Making two separate games out of your live service game is making me want to play neither.

Raycheetah wrote:
So, what I'm taking away from this is that the term "Supporter Pack" is also misleading? My intent to support the game is meaningless, and all I pay for is some pixels?
The term supporter pack isn't misleading, it's entirely accurate. All purchases of anything, from any company, support the company.

When I buy a loaf of bread from the bakery down the road, I am supporting them - they need money to operate; to pay their workers and other costs. At the same time, "all I pay for" is a loaf of bread. Those aren't contradictory statements.

Gus, we supported the game from 2019-2020 onwards because they sold us the idea of having a Path of Exile with updated graphics, a new campaign and new ascendancies.

Now it is a completely different game but it might be for the better when they will do the following;

No alteration and no scouring orbs.
There will be no quicksilver flasks.
Killing white mobs dont grant any flask charges.
Flasks do not auto-refill in town. You need to click a well in order to do that.
Items vendored to npc, gives you gold.
No crafting bench.
Failing a boss fully heals the boss.
Devs not sure if div cards make a return.

Well yeah, POE 2 is Ruthless.

Nonetheless a new game with a new vision is NOT what was being promoted back in 2019.

If it was not for their VISION, we would have actually got their initial promise but that was sacrificed because they wanted Ruthless somewhere during covid.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Jul 30, 2023, 5:22:52 AM
Reinhart wrote:
Gus, we supported the game from 2019-2020 onwards because they sold us the idea of having a Path of Exile with updated graphics, a new campaign and new ascendancies.
And they're making a Path of Exile with updated graphics, a new campaign and new ascendancies. It's called Path of Exile 2.

Beyond that I don't really understand why you're telling me this? The reasons you buy the things you buy are your business. I just want people to enter into any purchase knowing what a purchase is, what they're purchasing, and what they're not purchasing.
Reinhart wrote:
Gus, we supported the game from 2019-2020 onwards because they sold us the idea of having a Path of Exile with updated graphics, a new campaign and new ascendancies.
And they're making a Path of Exile with updated graphics, a new campaign and new ascendancies. It's called Path of Exile 2.

Beyond that I don't really understand why you're telling me this? The reasons you buy the things you buy are your business. I just want people to enter into any purchase knowing what a purchase is, what they're purchasing, and what they're not purchasing.

No they are making a new Ruthless game and could have called it 'Ruler of Wraeclast' instead of Path of Exile. You can twist it how you want, it is not the same. The reason why it is a separate game is because there was probably an internal conflict at GGG and some people were in favour of having Ruthless style gameplay. So they started adding Ruthless mechanics in POE 1 to test the waters if poe 1 players would be ok that the game would be changed when the second campaign would be added. But i guess because of the low interest, they decided to make it completely stand alone.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Lots of those design decisions make sense though Reinhart it doesn't automatically make it like Ruthless because Ruthless is fundamentally a starvation mode for PoE1 not a game built entirely to be that.

By that I mean I hate ruthless I think its awful and i'm not interested in it in the slightest, but I am very interested in PoE2. If they were that similar I couldn't say that but all the new parts of PoE2 are why ruthless currently is so bad. Because its a slowmode on a zoomer game its completely opposite design criteria dumped together.

Just to hit on your list from a design perspective though I would do the same changes as most of their list.

No alteration and no scouring orbs. - Alt spamming is extremely degenerate crafting, scours have a host of crafting problems they create and solve in equal measure to do with devaluing bases, chance orbs and the crafting system as a whole.

There will be no quicksilver flasks. - Honestly wouldn't bother removing quicksilvers if whites don't grant flask charges.

Killing white mobs dont grant any flask charges. - Flasks are OP but PoE1 game pacing means they need high uptime and recovery cheese due to how much defence they provide.

Flasks do not auto-refill in town. You need to click a well in order to do that. - this ones garbage and should die in a fire.

Items vendored to npc, gives you gold. - you can replace wisdom/portals/transmutes/augs/alterations with gold and its the exact same system as currently but one currency instead of 5. GGG unsolved this problem initially now they are resolving it.

No crafting bench. - This ones weird have they actually said PoE2 won't have a crafting bench, or did they shift it to lategame which is where it should go?

Failing a boss fully heals the boss. - This ones self explanatory but basically boss design in PoE1 is crippled by 6 portals and glass cannons. They have to be made extremely spikey while simultaneously they are complete jokes.

Devs not sure if div cards make a return. - Div cards are a legacy to how to earn supporters money and are degenerate design like alt spamming etc. They create a farming circus, are hard to balance, bloat the drop tables and supporter obligations means you can't make a good item without 7 cards immediately appearing to farm it.

The idea of them being a partial item as a consolation reward is good, but honestly is better being reworked as another system. Div cards are without a doubt one of the worst "new" ARPG mechanics i've seen used over the years.

