The promise of a shared endgame fooled collectors and standard players

Jradlot21 wrote:

People make too big of deal out of it. Its a god damn video game, if they change how you like it play something else!

PoE 1 is not going anywhere anyway so just keep playing that, people need to stop crying. Play what you want and how you want, but freaking out about them making a standalone sequel? Just grow up kids. GGG is a pretty good company and they have the patience of saints to deal with this community.

grow up kids?

do you realize that players have been technically scammed out of their money and time?
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exsea wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

People make too big of deal out of it. Its a god damn video game, if they change how you like it play something else!

PoE 1 is not going anywhere anyway so just keep playing that, people need to stop crying. Play what you want and how you want, but freaking out about them making a standalone sequel? Just grow up kids. GGG is a pretty good company and they have the patience of saints to deal with this community.

grow up kids?

do you realize that players have been technically scammed out of their money and time?

Yeah, Too much time and money.

Would not have spent so much time posting concepts and discussing concepts if i knew they were just going to use all of it to make an entirely separate game.

I would have left and not spent the bulk of my "support" during the period which they were actively developing PoE2 under the guise that it would have a shared endgame.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jul 30, 2023, 11:32:36 PM
exsea wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

People make too big of deal out of it. Its a god damn video game, if they change how you like it play something else!

PoE 1 is not going anywhere anyway so just keep playing that, people need to stop crying. Play what you want and how you want, but freaking out about them making a standalone sequel? Just grow up kids. GGG is a pretty good company and they have the patience of saints to deal with this community.

grow up kids?

do you realize that players have been technically scammed out of their money and time?

Yeah, Too much time and money.

Would not have spent so much time posting concepts and discussing concepts if i knew they were just going to use all of it to make an entirely separate game.

I would have left and not spent the bulk of my "support" during the period which they were actively developing PoE2 under the guise that it would have a shared endgame.

i think we see each other here on the forums discussing various stuff that could improve poe.

there are many others all passionate people who want POE to be a better game.

just to have a bait and switch. i guess we're too invested in this game. serves us right for being so passionate right?
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Snorkle_uk wrote:
Reinhart wrote:

That thought from CoopSterner has crossed my mind as well. They DID target the Diablo 3 crowd by making it more zoomier.

do you mean before open beta? back in closed beta?

chris did an interview a long long time ago where he said a friend of his from d2 played rly early versions of poe and said he wanted to play faster in endgame, that he wanted the game to feel more like crazy endgame d2 builds where you just moved and attacked really fast. chris said he told the guy not to worry, that the power creep of constantly evolving poe would bring that speed, it would eventually come to poe and when it comes it would go out of control and eventually be way too much so he shouldnt worry about the game at that time feeling a bit slower than d2.

i dont think the devs hate speed. in the talks jonathan was saying yeah we want endgame to be crazy fast still, we want the game to feel totally broken we just dont want it to be at the level of glitching out the engine and crashing computers.

i wasnt here in closed beta. i started at the start of open beta and my first build could move and attack faster than any build could move or attack in d3. since january 2013 when this game became open to the public there has never been a point where you could make a build in d3 thats as fast as builds in poe. thats how the game has been for 10 years.

the diablo 3 crowd were playing HoTA barbs with 1.4 attacks per second in monster power 10 where it was taking them literally like 3+ minutes to kill a single rare mob. i came to poe and i was attacking 5 times per second and killing rares in probably 5-10 seconds. in what way weas that designed to mimic d3 in some way?

Not in 2013, but like 2 years later when Diablo 3 was a speedfest and Chris said something along the lines of "We want people to be able to play PAth of Exile and watch TV at the same time."

If you made a build in 2013 on your own, you could not wreck the game. But I know exiles always flock to the "best" builds possible and GGGNeon (Mark) of course balancing around it, invalidating more general builds. That is all because of streamers and people who have too much time on their hands and dream the entire night about their path of building.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Now to stay on topic and as response to those who say you can redo your collection in POE 2. How would GGG_Chris react if you take away his entire MTG collection? And you say, don't worry Chris, you can start collecting again.

A lot will depend how active the POE I community will be but this is at the mercy of GGG. If they decide to put 50% of their devs on POE I, and they should, we might still have a pretty active standard.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Honestly... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT? PoE is a game, which provided you with content almost every 3 months. And almost each time it was a freaking good experience. In a f2p game. With no lies, excuses, never did they disrespect their players, and never did they try to squeeze money from them. From us. So every time I started to play new league, I bought a support pack. As a 'thank you' to GGG's dev team, because I could enjoy new builds, new skills, new mechanics, etc.

P.S. all the MTX will be transfered to PoE2. So you, guys, loose nothing.
Reinhart wrote:
Now to stay on topic and as response to those who say you can redo your collection in POE 2. How would GGG_Chris react if you take away his entire MTG collection? And you say, don't worry Chris, you can start collecting again.
Someone stealing your property is not a good analogy for a company releasing a new game. Nobody is taking away your card collection. They're releasing a new set of cards under a different banner. Collect them if you want, or don't, either way is fine.
imho they can still transfer all poe1 items into poe2 and convert them?

doesn't hirt anyone if they exist twice in both games, doesn't it?
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Lonely.Cat wrote:
Honestly... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT? PoE is a game, which provided you with content almost every 3 months. And almost each time it was a freaking good experience. In a f2p game. With no lies, excuses, never did they disrespect their players, and never did they try to squeeze money from them. From us. So every time I started to play new league, I bought a support pack. As a 'thank you' to GGG's dev team, because I could enjoy new builds, new skills, new mechanics, etc.

P.S. all the MTX will be transfered to PoE2. So you, guys, loose nothing.

With no lies -> wrong
excuses -> wrong
never did they disrespect their players -> arguably wrong
never did they try to squeeze money from them -> very wrong

I don't think its worth to have a conversation with you. Just wanted to state you should check your facts (they aren't facts).
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Jradlot21 wrote:
Standard players.................. why play standard? Just why?

I can flip this around on you and ask why do you play leagues? The answer is people do what they enjoy. Nobody in the world is qualified to tell me what I should be playing other than myself and I do not have to justify my decision to anyone. I play Standard because I cannot be bothered to regrind characters every 3 months. I value my free time and gaming time and choose to do what I enjoy. Playing Standard respects my time. Leagues do not respect my time, they are grindy and require dedication and hours of time investment. I also choose to play Standard to use the wealth and gear I have accumulated since 2013.

This is not the topic of this thread.

The main point here is that we were told POE2 would benefit POE1 as a patch 4.0 with new graphics and an engine update, the rework of sockets and lots of other positive changes. Now this is all gone. One cannot help but feel despair.

The arguments being made here about people who felt their support pack purchases were misleading are absolutely justifiable.
Last edited by XeoTech on Jul 31, 2023, 12:03:48 PM

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