The promise of a shared endgame fooled collectors and standard players

jsuslak313 wrote:
I would much rather have a totally new, exciting game to play from scratch than a never-ending continuous remake of PoE 1, with all the limitations and problems that comes from years and years of issues and a decade+ old base system. Even though I have played PoE since the beta. There's a risk the new game might have problems (*cough D4 *cough), but the excitement of exploring a new game, and the next 10 years of development has me really really excited. To hell with all the items I had stored up over the last decade, I don't give a damn about that. I had fun playing the game all this time through its ups and downs. I had items from 2013 in my standard stash. So what? I also had every set and every unique and all the best perfect runewords in my D2 account from the early 2000s. Did I expect them to be around forever and usable in any future installment of the series? Not at all. I have no interest in starting a brand new game in instant god mode.

It is far more normal, reasonable, and predictable that there would come a time when PoE 1 would end, and PoE 2 would begin. And frankly, even if they had a shared endgame, there was never a guarantee (nor should there have even been an expectation) that all previous items would be usable, or even accessible. Plenty of items through the years have been erased or modified out of existence. I would argue it is BETTER for your collection that the games are separate because there is now no reason for GGG to go in and make mandatory changes to your years-long museum of old items, destroying many of them in the process.

Oh I am not done with you, sir. There are so many games released each year you have endless opportunity to "explore a new game" and get the "excitement of exploring a new game".

Easy for you to say that you're fine abandoning your time with PoE when "playing since beta" seems to have amounted to barely playing compared to some of us looking at the character tab in your profile. Wow, you get to abandon 4 90-95 characters, what a sacrifice you're making. You're so brave and totally like us but with the bravery to start anew.

No, it is not reasonable. Especially since they explicitly argued against that at Exilecon 2019. Nobody expected all previous items to be usable, it's about having the same game and still having all those things in some form. Whether they work or not. Because in 10 years new players would pick up PoE and we'd still be here with a large history and achievements to show off to them. Now? It's like they expect us to invest into games that have 10 year lifecycles by the precedent set here, instead of the many decades lifecycles of true big online games.

This is how the modern age of video games should treat big games. They should be monoliths, one game, that will forever get updated and remade but one game.
albert2006xp wrote:

This is how the modern age of video games should treat big games. They should be monoliths, one game, that will forever get updated and remade but one game.

I get that change can be hard but man is this statement depressing :p not least of all because you'd never actually get the game you want to be a monolith if they practiced this prior.

Why would you consciously shackle yourself to your past restrictions both monetary and talent wise when you know you can do better? The best games come from risk, the most tepid games come from updating the same thing over and over again its tried and true.
Draegnarrr wrote:
albert2006xp wrote:

This is how the modern age of video games should treat big games. They should be monoliths, one game, that will forever get updated and remade but one game.

I get that change can be hard but man is this statement depressing :p not least of all because you'd never actually get the game you want to be a monolith if they practiced this prior.

Why would you consciously shackle yourself to your past restrictions both monetary and talent wise when you know you can do better? The best games come from risk, the most tepid games come from updating the same thing over and over again its tried and true.

What are you even saying. PoE is not a sequel to anything. They made this monolith and are now building another one out of the pieces of this one.

The best games come from updating a game for a long time. The games I have over 5k hours in, there's only a handful and they have all been around for over a decade, maybe even two and I doubt there will ever be a sequel for any of them. If you want to be a game I have less than 500 hours in instead, sure, release a sequel.
dude....I delete all my old characters, you do realize that's a thing right? I deleted every single standard character I had once they switched divines and exalts. Since then, I delete every league once it ends. I have over 10000 hours of PoE, and that's just the hours that GGG was able to tell me when I asked a few weeks ago. Don't presume to judge my worth by peeking at my characters, shows what kind of person you are more than it does myself.

I'm not even going to start with you because you say the same thing in every thread and your entire take is totally insane: but I will say that, no, I have played none of the games you mentioned because they are not arpgs nor have they looked even remotely appealing to me.

Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 31, 2023, 5:43:09 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
dude....I delete all my old characters. I deleted every single standard character I had once they switched divines and exalts. Since then, I delete every league once it ends. I have over 10000 hours of PoE, and that's just the hours that GGG was able to tell me when I asked a few weeks ago.

I'm not even going to start with you because you say the same thing in every thread and your entire take is totally insane: but I will say that, no, I have played none of the games you mentioned because they are not arpgs nor have they looked even remotely appealing to me.

Sure, you delete level 100 characters and kept the 90-95s. You clearly have no attachment to this game yet are fine to shit on people who do. Who keep their totems, their level 100 characters.

