The promise of a shared endgame fooled collectors and standard players

Deemer610 wrote:
I don't like the idea of them knowing it will be separate game but still justifying all POE1 nerfs as; "We have to bring it to the same level of POE2".
What's the point of making it harder, grindier, less fun?
If they knew it since 2021, then Expedition shouldn't have brought all the unpopular nerfs to the game, so much wasted energy and emotions over this changes which turns out were justified by a fake promise of turning it into one game.

Basically they make changes to PoE 1 to test new ideas. A living game like this needs this to happen or things would go stale. Sometimes it goes well, not everyone happy of course and sometimes the changes don't go well.

Nerfs suck sometimes but without them you got the same shit all the time. Things change, adapt and move on. Enjoy it, its a game. If you don't, play something you enjoy simple as that.
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
exsea wrote:
ggg has set the precedence that they can change their directions. nothing is set in stone.

And lie and deceive all the way while doing it, let's not forget that.

Its a video game...... worry more about your government lying and deceiving you.

GGG is not that bad, hate them so much then just go away? I don't get it. I am quite happy with them, its a pain in the ass balancing these games and more painful trying to please this audience of people now a days who cant even think for themselves thanks to the internet.

We all play games to have fun, lets get back to that. Constructive feedback is great, a bunch of adults whining on the internet about digital items, or balance changes they don't like is simply sad.

My advice is, if a game is pissing you off don't play it. Simple as that, save yourself the heartache. GGG doesn't owe you nothing.
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Jul 30, 2023, 2:51:42 PM
I only play Standard. I wish there were more people to trade with or play with because the community already seems too split with all of the extra modes that people can choose to play from.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
What they did may be better for the game. PoE2 might be the fresh start we need after all those years.

The way they did it is bad for the community. And the long time supporters.

It's hard to say right now what will happen but the Beta will be the decisive moment for GGG : if it's another broken promise it'll probably be the last for a lot of people and PoE2 might crash even before launching.

People are getting worked up right now but bottled rage will be way worse in one year from now.
Jradlot21 wrote:

Wanna know the hypocrisy of your argument? If PoE2 stayed the course of PoE1, you'd be the one whining and crying about it.

Also, it's pretty moronic that we as consumers can't be mad at the product when the company advertised something, which they could remain silent and avoid it altogether, but instead they decided to set a course, stayed silent for years and then suddenly does a 180 on everything they said. And don't fool yourself, the product being free only means they can't be sued, if it were a pre-order, bet your ass they would be.

I mean seriously, if you're against honesty and their consequences... don't throw stones from your glass house, mate.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 30, 2023, 3:17:32 PM
I'll be honest, Chris Willson turning into Thanos during Exilecon2023 is quite the unexpected turn of event.

XeoTech wrote:
I'm just going to leave this here.

This is a clip of Chris Wilson saying that "Sequels split a community". And that is exactly what we're experiencing right now.

Now, if Chris was pressed on this, he'd prolly say something like, "Yes, but PoE II now has a complete six-act campaign and a bunch of new features that make it a complete ARPG."

To which I would reply, "Yes, that you stole from the people waiting four years for it to be part of PoE 1." ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Raycheetah wrote:
XeoTech wrote:
I'm just going to leave this here.

This is a clip of Chris Wilson saying that "Sequels split a community". And that is exactly what we're experiencing right now.

Now, if Chris was pressed on this, he'd prolly say something like, "Yes, but PoE II now has a complete six-act campaign and a bunch of new features that make it a complete ARPG."

To which I would reply, "Yes, that you stole from the people waiting four years for it to be part of PoE 1." ='[.]'=

Yeah but all the people who don't like PoE literally get to gloat and stroke themselves about stupid anti hardcore gaming things like world design, npcs, environment, story and whatever that top guy on reddit has vomited in front of my eyes.

All while the game we invested years into is getting sequel killed slowly, on the backs of us patiently waiting for an update for 4 years that will never happen now.

He probably would rather not address that because the answer is they really, really wanted to make this other ARPG and still want to use PoE1 as a financial safety net. Because they were too afraid to just make one game and update it, because the ideas went too far and are downright hateful towards PoE as if we didn't have an almost perfect game as is? Why would you change crafting? Like legit why? It works great. This is the only game where I get to not look at items on the ground and waste my eyes on that clunky activity. Drops come from live searches. The game is almost perfect. Yet it seems like they despise it if they go this far away from it that they would risk two games existing at the same time with their own leagues.
Last edited by albert2006xp on Jul 30, 2023, 7:15:25 PM
Raycheetah wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Okay lets try this again cause I ono WHY that post got reported I am annoyed but lets continue.

As I said they didn't promise you guys a thing it doesn't even say promise pinky promise yada yada development which well I believe you familiar with that things can change all the time you know that right?

I've already had this conversation with several other people, but I like you, so I'm gonna explain it from my perspective. Exilecon 2019 was a promotional event. Advertising. And what was among the products GGG advertised at Exilecon 2019? PoE II. They described the product, created expectations for what that product would provide its consumers, and in the four years since, haven't said anything about a change of plans until this weekend.

During that four years, my wife and I spent hundreds of dollars in real money supporting PoE (and until GGG changes the name from Supporter Packs to Pixel Packs, I'm not gonna listen to anybody who says all I paid for are the MTXs), based on our expectations of PoE II and what its development would mean for PoE 1. GGG's failure to deliver what they advertised at Exilecon 1 was, at the very least, a massive betrayal of all the trust and goodwill they had built up. Whether it is actually legally actionable is best left to the hypothetical, but I would be curious to know what New Zealand's laws are on deceptive trade practices.

If you don't agree, that's fine. But the loss of trust means far more to me than the money, or even the state of the game, itself. =9[.]9=

Yes, Poe being updated to Poe 4.0 with more classes, nicer graphics, etc is the only reason why I started to purchase support packs before 4.0 or Poe2. If I had known Poe 2 will be a different game, even cosmetics still shared, I would have just kept waiting for Poe2 to come out and then choose what packs I will buy in this new game. The CEO basically lied.
Reinhart wrote:

That thought from CoopSterner has crossed my mind as well. They DID target the Diablo 3 crowd by making it more zoomier.

do you mean before open beta? back in closed beta?

chris did an interview a long long time ago where he said a friend of his from d2 played rly early versions of poe and said he wanted to play faster in endgame, that he wanted the game to feel more like crazy endgame d2 builds where you just moved and attacked really fast. chris said he told the guy not to worry, that the power creep of constantly evolving poe would bring that speed, it would eventually come to poe and when it comes it would go out of control and eventually be way too much so he shouldnt worry about the game at that time feeling a bit slower than d2.

i dont think the devs hate speed. in the talks jonathan was saying yeah we want endgame to be crazy fast still, we want the game to feel totally broken we just dont want it to be at the level of glitching out the engine and crashing computers.

i wasnt here in closed beta. i started at the start of open beta and my first build could move and attack faster than any build could move or attack in d3. since january 2013 when this game became open to the public there has never been a point where you could make a build in d3 thats as fast as builds in poe. thats how the game has been for 10 years.

the diablo 3 crowd were playing HoTA barbs with 1.4 attacks per second in monster power 10 where it was taking them literally like 3+ minutes to kill a single rare mob. i came to poe and i was attacking 5 times per second and killing rares in probably 5-10 seconds. in what way weas that designed to mimic d3 in some way?

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