Improvements to Item Drops

none is complain so i guess none farm ritual but i kinda like and is giving very low tributes just got 3.7 in a with 4
so please increase the tributes
Iam done, this is not that game that we liked over the years. GGG's vision of this is just a bad joke.
MrPerplex wrote:
ive seen this death spiral many times in many games and only once seen a slight come back.

They will NOT make the changes needed to make the dedicated players, streamers, content creators stay or return nor can they as that would beak the game in the players favor and no dev would allow that. Nor will players ever be happy with any changes that are not imediately SHOWN to be as good as the previous system.
33% ontop of 12% ontop of anything else means nothing when its just numbers on an anouncement post.

It's not just loot though. It's also reduction in viable builds which destroys what was a big reason people liked the game: build diversity and ability to make crazy shit. That's now gone in favor of making the game geared towards racing and top 0.1% of players grinding their faces off on a daily basis.

I do agree though, the lack of immediate action and inability to see the issie or problem players have is the death of this game. Too many top end players are gone and the economy is tumbling. If this league dies before the first week is up, then they are beyond fucked. We didn't want Hard Mode, we wanted more 3.14.
Last edited by Leodigarius on Aug 24, 2022, 2:17:15 PM
Gave up on this league very early.

I just want the game to have a fun and rewarding game loop again.

And even that seems like it's too much to ask for, such a shame.
Chris Wilson and his couple of NZ friends made this game what it was. Now, they're not playing, they have their millions and they're happy. The game is being "developed" by paid, uncreative, fairly unmotivated cadres who don't have the same unique talents as Chris and his original party had.

I'm 90% sure it's over for the PoE franchise. Sadly, Blizzard is also totally gone, so Diablo IV is absolutely going to be a major failure as well, which means we will be left with no aRPGs to play. A sad moment for me indeed.

I died just now to a mob with 4 Sh*tNemesis modifiers which kept blinkstriking me and I barely lowered its QUITE IMPACTFUL HP before I dropped dead. In a T16 map.

Because they did NOTHING about Sh*t Nemesis in the actual MAPS that most of us actually PREFER TO PLAY IN.

I'm furious.

GGG, you are disappointment on so many levels now, it's painful for me to watch you fail again and again.

Those guys blaming Chris Wilson, they should shut up, imho, cause Chris already did the impossible and we can't hold him accountable for failing his game after 14 years of non-stop updates. It's probably not even him that's failing it. It's those not-quite-so-good paid employees who don't really care about the games previous, legit VISION.

R.I.P. Grinding Gear Games, I'm going to miss you a lot. We had a good run. - 2022/08/24 21:22 PM EET
Last edited by Tastydrop on Aug 24, 2022, 2:23:59 PM
"Improvements" haha. Smell ya later (not). RIP
Increased droprate of vendor legendaries and increased rarity for filtered rares LOL
The game needs build diversity, real build diversity, not a meta change once every 3 months. Most skills in the game remains unused, and this league makes things even worse as only a handful of builds remain strong enough to actually counter the content.

I cannot see how this is fixed without a fundamental change in the mindset of the developers, and that is not likely to happen.

TRaX_xS wrote:
Thanks for giving me the choice to play hardmode, i really don't enjoy Poe a bit anymore, all my "support" for nothing.

22 Supporter Packs and all for the drain now.
It's beautiful weather here and so nice to go outside. It's actually great that GGG bricked the game. I would rather be playing but in this state it's so easy to log off and walk away.

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