Improvements to Item Drops

Lvl 1 map The Strand

Red Beast

Tukohama Touched
Empowering Minions
Treeant Horde
Putrid Flight
Blood Geyser
Resist Elemental Damage
Resist Chaos Damage

What the actual F@#$%^%$#@K!
I've been testing out the new loot changes. I'm still not breaking even to sustain map modifying.

It's frustrating for archnemesis modifiers to garble up together and create an unkillable monster, murderous rare.

Please fix minions. It's unplayable.

You had a great game going on here but these nerfs are the wrong direction. Waiting to hear back from you about new changes.

And I would seriously suggest allowing players to test out the new league mechanics and game changes in test realms like you normally used to instead of the secretive approach you used this time. Who knows your game more than you do? Its players
This sucks so much , bring back the old loot already.
I have never seen a company work so damn hard to destroy their player loyalty than POE currently (apart from Maybe Blizzard @ Blizzcon 2018).

How to solve:

Please, please no more FHM (forced Hard Mode) in vanilla poe1, put all your damn resources in the next 3 months to release your pet 'Hard Mode' so the GGG developers, cohorts and 10 streamers can play it.

Abandon this POS of a league

3.20 to be "Reflected Sentinel League" which is identical to 3.18 (in all ways) but able to modify sentinels with currency.

Maybe continue with some of the balance changes in 3.20 as per 3.19, but ensure that minions are actually viable and significantly buff many of the older low use skills

Chris Wilson...come out of your spider hole, and meet with the community for a Q&A.
I wrote a really nice, polite post back when the Harvest nerf manifesto came out.

I disagreed with the direction and argued that the changes weren't just about Harvest, they were dangerously close to removing the CORE REASON I play PoE.

Ever since then, I've noticed my average play time per league decreased 'MASSIVELY' :D huehue, and not because my precious feelings were hurt. I was having less fun, less 'one more map!' feeling. Now it's on average 4-6 challenges completed, maybe first weekend of a league. No supporter packs bought. I don't remember seeing 'we broke our concurrent player number records' for a while now either.

Sounds...unprofitable for a game company.

I'd pay attention to NeverSink's post. It was nice.

Exile is an illusion, exile!
Still tanky mobs

Still trash loot

Almost no viable builds for end game playing a reasonable amount of time

Where's the fun
Setting aside the "what things you've done" of 3.19 for a moment, and focusing instead on the "how you've done things" -- it's astonishing.

[Removed by Support]

Beyond disappointed, I'm genuinely flabbergasted. GGG's pre- and post-lauch handling of 3.19 has taken PoE community management & communication from an admired pinnacle to the proverbial meme-worthy gutter.

Josh Strife Hayes will probably do a "Path of Exile's Kalandra League : Timeline of a train wreck".

Edit: Incredible. My description of how I perceived GGG's communication has been removed by support. There was no swearing, no threats, no personal attacks.
Last edited by Sinaranu on Aug 24, 2022, 10:46:41 PM
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Aug 24, 2022, 10:44:33 PM
What was wrong with the loot? Seemed fine to me? Is it juice scaling that is broken or something? Only thing I noticed is that game drops a lot fractured items now.

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