosses.

The know the basics for each class or artstyle you want to play, will mostly carry you to Endgame with ease. Is it the fastest or most effective, probably not.
Last edited by Ondrugs on Jul 19, 2024, 6:06:41 AM
Nichisi wrote:
How exactly are we going to deal with physical hits? Genuine question. Also goodbye champion stun immunity... you are already missed

with physical mitigation at best

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