Improvements to Item Drops

game is completely unplayable without doing something that has chests in it, mobs do not drop loot. how long is it going to take for anyone to realise that increasing drops by 25% after you nerfed them by 1000% doesn't do anything. revert the update.
Roll back, no refunds or anything. Just roll back.
We don't want an "improvement" we want it reverted to how it was....
How is that so difficult to understand?

SexiVexi wrote:
game is completely unplayable without doing something that has chests in it, mobs do not drop loot. how long is it going to take for anyone to realise that increasing drops by 25% after you nerfed them by 1000% doesn't do anything. revert the update.

that's Chris "Vision", an increase by 25% is completely useless, i am still getiing absolutely shitty drops.
Have done some testing with your new "Drop Rates". It is still actual garbage. If you guys wanted to nerf the loot this was not the way to do it. You cant go from giving us what we had to maybe 10%, and "Buffing" it to 20% (and thats being extremely generous). Many of us "Magic Finders" really pushed hard in the first two days to make currency for our builds to operate properly, not to mention taking time off from work, (This is the first time ive ever regretted that). Its really just a slap in the face to all of us who beloved this game.The only option is to Revert these changes. Its alright for you guys to be wrong, its not alright to leave the game in this state. Please GGG Revert.... Please..
Last edited by teegeti on Aug 24, 2022, 8:56:22 PM
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
PhoebePOE wrote:
Almost everyone seems to be missing the fact that GGG (Tencent) has had Path of Exile Mobile on the roadmap for a long time now.

When something like that is on your roadmap, as a studio, you typically have to start thinking about how to maximise profits from it in order for development resources to have been worth it.

On mobile, it is virtually impossible to have as many monsters and loot as has been historically available on PC

PoE as we know it would just brick any phone, so it would have to be a game with massively reduced monsters on the screen, and massively reduced loot.

This means that if as a studio you release a game on mobile, and it has way less monsters, action and loot drops associated with the game, you provide almost no incentive to your pre-existing fanbase or anyone that has played your PC version to really invest into your mobile game and start spending on microtransactions.

They had to do something to provide that incentive, and because as a PC user you are no longer the target audience -> they opted to simply "nerf" Path of Exile down to the ground to be more in line with their upcoming Mobile release.

That means:

Less loot, less mobs, way simpler league mechanics that mostly just recycle previous content dressed up.

If you think that this league's changes are the only or worst of it you are in for a rude awakening. They are just now only getting started skinning the entire game.

They don't care if you announce you're quitting.
They don't care if you do.
They don't care if these posts are reaching 130 pages of complaints.

That is their calculated risk. You are no longer their target audience. You are a (mostly) free player that will likely not invest in Path of Exile Mobile, and ultimately POE2. You have become dead resource to them and Tencent.

They will continue to make you feel like they are "buffing" the broken loot and mechanics, carefully wording around using percentages and the words "more" to somewhat try and salvage a little bit of retention from the most guillable audience. After all, the most guillable are the ones most likely to also spend.

If you as a content creator or fan want to reach GGG and have your words mean something to them:

Stop announcing you are quitting the game they don't mind you quitting.

Start calling them out on this business plan, and then announce you will *never* even consider playing their upcoming mobile game.

I completly agree, they have become greedy. They don't care about PC Gaming anymore, and the fact they will be merging the trade site indicates they want to merge pc to consoles, meaning they have to slow down the PC version BY A LOT. This is the end of PoE as we know it. Welcome to PoE 2 guys. :)

Remember to vote with your wallet please!
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Last edited by Morgoth92 on Aug 24, 2022, 9:00:05 PM
Revert! TOO much like D3, Archnemesis like mods
I just want Trust.
I Just want Numbers.
I Just want a explanation from GGG, a personally explanation.
Nothing is fixed. They scrached the surface and thinks they got well.
I`m sick of the same rotation every league.

I'm not a Beta Tester.
We have reduced the cost of many Harvest crafts, with many becoming twice as cheap. We relied too much on players having specialised in Harvest when we were costing these. It's now balanced around less Harvest investment. We have also reduced the life of all Harvest monsters. These changes will be deployed tomorrow rather than today.

This may be why I find it difficult to play nowadays. Everything is tuned for those who spend countless hours in one specific area.

It's a great thing for an MMO, but not a seasonal one; there's just not enough time for this method of tuning....

But I haven't played in a couple leagues, so I guess my opinion isn't worth much anyway.

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