Improvements to Item Drops

dont like the league? docLeave
dont like the patch? docLeave
dont like lack of transparency? docLeave
dont like absence of loot? docLeave

dont waste your time, dont PainChamp through gggs fail, just skip it
This is just sad, its not enough and sounds like this is the way the company wants it to be. It makes me lose hope. Hopefully something changes
Okay but we need to adress the diminishing returns of having league mechanics on your maps. The ones that take investment, are the ones not dropping jack. It's quite literally backwards my homies.
IGN: GoldenPepe
This is my first time writing a post on the forum, although I have played this game for more than 5k+ hours since League 3.6

This is the worst league I've seen, although I had high expectations. I absolutely do not understand what is the point of your slowing down the progression if we are playing to have fun, and not one shots from mobs and 0 loot. It's so funny because it's a PVE solo game, and you make patches like we're fighting a rare monster for a million dollars

I'm done with this league and maybe with the game. [Removed by Support] Keep Slowing down Action RPG
Last edited by Nav_GGG#0000 on Aug 24, 2022, 7:13:44 PM
btw why not add more mobs BUT less rares
and limit rares to how many AN mods they can hav? like 3/4 max with less dmg?
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PhoebePOE wrote:
Almost everyone seems to be missing the fact that GGG (Tencent) has had Path of Exile Mobile on the roadmap for a long time now.

When something like that is on your roadmap, as a studio, you typically have to start thinking about how to maximise profits from it in order for development resources to have been worth it.

On mobile, it is virtually impossible to have as many monsters and loot as has been historically available on PC

PoE as we know it would just brick any phone, so it would have to be a game with massively reduced monsters on the screen, and massively reduced loot.

This means that if as a studio you release a game on mobile, and it has way less monsters, action and loot drops associated with the game, you provide almost no incentive to your pre-existing fanbase or anyone that has played your PC version to really invest into your mobile game and start spending on microtransactions.

They had to do something to provide that incentive, and because as a PC user you are no longer the target audience -> they opted to simply "nerf" Path of Exile down to the ground to be more in line with their upcoming Mobile release.

That means:

Less loot, less mobs, way simpler league mechanics that mostly just recycle previous content dressed up.

If you think that this league's changes are the only or worst of it you are in for a rude awakening. They are just now only getting started skinning the entire game.

They don't care if you announce you're quitting.
They don't care if you do.
They don't care if these posts are reaching 130 pages of complaints.

That is their calculated risk. You are no longer their target audience. You are a (mostly) free player that will likely not invest in Path of Exile Mobile, and ultimately POE2. You have become dead resource to them and Tencent.

They will continue to make you feel like they are "buffing" the broken loot and mechanics, carefully wording around using percentages and the words "more" to somewhat try and salvage a little bit of retention from the most guillable audience. After all, the most guillable are the ones most likely to also spend.

If you as a content creator or fan want to reach GGG and have your words mean something to them:

Stop announcing you are quitting the game they don't mind you quitting.

Start calling them out on this business plan, and then announce you will *never* even consider playing their upcoming mobile game.

like seriously, who gonna play mobile poe? literally nobody, at least I am sure about me.
This is my first time writing a post on the forum, although I have played this game for more than 2k+ hours since League Abyss

This is the worst league I've seen, although I had high expectations. I absolutely do not understand what is the point of your slowing down the progression if we are playing to have fun, and not one shots from mobs and 0 loot. It's so funny because it's a PVE solo game, and you make patches like we're fighting a rare monster for a million dollars

I'm done with this league and maybe with the game.

Cant wait to see the News filled with negativity because of the broken promises, about transparency and honesty in patches and leauge mechanics..

Chris said "historically" and thats always bad.. but in this state the Game will be uninstalled..

Sigh… POE was so close to becoming something great - it would’ve been the next big hit like wow or d2, but alas….
You will always be close to my heart. I’ll maybe come back and play you sometimes, for nostalgia.
?x0= still o :3
The main char is a half-elf for the whole story OSHOCK FACEo

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