So you only play one type of game? This is so frustrating, to have my game time investment ruined because of people that aren't gaming as much as me.
albert2006xp wrote:

Sure, you delete level 100 characters and kept the 90-95s. You clearly have no attachment to this game yet are fine to shit on people who do. Who keep their totems, their level 100 characters.

So you only play one type of game? This is so frustrating, to have my game time investment ruined because of people that aren't gaming as much as me.

Yes I delete them....because I remake them when I want to. Why should I care about some old level 100 character when I've made hundreds more after that? A level 100 character is not some absurd accomplishment that I want to treasure for the rest of my life...should I also get a framed picture of every single character and every single mirror-tier item I've ever made and hang them up on my walls?

Also, I would have had to pay hundreds of dollars increasing my character stash if I saved every single character I have ever made in this game. That's just beyond bonkers insane. You sound like a whiny petulant child, in this thread and every other thread where you try to make the same argument and get zero support. Keep living in that fantasy world. I'm done engaging, I've said my piece.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 31, 2023, 5:53:42 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
albert2006xp wrote:

Sure, you delete level 100 characters and kept the 90-95s. You clearly have no attachment to this game yet are fine to shit on people who do. Who keep their totems, their level 100 characters.

So you only play one type of game? This is so frustrating, to have my game time investment ruined because of people that aren't gaming as much as me.

Yes I delete them....because I remake them when I want to. Why should I care about some old level 100 character when I've made hundreds more after that? Also, I would have had to pay hundreds of dollars increasing my character stash if I saved every single character I have ever made in this game. That's just beyond bonkers insane. You sound like a whiny petulant child, in this thread and every other thread where you try to make the same argument and get zero support. Keep living in that fantasy world. I'm done engaging, I've said my piece.

You're not even close to the cap... If you were I'd understand. And yeah I'd rather pay than lose level 100 characters.

This is the most upsetting game decision since LoL Dynamic Queue and I've worked against that decision for months straight and had multiple front page reddit threads, thousands of comments and kept working on the community push against it. Guess where Dynamic Queue is now? Fucking dead. That's why you champion against things that are hurting you in your forever games, cause if we all stay silent games get stolen from under us. PoE2 as a separate game is the dynamic queue of PoE. Just like Dynamic Queue it just lessens achievement value.

All so people with a casual attitude get a new game. No. Just no. Respect the fact we've worked on achievements in this game and continue this game.

Last edited by albert2006xp on Jul 31, 2023, 5:54:15 PM
Hit quote instead of edit, ignore me.
Last edited by albert2006xp on Jul 31, 2023, 5:54:04 PM
albert2006xp wrote:

You're not even close to the cap... If you were I'd understand. And yeah I'd rather pay than lose level 100 characters.

Last realize the characters you see are ALL crucible characters? And it isn't even all my crucible characters that I created. And I would say this is the league I played the LEAST (except Kalandra). I have made hundreds, possibly thousands of different builds over the last 10 years, most of which were at least in the low 90s when I gave up on them and moved on. Are you truly in full control of your mental faculties?

Or perhaps maybe this game and your "totems" are some sort of lifetime achievement for you that you can't possibly live without. If that's true...I feel a bit sorry for you. Sure, its a time investment (I use investment loosely, because its fun, not work) but ultimately its just a goddamn game. You have this really weird, OCD obsession with specific games that is truly unhealthy.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 31, 2023, 6:01:54 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
albert2006xp wrote:

You're not even close to the cap... If you were I'd understand. And yeah I'd rather pay than lose level 100 characters.

Last realize the characters you see are ALL crucible characters? And it isn't even all my crucible characters that I created. And I would say this is the league I played the LEAST (except Kalandra). I have made hundreds, possibly thousands of different builds over the last 10 years, most of which were at least in the low 90s when I gave up on them and moved on. Are you truly in full control of your mental faculties?

Or perhaps maybe this game and your "totems" are some sort of lifetime achievement for you that you can't possibly live without. If that's true...I feel a bit sorry for you. Sure, its a time investment (I use investment loosely, because its fun, not work) but ultimately its just a goddamn game. You have this really weird, OCD obsession with specific games that is truly unhealthy.

My totems are more worth than everything you've ever done in this game and they aren't even at the difficulty I'd like them to be. That's why I have leaguely posts to make level 100 harder, to make 40/40 harder, etc. To increase value over people like you that just play to play. I play to show you I am better than you. Leaderboards for fastest 40/40, solo only when? Let's go. Let's show who the better gamer is and who's word is worth more? Spoiler: I will beat you in every game ever invented.

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