Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.


Nothing to see...
Last edited by tmmhmm on Apr 18, 2021, 12:27:53 AM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
When a press release/damage control post so directly contravenes what so many of us saw and experienced and felt at the time...uh, yeah. That's called 'spin', and you're apparently 100% happy to eat it up.

what press release contravened what that we saw? genuinely unsure what exactly youre referring to.

Aim_Deep wrote:

Where is the remedy? Words are nice to hear and all but league shoulda immediately been reset when 99% couldnt play. As time goes on it's impossible remedy since the 99% are now invested so all we have is take it on faith it's was "just a bad call"... Not buying it. They are far too smart for that knowing their player base that invested in an ethical/fair ARPG. Genuinely regret getting caught.

not buying what? take it on faith it was a bad call? what else would it be?


But if you consider what happens next, this absolutely does have to do with you. GGG made a big gamble on an unknown and lost. Ordinarily, they'd then turn back to the known quantity -- you and your faithful support -- for reliable safety. And that's great: faithful supporters of what they love should be there for these dark, rocky times.

But NOT when the gamble involved throwing you under the bus to try to salvage this unknown quantity's involvement (ie priority server access). GGG's response to your loyalty and faithfulness was basically, 'we'll keep that on the side in case we need it if this big deal falls through'.

again, where are you going with this? the player base wasnt put on the side in case the big deal fell through, the big deal was there to grow the player base, it was all about the player base. the player base arnt ignored and uncared for in this equation, the player base was the entire reason they did all this in the first place because the player base is where the money comes from. you are trying to say we, the player base, dont matter to them, but you know thats not true, you know thats not what they think, thats not how they feel, thats not whats going to make them money. everything they do revolves around trying to deliver the best product possible to their player base because the player base provides 100% of their income essentially. their living along with the entire success and validation of everthing they have worked towards for over a decade of their lives rests entirely on the playerbase being happy and loving the game and the company, they dont give a crap about this streamer outside of his ability to show the game to players who might love it and join the player base.

the picture youre trying to paint here is incorrect, you try and make out they only care about this guy and not the player base who supports them when the truth is they only care about the player base who supports them and dont care at all about this guy, they were just using him. sry if that doesnt fit how you feel emotionally but its the truth.

You are taking some pretty extreme faith leaps here on behalf of GGG for reasons I cannot fully fathom. Perhaps you have some personal connection to them or something.

Otherwise the "truth" is what GGG actually did, and actually said, not you what you think or infer.

It was a terrible fuck up, they showed their true colors, and it's gonna hurt them financially. They thought it would be cool to have big names streaming their game, and totally, 100% forgot where they came from and how they got here.

The proverbial slap in the face has never been more appropriate than the scenario this league launch created. Will I play PoE again? Probably. Will GGG ever get another single cent from me? Never.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Apr 18, 2021, 12:34:14 AM
This honestly isn't a big deal to me as much as I do like you a lot lol

You're the most competitive Exile I've known over the years, although I think you're more of a league long-hauler than a day-one rusher, so I guess that's why it's not a big deal to you. You'll get your 40/40 either way (or your 12/40; also possible). But we've both been here from pretty close to the start. I can't imagine the GGG of 2012 or even 2015 doing what they did yesterday. For me this is all about paying attention to change, and what it means.

I mean, I never once entertained the notion that you of all people would care, or stop supporting (if you still do; I don't really pay much attention to that), but I hope you at least see that there is a point to this. That this isn't normal or business as usual. Either this decision to give paid (and non-paid) streamers priority when the servers were fucked is GGG off the rails and they're genuinely unhappy about it (as opposed to unhappy about how much money and goodwill it cost them) or it's what GGG has always been (and we were sold on a lie of goodwill and equality for all and non-pay to win and all that lovely bullshit).

Neither is a good reality.

We're all used to day one server fuckery with online games. It's pretty much a given. What we're not used to, and shouldn't be used to, is certain people being allowed to bypass that fuckery to make Path of Exile look like it's working when it actually isn't. Whether that's because they paid extra or because they will bring in lots of business, server fuckery isn't something you can downplay just because a chosen few are allowed on. Of course the Paid Streamer thing backfired: it should be impossible for people to believe the game is working just fine because their streamer got in when they themselves can't. That's one hell of a hard lie to sell.

And sure, you logged on just fine before long. That doesn't change the fact that GGG lied and then doubled-down on it. First lie was implicit: servers are down/impossibly long queues for all, no one can play right now. The doubling-down was in openly proving that wrong by opening a back door for streamers, and then trying to pass that off as 'something for everyone else to watch as they waited'. The actual truth was still right in front of everyone's eyes in the exact same statement: we broke our own rules for money, a lot of money...and somehow, SOMEHOW people are still defending it.

I...I just can't even. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 18, 2021, 12:44:13 AM
DarthSki44 wrote:

You are taking some pretty extreme faith leaps here on behalf of GGG

no im not, at all.

