The promise of a shared endgame fooled collectors and standard players

First and foremost, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding effort the development team has put into crafting this amazing game. Over the years, I've witnessed the dedication to transparency and the commitment to taking player feedback seriously. It's these principles that have helped create such a strong bond between the community and the developers.

Having played over 10k+ hours in Path of Exile, I have cherished every league as a new opportunity to hoard stuff. That was a driving force behind my passion for the game. However, the recent news of Path of Exile 2 being a separate entity from the original game, has left me feeling deeply disappointed.

I understand that game development is a complex process, and decisions must be made to improve the overall experience. However, the announcement has raised questions about the initial principles of transparency and communication that have been central to the game's identity. It feels like a significant shift from what we, as a community, have come to expect. And this isn't the first time this happened.

As an somewhat avid collector, I am left wondering about the fate of my hard-earned hoard and the memories they represent. I wish there had been more clarity about this earlier, allowing me to make more informed decisions about my collecting efforts.

I am reaching out not to criticize but to express my concern and hope that the development team will consider the impact this decision has on players like me who have dedicated countless hours to the game and invested in the collection aspect.

Perhaps there is a way to find a compromise that could address both the needs of the developers and the passionate community. To acknowledge the commitment of long-time players? Is there a possibility of alternative art events or rewards in the sequel to make the collecting journey enjoyable and rewarding?

I genuinely believe in the vision of Path of Exile and its dedicated team. My intention is to offer feedback that contributes to the game's continued success and the preservation of the strong bond between the community and the developers.
facemangler wrote:

I genuinely believe in the vision of Path of Exile and its dedicated team. My intention is to offer feedback that contributes to the game's continued success and the preservation of the strong bond between the community and the developers.

I want to be able to say just that again, Every part is true for me except my belief.
Innocence forgives you
facemangler wrote:

As an somewhat avid collector, I am left wondering about the fate of my hard-earned hoard and the memories they represent. I wish there had been more clarity about this earlier, allowing me to make more informed decisions about my collecting efforts.

ggg has been maaking a lot of important decisions and just expecting players to accept it.

i ve been playing poe hard all these years coz i was under the assumption that i could use them in poe2.

else i would have just stopped playing and played other things and return when poe2 came around.

i also threw in a lot of cash.

i am pissed.
[Removed by Support]
Annoyed std player here...

With the advent of these recent announcements I will be one of those players who will stay playing PoE1 standard and never touch PoE2.

Sadly, GGG will continue to take a dump on us standard players and cater to league sheep.

The day PoE1 standard somehow dies is the day I (as well as many other std-only players) will quit PoE and not touch another ARPG again.

Thanks again GGG for taking advantage of player trust and dumping on our dreams.
GGG only caters to their beloved league sheep and whales, majority of whom treat Standard like it doesn't exist. Not everyone enjoys temp leagues.

If you're a price fixer, item flipper, forum brown-noser or an advocate of P2Annoy MTX you're probably already ignored/muted. You won't get my items.
compared to the first exilecon, this one certainly delivered a brand new message and vision there is no mistake about that

Poe2 looks fantastic but since 2 is effectively the replacement and successor to 1, so are the items players spent years farming

foil items… yeah about that…

Feelsbad :/
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Please don't tell me about the voidborn foils! Kekw
Last edited by facemangler on Jul 31, 2023, 4:52:15 PM
perhaps this is just me as a non-mtx PoE player....

I have literally never played a single game in my life that I didn't expect to either cease getting updated, or be released as a sequel or new game. Literally not a single game. There is always the expectation that I will move on to something newer and shinier and basically completely forget about the old game. Logging in just to look at my "collection" is so far-fetched to me. A game is meant to be played, not merely looked at.

I get that the original message was that PoE 2 was going to have a shared endgame with PoE 1, I do understand that...but at the same time this obsession with collections and foils and mtx etc., and how these can no longer be transferred to PoE 2 sort of baffles me.

I would much rather have a totally new, exciting game to play from scratch than a never-ending continuous remake of PoE 1, with all the limitations and problems that comes from years and years of issues and a decade+ old base system. Even though I have played PoE since the beta. There's a risk the new game might have problems (*cough D4 *cough), but the excitement of exploring a new game, and the next 10 years of development has me really really excited. To hell with all the items I had stored up over the last decade, I don't give a damn about that. I had fun playing the game all this time through its ups and downs. I had items from 2013 in my standard stash. So what? I also had every set and every unique and all the best perfect runewords in my D2 account from the early 2000s. Did I expect them to be around forever and usable in any future installment of the series? Not at all. I have no interest in starting a brand new game in instant god mode.

It is far more normal, reasonable, and predictable that there would come a time when PoE 1 would end, and PoE 2 would begin. And frankly, even if they had a shared endgame, there was never a guarantee (nor should there have even been an expectation) that all previous items would be usable, or even accessible. Plenty of items through the years have been erased or modified out of existence. I would argue it is BETTER for your collection that the games are separate because there is now no reason for GGG to go in and make mandatory changes to your years-long museum of old items, destroying many of them in the process.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 31, 2023, 5:16:47 PM
facemangler wrote:
Please don't tell me about the voidborn foils! Kekw

ufffff thats must hurt for ppl that got them
jsuslak313 wrote:
perhaps this is just me as a non-mtx PoE player....

I have literally never played a single game in my life that I didn't expect to either cease getting updated, or be released as a sequel or new game. Literally not a single game. There is always the expectation that I will move on to something newer and shinier and basically completely forget about the old game. Logging in just to look at my "collection" is so far-fetched to me. A game is meant to be played, not merely looked at.

So you've never played League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Fortnite, etc? Big games that are live monoliths? Runescape? That one is the one that actively forked but technically your stuff is still in RS3 from 2004 or whatever. You expect that those will always be one of and there will be no sequel.

If you want to be some offline casual titles, then get treated as such and get sub 500 hours investment in it and absolutely no major time investment in obtaining achievements, knowledge and history with the game.
anti4z500 wrote:
facemangler wrote:
Please don't tell me about the voidborn foils! Kekw

ufffff thats must hurt for ppl that got them

Missing 8 voidborn foils from all that I know of. With multiple dupes.

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