The promise of a shared endgame fooled collectors and standard players

Snorkle_uk wrote:
CoopSterner wrote:
The introduction of zoom into PoE was a strategic move to acquire sufficient resources in order to create the game the developers had envisioned from the start.

The current plan of two separate games was probably caused by their overlord, effectively denying them from ever un-zooming the base game.

nah, they just like adding crazy stuff but also realise it causes problems.

its like a human being who loves chocolate, hates exercising but also wants to be healthy and have a beach body. youre being pulled in multiple directions by your own desires and logical understanding but ultimately you just wanna enjoy your life the best you can so you muddle through making compromises.

theyre just trying to make a good game.

That thought from CoopSterner has crossed my mind as well. They DID target the Diablo 3 crowd by making it more zoomier. They got their boost in supporter money and then said fuck you old supporters, we wrecked up your game in a 10 year timespan and now going to make a complete new one, invalidating everything you have achieved.

Jradlot21 wrote:

Collectors can calm the fuck down and collect the new PoE2 items. Your POE1 collection is still going to be there.

Standard players.................. why play standard? Just why?

Why would I honestly care about POE II items? The devs themselves say they carry no weight because they dont care about their original game and they dont care about STANDARD/PERM HC.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Jul 30, 2023, 1:55:23 PM
Jradlot21 wrote:

Standard players.................. why play standard? Just why?

Sorry for enjoying the game how I want to... sit
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I feel deceived, they literally let us believe for four years that is buying “supporter” packs were directly supporting development of an expansion for our game, four years later we find out it’s going to be seperate game entirely that doesn’t look/play/feel like the poe we all have grown to love.
Jix_91 wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

Standard players.................. why play standard? Just why?

Sorry for enjoying the game how I want to... sit

i really hate it when people refuse to understand that players love playing games a certain way.

ssf/hardcore/ruthless is not for me. i do not ridicule nor question them.

u like temp leagues. i m fine. all the power to you.

but when i say i like STD, people act like total idiots "i dont get why anyone would like STD".

i see it more now since poe2's standalone announcement.

its tiring and sickening.
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Echothesis wrote:

What you paid for is not in your head, it's a verifiable fact - you are told before the purchase what it is you're buying, you agree to buy those things, and then you even get a receipt acknowledging what you paid for. Regardless of what expectations are floating around in your mind, if it isn't part of the purchase agreement, you are not paying for it.

Maybe I am wrong, but what other guys here try to tell you is about longterm expectations, not just mtx. Making Poe2 a separate game means inevitable decline of Poe1, it is how dev industry works. Question is, would you still buy "those things you contracted for" if you knew this game will go on life support mode in a year or two?

No I will not, after this bait and switch I will not be buying anymore supporter packs period.
Reinhart wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

Collectors can calm the fuck down and collect the new PoE2 items. Your POE1 collection is still going to be there.

Standard players.................. why play standard? Just why?

Why would I honestly care about POE II items? The devs themselves say they carry no weight because they dont care about their original game and they dont care about STANDARD/PERM HC.

Exactly, why would you trust them to keep that too when they'll just do PoE3 in 10 years by the precedent set now?
albert2006xp wrote:
Reinhart wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

Collectors can calm the fuck down and collect the new PoE2 items. Your POE1 collection is still going to be there.

Standard players.................. why play standard? Just why?

Why would I honestly care about POE II items? The devs themselves say they carry no weight because they dont care about their original game and they dont care about STANDARD/PERM HC.

Exactly, why would you trust them to keep that too when they'll just do PoE3 in 10 years by the precedent set now?

ggg has set the precedence that they can change their directions. nothing is set in stone.

no reason for me to support them now.

less reason for me to keep playing either.
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exsea wrote:
Jix_91 wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

Standard players.................. why play standard? Just why?

Sorry for enjoying the game how I want to... sit

i really hate it when people refuse to understand that players love playing games a certain way.

ssf/hardcore/ruthless is not for me. i do not ridicule nor question them.

u like temp leagues. i m fine. all the power to you.

but when i say i like STD, people act like total idiots "i dont get why anyone would like STD".

i see it more now since poe2's standalone announcement.

its tiring and sickening.

People make too big of deal out of it. Its a god damn video game, if they change how you like it play something else!

Standard is what you like play it, no one cares about standard though so dont expect them to cater to the 1% of players. That would be like me complaining about Hardcore game balance, they don't give a shit about me. Streamers and their fanboys alone are basically responsible for game balance now a days.

PoE 1 is not going anywhere anyway so just keep playing that, people need to stop crying. Play what you want and how you want, but freaking out about them making a standalone sequel? Just grow up kids. GGG is a pretty good company and they have the patience of saints to deal with this community.
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Jul 30, 2023, 2:43:06 PM
I don't like the idea of them knowing it will be separate game but still justifying all POE1 nerfs as; "We have to bring it to the same level of POE2".
What's the point of making it harder, grindier, less fun?
If they knew it since 2021, then Expedition shouldn't have brought all the unpopular nerfs to the game, so much wasted energy and emotions over this changes which turns out were justified by a fake promise of turning it into one game.
exsea wrote:
ggg has set the precedence that they can change their directions. nothing is set in stone.

And lie and deceive all the way while doing it, let's not forget that.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].

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