Improvements to Item Drops

This is only my second league, but even I noticed a massive dip in drop quantity and rarity. So far, the professed "fix" for this is sad at best. Anything less than a 90% reversal of the loot drop changes isn't going to really do anything for the community. The fact that it was done so undercover only made it that much worse.
KingExodusGG wrote:
AwesomeZerain wrote:
we had 10% of loot, now we have 12,5, so we should be happy? bruh.
U can write book "How to kill your game".

Best post!
Guess GGG will do this every patch now:
MEGA NERF everything and then give 50% back. Rinse and repeat
And - once again - you conveniently do not say anything about the fact that this gigantic nerf was not communicated pre-launch.

Honestly speaking (something which you've apparently forgotten how to do), if you cannot bring yourself to apologize for betraying the trust of the playerbase, at least delete the sticky "Improving Communication" thread, or unpin it.

It's just laughable. Instead of us - the players - jumping through your hoops this time around you're following the pattern the worst idiots on reddit foresaw.

Hidden nerf [X]
Reworked league mechanics == Nerfed league mechanics [X]
Communicate that this is a good change [X]
Fail to see or admit that this was an actual dick move [X]
(Probably coming soon) post on reddit about how the community is way too aggressive (which in some parts is definitely true) [ ]

Last but not least: Dunno if you keep intentionally missing the points, but you are. The majority of the community wants loot back to where it was, and harvest to not be an utter waste of time, alongside some snarky remarks about "reducing clicks".
Your 'vision' for the game sucks, and is attempting to recreate someone's rose-tinted recollections of Diablo II that never actually existed.
Its really pathetic Chris, that you can't see your so called VISION FOR THE GAME is fucking it to hell. I play on console and won't be playing again until you get your VISION in line with what the community wants. Console was already dead. Take your hardmode bullshit and shove it. I've spent thousands on your garbage hoping that you would spend it to improve the game. I have given up on the devs and path. Enjoy watching your VISION crash and burn.
MaxW81 wrote:
Guess GGG will do this every patch now:
MEGA NERF everything and then give 50% back. Rinse and repeat

this is what they've been doing ever since delirium league
GGG I hope you have fun playing your game because that's what matters. Who cares about your paying customers who have supported you for almost a decade?
Last edited by jrv209 on Aug 24, 2022, 1:53:51 PM
MaxW81 wrote:
Guess GGG will do this every patch now:
MEGA NERF everything and then give 50% back. Rinse and repeat

Except they don't give 50% back, in absolute terms they take 90% and it's 2%-4% we're getting back.


The actual reason it doesn't feel like that in game yet is that reward chest and icons are unaffected - and now completely out of whack with non-forced mob dropped rewards.

90% of the currency we make now comes from Heist, Expedition and similar mechanics.

You think they're gonna leave the balance between mob drops (=virtually removed) and heist/exp. ect. rewards (20x as rewarding as any mob drop juicing for your time) as it is now if they don't budge on these changes?

They'll either stealth nerf-adjust them bit by bit until they're in line or just double down hard on those too, a few leagues from now.

They probably aim for a 20%-25% drop rate across the board in a year for now, giving back a little bit of mob drops over time and nerfing the reward chest loot that is still balanced for the 'old' pre 3.19 PoE.

This would explain their current behavior, communication ect.

I hope I'm wrong and they have a change of heart, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Lake of Kalandra is worst league ever. Remove it completely and make new standard league. Literally make it in standard. Would be at least fun to see people pull out their legacy builds.

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