Improvements to Item Drops

“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.” The quote is attributed to JRR Tolkien
Last edited by Tampleerovezz on Aug 24, 2022, 12:20:02 PM
Problem: Patch 3.19 destroyed all enjoyment any SSF, HC, SC players had in the game. Standard and League players all stopped playing.

Solution: Delete Patch 3.19 entirely, revert everything we said in the manifesto, in the patch notes, in all communications since. Bring back Sentinel League, then have some temp league as a filler.

There is nothing to save here, this is making everything worst and you're trying to take something you broke entirely and then making some kintsugi mess where you pretend you are fixing the broken game with gold while you are just using cheap ass glue.
Well tell you what

I have play tested it, I have tested and I don't like it


Last edited by DragonSound on Aug 24, 2022, 1:11:16 PM
still same sh.t, no drops at all. Thats no funny. Delete AN monstaers !
BTW I spent my mony on "diffrent" game. for this "sh.t" I wouldn't spend any.
Want my money back :)

Whatever GGG decide to do unless it’s in the interest of the players and not themselves won’t be supporting anymore. I bought supporter packs because I enjoyed the game the direction but it has been changing every time we say we don’t want something it’s pulled back slightly. Every time we get 2 steps forward 3 steps back when will GGG realise that if the players aren’t happy the game doesn’t survive, if GGG doesn’t care about money fair enough stop supporting the game but if you care about money and what your fans enjoy listen to us. The numbers right now are a clear indication of what WE want who have you actually made happy with the changes done?
Thanks for the quick patch notes. Really wish they were not so disappointing.
Wow these are the exact changes we all hoped for thanks GGG!!! I was hopeful something would happen by this weekend to make the game better but guess thats too wishful of thinking.
I think too many people want the game to be easy. It's not supposed to be. This news' update hasn't even deployed yet and people already talking bad about it. We'll find out in the updates if the rates are based off the current values, or the original base values. That was NOT specified in the OP.

Just be patient and wait for it to actually release before you talk bad about something.

That's like putting a cake in the oven and before it's been 3 minutes you say it has come out horribly. It's not even done cooking yet!

I'm in the minority I guess in that I still find the game lots of fun.

I think that the direction that AN has is a good one, from a future dev point, but it wasn't fully executed as well balanced as it should be. It WILL have changes as we go, but good feedback is pointing out specific mix problems, not just saying it's bad.

For example, what two-three combinations have been the worst experience for you?
Last edited by Valdoroth on Aug 24, 2022, 12:28:06 PM
Сonfirmed - nothing realy changed with last two fixpatches. That make me sad.
Valdoroth wrote:
I think too many people want the game to be easy. It's not supposed to be. This news' update hasn't even deployed yet and people already talking bad about it. We'll find out in the updates if the rates are based off the current values, or the original base values. That was NOT specified in the OP.

Just be patient and wait for it to actually release before you talk bad about something.

That's like putting a cake in the oven and before it's been 3 minutes you say it has come out horribly. It's not even done cooking yet!

I'm in the minority I guess in that I still find the game lots of fun.

I think that the direction that AN has is a good one, from a future dev point, but it wasn't fully executed as well balanced as it should be. It WILL have changes as we go, but good feedback is pointing out specific mix problems, not just saying it's bad.

For example, what two-three combinations have been the worst experience for you?

If that's your take away, then fuck off to Hard Mode so you can hang out with the other snobs that play 16-20 hours a day on league launch. Everyone wants to have a good time with making builds in the ONLY game that allows you to have cool and crazy concepts.

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