If you were making a new APRG you would cut the same things they are cutting really, there are some personal choice issues in there for sure about how fast players should get or lets say how potion orientated you want your game to be but from a straight-line design perspective most of them are slam dunks.
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Jul 30, 2023, 5:49:56 AM
Draegnarrr wrote:
Lots of those design decisions make sense though Reinhart it doesn't automatically make it like Ruthless because Ruthless is fundamentally a starvation mode for PoE1 not a game built entirely to be that.

By that I mean I hate ruthless I think its awful and i'm not interested in it in the slightest, but I am very interested in PoE2. If they were that similar I couldn't say that but all the new parts of PoE2 are why ruthless currently is so bad. Because its a slowmode on a zoomer game its completely opposite design criteria dumped together.

Just to hit on your list from a design perspective though I would do the same changes as most of their list.

No alteration and no scouring orbs. - Alt spamming is extremely degenerate crafting, scours have a host of crafting problems they create and solve in equal measure to do with devaluing bases, chance orbs and the crafting system as a whole.

There will be no quicksilver flasks. - Honestly wouldn't bother removing quicksilvers if whites don't grant flask charges.

Killing white mobs dont grant any flask charges. - Flasks are OP but PoE1 game pacing means they need high uptime and recovery cheese due to how much defence they provide.

Flasks do not auto-refill in town. You need to click a well in order to do that. - this ones garbage and should die in a fire.

Items vendored to npc, gives you gold. - you can replace wisdom/portals/transmutes/augs/alterations with gold and its the exact same system as currently but one currency instead of 5. GGG unsolved this problem initially now they are resolving it.

No crafting bench. - This ones weird have they actually said PoE2 won't have a crafting bench, or did they shift it to lategame which is where it should go?

Failing a boss fully heals the boss. - This ones self explanatory but basically boss design in PoE1 is crippled by 6 portals and glass cannons. They have to be made extremely spikey while simultaneously they are complete jokes.

Devs not sure if div cards make a return. - Div cards are a legacy to how to earn supporters money and are degenerate design like alt spamming etc. They create a farming circus, are hard to balance, bloat the drop tables and supporter obligations means you can't make a good item without 7 cards immediately appearing to farm it.

The idea of them being a partial item as a consolation reward is good, but honestly is better being reworked as another system. Div cards are without a doubt one of the worst "new" ARPG mechanics i've seen used over the years.

If you were making a new APRG you would cut the same things they are cutting really, there are some personal choice issues in there for sure about how fast players should get or lets say how potion orientated you want your game to be but from a straight-line design perspective most of them are slam dunks.

All of this just to fix the logout macro, what a comedy :P

That about all of our money and time spent being told we'd have a unified endgame.

Right now all i am seeing are changes that heavily benefit the tencent versions monetization scheme and almost NOTHING for the people who actually supported them these last 10 years.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jul 30, 2023, 6:02:34 AM
Draegnarrr wrote:

No alteration and no scouring orbs. - Alt spamming is extremely degenerate crafting, scours have a host of crafting problems they create and solve in equal measure to do with devaluing bases, chance orbs and the crafting system as a whole.

its such a good change.

even in standards dead economy i can make 1000 chaos every day selling items easily. that means i can walk into a map, kill 1 monster, it drops a blue ring. i can pick it up, scour, alch and then chaos spam it 1000 times.

i kill 1 mob and can then spawn 1000 rare rings, how long would it take me to get 1000 rare rings from playing? how can i be excited by a rare ring dropping when every white or blue ring dropping is 1000 rare rings if i want it to be every single day.

the fact i can spawn that many rings so easily means that theres no worth in them and no point doing it because an items value is set by how hard it is to get it.

chaos, scour and alterations destroy the item drop system. its one of those things where i think a lot of people dont see the bigger picture of how systems interact. when someone says all the items that drop are shit the actual fix for that is removing chaos, scours and alts from the game. that is not obvious to most people who complain the loot they find it shit, but its the logical conclusion.

i think that sums up these poe2 changes in a nuthshell tbh, that example is typical of the majority of what they are doing. tons of people hate all these changes, but the reality is that most of these changes are essential to fix most of the stuff we hear players in the forums complaining about. theres people complaining about poe2 changes that are essential to fix stuff those same people have been complaining needs fixed.

honestly, if people look at poe2 and dont like what they see, fine. theyre keeping poe1, be happy about that, keep playing poe1, you dont need to worry about it.

i know in the first year of poe2 95% of those people will realise that poe2 is vastly superior and its still got fast crazy builds in endgame. they will abandon poe1 and just come back for a little mock around a few times per year while they main poe2 which will be the best arpg ever made. im fairly certain thats what will happen but if im wrong (im not btw) then no one has to worry because poe1 is still there and as long as you lot are playing it then its generating money and will continue to be developed.

so chill, its a win/win.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
poe2 which will be the best arpg ever made.