DarthSki44 wrote:

Otherwise the "truth" is what GGG actually did, and actually said, not you what you think or infer.

they paid for advertising via a streamer in order to show their game to a wider audience to grow the player base, and then when the game had massive technical issues they made a terrible call in the moment.

people trying to pin anything more than that on it is them projecting what they think and infer onto the situation too, the difference is what i think and infer actually makes sense and fits with the facts and the history, and what the other people are inferring doesnt and is based on and consistent with a history of emotionally compromised wanton bitterness.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

You are taking some pretty extreme faith leaps here on behalf of GGG

no im not, at all.


Snorkle_uk wrote:

it was all about the player base. the player base arnt ignored and uncared for in this equation, the player base was the entire reason they did all this in the first place

Snorkle_uk wrote:

everything they do revolves around trying to deliver the best product possible to their player base

Snorkle_uk wrote:
they dont give a crap about this streamer

Snorkle_uk wrote:
the truth is they only care about the player base who supports them and dont care at all about this guy, they were just using him.

So I would ask what brought you to ANY of these conclusions or statements?

At least Charan, I, and many others have cited both what GGG / Chris said, what they posted on Twitch Streams on their verified account, and overall how they explained the use of a dedicated service literally called their "priority server"

I mean seriously, give me a break.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Whoa.. Bruh.... TMI...

People suck and are stupid and.. Make wrong conclusions in seconds, which ends in bad decisions and situational outcomes... Period!!

Love your children and they will love you back. They will learn through your mistakes:)

Last edited by tmmhmm on Apr 18, 2021, 1:03:33 AM
The actual truth was still right in front of everyone's eyes in the exact same statement: we broke our own rules for money, a lot of money...

for what they thought was the good of the game, which is inseparable from the need for the game to make money. thats how the world functions. what exactly are we saying here? "these evil people who work all day and expect to get a paycheque at the end of it? how dare they? why cant they just sit at home and live off their trustfund like normal, moral people do?"


the game needs to make money to keep going, if the devs want to deliver on their promise to us that we will get poe2 it needs to make money, if they are going to deliver on the promise to us that this game we have paid money towards will be here for another 8 years it needs to keep making money. if we all want to be here playing this game in 2031 then we all need this game to keep making money until 2031, consistently, ongoing. chris needs to make money for grinding gear games because he owes it to US the playerbase and to the human beings he employs who rely on this game staying afloat in order to pay their rent and put foot on their kids tables, you know, those evil people who work every day for the evil money that allows their life to function and pay their taxes.

all that is on his head all day every day, and hey, the guy fucked up and made a really bad call in a really heavy pressured moment.

what do you have on your heads? whens the last time you had to worry about putting food on your table? how many families rely on you to keep them financially secure? how many supporters are relying on the calls you make every day to make good on their financial backing? whens the last time you made a mistake and regretted it?

come on guys, the mans a human being, hes not an infallible, unshakable monolith. cant we afford him any understanding?
^^ WOW smartest dude on the planet.. Chuck is off on his planet:)

Great post!!
DarthSki44 wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

You are taking some pretty extreme faith leaps here on behalf of GGG

no im not, at all.


Snorkle_uk wrote:

it was all about the player base. the player base arnt ignored and uncared for in this equation, the player base was the entire reason they did all this in the first place

Snorkle_uk wrote:

everything they do revolves around trying to deliver the best product possible to their player base

Snorkle_uk wrote:
they dont give a crap about this streamer

Snorkle_uk wrote:
the truth is they only care about the player base who supports them and dont care at all about this guy, they were just using him.

So I would ask what brought you to ANY of these conclusions or statements?

the player base are the people who play the game they have devoted over a decade of their life to creating. they envisioned making a game as a couple of guys from their garage and the dream was that some day people would play it, the player base are those people they dreamed about. 100% of the money they make comes from the player base, the entire staff of ggg lives entirely off money that the playerbase spends. this money that they need to survive comes from delivering that playerbase a product that makes them happy, they dont pay in advance and then if they hate the game screw it, they had to buy it in a box off a shelf on faith. they need the player base to love the game enough to pay for it and then stick around and keep paying more towards it. not only love the game, but keep loving it long term.

what am I basing these conclusions that they give a shit about the player base, and that the entire thing is always about the player base on?

i dunno, the most basic form of common sense perhaps? from every angle, as artists, as human beings and as business men the entire thing from every angle rests on making a game that makes the player base happy. if you view them as passionate artists or as horrible evil money hoarders who only care about cash the only sane, logical conclusion is that the only people who matter to them are the player base either way, there can be no other conclusion in the mind of an even half sane, semi logical lifeform.

i dont know what else to say really, it should be so obviously correct as a statement im genuinely surprised anyone could even begin to try and question it.
^^Chuck fan!!

Great Passionate post!!

Came from the heart!!
Last edited by tmmhmm on Apr 18, 2021, 1:30:34 AM

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