The promise of a shared endgame fooled collectors and standard players


What you paid for is not in your head, it's a verifiable fact - you are told before the purchase what it is you're buying, you agree to buy those things, and then you even get a receipt acknowledging what you paid for. Regardless of what expectations are floating around in your mind, if it isn't part of the purchase agreement, you are not paying for it.

Maybe I am wrong, but what other guys here try to tell you is about longterm expectations, not just mtx. Making Poe2 a separate game means inevitable decline of Poe1, it is how dev industry works. Question is, would you still buy "those things you contracted for" if you knew this game will go on life support mode in a year or two?
I understand you had expectations and you're disappointed they didn't come to pass. But expectations are in your head. I'm not talking about what's in your head, I'm talking about your comments about paying for more than just MTXs.

What you paid for is not in your head, it's a verifiable fact - you are told before the purchase what it is you're buying, you agree to buy those things, and then you even get a receipt acknowledging what you paid for. Regardless of what expectations are floating around in your mind, if it isn't part of the purchase agreement, you are not paying for it.

Financial literacy is important, and encouraging people to think that their purchases are (somehow? magically?) paying for things other than what they're specifically agreeing to is setting them up for misery, disappointment and a bunch of wasted money. It's irresponsible.

You completely misunderstand what supporter packs stood for. You support them with money because you like the vision the company envisions and in return yes you do get mtx. But most of the oldschool supporters paid GGG money to make Path of Exile the best game there is.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Jul 30, 2023, 7:36:24 AM

It’s a simple question. Raycheetah asserts he paid for something else and didn’t get it. I’m just asking what item that was.

He didnt paid for any particular item, he SUPPORTED GGG by his money because he wanted them to keep their promises.
Last edited by de99ial on Jul 30, 2023, 8:29:45 AM
Echothesis wrote:
Maybe I am wrong, but what other guys here try to tell you is about longterm expectations, not just mtx.
And I'm glad they're able to discuss that with people who are interested, but I came to make one specific point.

Reinhart wrote:
You completely misunderstand what supporter packs stood for. You support them with money because you like the vision the company envisions and in return yes you do get mtx. But most of the oldschool supporters paid GGG money to make Path of Exile the best game there is.
I've already done this bit (eg. 1,2). I have no problem with those intentions, indeed I've made purchases for those reasons myself. But your reasons for buying things are in your head, they don't change what you're paying for.

People should be aware when they make a purchase that they are not buying a stake in a preferred future, they are buying the item they agree to buy. That's it. If that's going to be disappointing when you only end up with that item, maybe rethink the purchase.
your reasons for buying things are in your head, they don't change what you're paying for.

technically you are correct, yet you refuse to acknowledge that people's reasons for buying packs are not always the contents of packs. By now veteran players have 10 times more mtx they could use, and some have dozens of stash tabs.

You ignored my question - would you still buy packs if you knew poe1 now approaches the end of active support? Yes, those packs will be carried over to Poe2 (or so GGG promises us, for now :) ), but poe2 is rather different game from poe1, we know that now. So people who supported poe1 may not be interested in supporting poe2.
Echothesis wrote:
your reasons for buying things are in your head, they don't change what you're paying for.

technically you are correct, yet you refuse to acknowledge that people's reasons for buying packs are not always the contents of packs
I have acknowledged that multiple times, including in my previous post in this thread.

Echothesis wrote:
You ignored my question - would you still buy packs if you knew poe1 now approaches the end of active support? Yes, those packs will be carried over to Poe2 (or so GGG promises us, for now :) ), but poe2 is rather different game from poe1, we know that now. So people who supported poe1 may not be interested in supporting poe2.
Oh sorry, I thought you were asking that of the thread more generally, and I didn't like the phrasing so I left it alone (because nobody "knows the game will go on life support in a year or two", so it's a question predicated on a scenario we're not in).

Personally yes, I don't have an issue there at all, they'll be carried over to POE2, which I will be playing.

I completely understand that if someone was only interested in POE and not POE2 that they may be feeling wary about such things if they have some uncertainty about the lifespan of the game. I'm not interested in putting a lot of stock in that uncertainty though given that we don't actually know anything one way or the other.
I'm not interested in putting a lot of stock in that uncertainty though given that we don't actually know anything one way or the other.

Its funny to me that you say that... just imagine if someone felt they were safe in "putting a lot of stock" into Path of Exile because of the statements made on Exilecon 2019...
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As a huge collector and player since 2013 myself who enjoys playing Standard and building my characters over multiple leagues, I agree wholeheartedly with Jix (OP).
Last edited by XeoTech on Jul 30, 2023, 8:55:17 AM
I'm just going to leave this here.

This is a clip of Chris Wilson saying that "Sequels split a community". And that is exactly what we're experiencing right now.
Last edited by XeoTech on Jul 30, 2023, 9:13:34 AM
The introduction of zoom into PoE was a strategic move to acquire sufficient resources in order to create the game the developers had envisioned from the start.

The current plan of two separate games was probably caused by their overlord, effectively denying them from ever un-zooming the base game.

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