They are simplifying it, Never in the history of any of the major developers has this resulted in a better product but a slow decline in the complexity of the content contained within, the quality soon thereafter falls to the side as the motivation is no longer to create a good game but to make money.

Bethesda has basically killed off their products with each release casting off more and more of what made them good, from daggerfall to the current skyrim they lost countless elements that made this series Unique.

Blizzard more than any other really twisted the knife hard with everything they did to starcraft2 and what i read from angry diablo3 players, world of warcraft seems to not have been a complete failure but the company is basically now an old story about when games used to be good.

Now GGG is making this list for me with the actions they are taking after gobbling up our money for so many years telling us it would be unified to pull this at exile-con, I was actually getting really excited about the stuff i was hearing until the moment they said they were splitting it, And (no offense intended here )then that entirely one-sided panel saying everything was absolutely great killed it for me 100%

There's no coming back from this once its released, Things were said, Money was given.. This won't be forgotten.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jul 30, 2023, 9:54:47 AM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
poe2 which will be the best arpg ever made.

They are simplifying it, Never in the history of any of the major developers has this resulted in a better product but a slow decline in the complexity of the content contained within, the quality soon thereafter falls to the side as the motivation is no longer to create a good game but to make money.

poe1 is a bloated zombie where theres a ton of complexity that doesnt actually result in interesting choices or impactful gameplay differences.

theyre making a better game.

the atlas system with watchstones was stupidly complicated. they simplified it, the system was much better as a result. poe is a game where complexity is added every 3 months, you need to periodically streamline the game and boil it down to what really makes worth while significant impact in order to make room to keep adding more complexity without overbloating the game.

are you seriously worried that path of exile will not be complicated enough? really? theyre giving you variable passives on your tree that will switch your passive tree when you switch weapons. theyre taking the game from a 1 button skill spam coming off a single 6link to a game where you have nine 6links with situational combo skills that will potentially use different weapon types that you will set up by dedicating them to a specific weapon in your gear on a skill by skill basis that will then flip between your different passive tree builds on the fly as you are using the skills.

and youre looking at this thinking theyre making the game too simple?

i think theyre ditching a load of bullshit that was needless complex on paper and resulted in nothing interesting actually happening in game and replacing it with better mechanics that matter more.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:
poe2 which will be the best arpg ever made.

They are simplifying it, Never in the history of any of the major developers has this resulted in a better product but a slow decline in the complexity of the content contained within, the quality soon thereafter falls to the side as the motivation is no longer to create a good game but to make money.

poe1 is a bloated zombie where theres a ton of complexity that doesnt actually result in interesting choices or impactful gameplay differences.

theyre making a better game.

the atlas system with watchstones was stupidly complicated. they simplified it, the system was much better as a result. poe is a game where complexity is added every 3 months, you need to periodically streamline the game and boil it down to what really makes worth while significant impact in order to make room to keep adding more complexity without overbloating the game.

are you seriously worried that path of exile will not be complicated enough? really? theyre giving you variable passives on your tree that will switch your passive tree when you switch weapons. theyre taking the game from a 1 button skill spam coming off a single 6link to a game where you have nine 6links with situational combo skills that will potentially use different weapon types that you will set up by dedicating them to a specific weapon in your gear on a skill by skill basis that will then flip between your different passive tree builds on the fly as you are using the skills.

and youre looking at this thinking theyre making the game too simple?

i think theyre ditching a load of bullshit that was needless complex on paper and resulted in nothing interesting actually happening in game and replacing it with better mechanics that matter more.

Its an illusion of complexity, Not actual complexity, Simplification can be dressed up too.

So they added 1 new feature to the skill tree where it supports multiple weapons? QoL patching a hole they left open for many years, Countless posts on utilizing these extra slots in immersive ways as well as the same solution they used but those ideas were for PoE1 not 2 and certainly not a separate game.

The extra skills thing is nothing to shout about we knew about that, its supposed to be a feature in PoE1 as well otherwise the item-changes that they performed recently which only make sense if this system is coming are then in question: why nerf them in that way if they're not merging the two, mega-nerf and the only way the shroud of the lightless works for 1handed weapons again is WITH THE POE2 SYSTEM.

needless complex? whats the difference between a dagger and a two handed sword in skyrim?

there's only so much you can walk back later.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jul 30, 2023, 10:51:05 AM
I think they could not keep the zoomers happy. And that doesnt fit the type of meaningful combat they want in poe2.

I'm on board with keeping them separate games, although I was also a little upset at first like OP, I'm more upset at the state of speed creep.

Kudos to GGG for keeping to the vision... renewed my faith in the franchise.

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