Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

no reset/restart league ?

i am done with this game
Last edited by xDarkillx on Apr 18, 2021, 1:29:35 AM
xDarkillx wrote:
no reset/restart league ?

i am done with this game

Why? To hard? Or what? Please explain?
Lawl boycott the game see you in 2 weeks.
So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting.
Snorkle_uk wrote:

the player base are the people who play the game they have devoted over a decade of their life to creating. they envisioned making a game as a couple of guys from their garage and the dream was that some day people would play it, the player base are those people they dreamed about. 100% of the money they make comes from the player base, the entire staff of ggg lives entirely off money that the playerbase spends. this money that they need to survive comes from delivering that playerbase a product that makes them happy, they dont pay in advance and then if they hate the game screw it, they had to buy it in a box off a shelf on faith. they need the player base to love the game enough to pay for it and then stick around and keep paying more towards it. not only love the game, but keep loving it long term.

what am I basing these conclusions that they give a shit about the player base, and that the entire thing is always about the player base on?

i dunno, the most basic form of common sense perhaps? from every angle, as artists, as human beings and as business men the entire thing from every angle rests on making a game that makes the player base happy. if you view them as passionate artists or as horrible evil money hoarders who only care about cash the only sane, logical conclusion is that the only people who matter to them are the player base either way, there can be no other conclusion in the mind of an even half sane, semi logical lifeform.

i dont know what else to say really, it should be so obviously correct as a statement im genuinely surprised anyone could even begin to try and question it.

Common sense? You are taking the blind faith approach with GGG.

That GGG / Chris, whoever, is beyond reproach. Their intentions are pure, and motivated purely by human experience and making people happy.

C'mon what kind of absurd rationale is this?

Chris is running a company. He / they made a callous, shit decision, motivated purely by fear of losing impactful advertising money (and the fact that they didn't consider the financial impact of alienating the larger base is mind-blowing) and many people were enraged and called them out.

So, again, if you want to keep playing PoE go ahead. But please don't expect people to not be offended, or otherwise be influence on their feelings to continue to financially support the game.

Personally, IMO, it was total bullshit, and they lost a supportive customer. I dont have to deal with that kind of contempt and disregard. I have plenty of options where to place my support. You do you, and I'll do the same.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Lawl boycott the game see you in 2 weeks.

Me personally? Nah you won't. But you knew that.

Also, it's clear you didn't read what I said beyond the topic title. Or my signature, which I made since I figured people might not read what I said. Play all you want. It's a free to play game. But giving them money after this? That's embarrassingly foolish. And do try to remember who is saying that. Unlike you, my name wasn't taken -- and people remember it, even when I choose to use another. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 18, 2021, 2:12:14 AM
Lawl boycott the game see you in 2 weeks.

Unlike you, my name wasn't taken -- and people remember it, even when I choose to use another.

I just witnessed a murder.
Friendship with Path Of Exile has ended. Now [Insert a video game title here] is my best friend.
Lawl boycott the game see you in 2 weeks.

Me personally? Nah you won't. But you knew that.

Also, it's clear you didn't read what I said beyond the topic title. Or my signature, which I made since I figured people might not read what I said. Play all you want. It's a free to play game. But giving them money after this? That's embarrassingly foolish. And do try to remember who is saying that. Unlike you, my name wasn't taken -- and people remember it, even when I choose to use another.

Go find a new game to simp for.
So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
for what they thought was the good of the game

Everyone in here knows "why" they did what they did. They had advertisement money invested, deals with certain streamers - and in the heat of the moment, they made a VERY bad decision. We all get that. There's no need to explain.

But you seem to focus a lot on the thought behind the decision, and not what the decision itself tells us - and the result of the decision. TONS of idiotic decisions are being made every day based on "good intentions", with catastrophic outcomes.

1) Was this so-called "priority server" made on the fly? Or was it maybe ready to go in case of emergency? If so, there goes the "heat of the moment" part of the discussion.

2) They did, admittedly, open up for other streamers too, so they wouldn't get "on the back foot". Read that twice. Their words: "to not get on the back foot". More on "competetive gaming" later in this post. No deals, no direct money involved. Hell, even "friends" of some streamers got apparently through.

3) Apparently, they did all of this without the streamers being aware of these "benefits"

Doesn't this tell us that "potential new players" joining their game, is far more important than the players actually playing their game? Doesn't this tell us that portraying and advertising the league, is more important than to offer a good quality of product, and a level playing field?

From this very website:
One of the things that's most fun about playing a competitive online Action RPG is taking part in a levelling race on a fresh server...

Varying in duration from one hour to several months, players can enter these leagues to show off their mastery of the game and compete to win valuable prizes.

GGG are the ones pushing "fresh economy", level playing field, competetive gaming. In-game, they push this by showing everyone who's the first player to reach X. This comptetive scene did, of course(?), go out the windown as soon as some money was being spent on some streamers.

No... This was a major fuck-up. It was so major that the initial "thought" behind the decision should come second, behind the result of the decision. I'm in the same boat as DarthSKi44 here; will I play? Sure. Will I ever spend money on this game again? No, I seriously doubt it.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz on Apr 18, 2021, 2:24:44 AM
As for "playing for free" I realized that I have friends who've played this game with me for years now, lots of chat buddies and clan mates and homies in 820...I'll miss them. But play for free? I really don't enjoy the game anymore. The direction it's gone. The feeling of crunch time, panic, dread, whatever you call it towards the last few weeks of league, wondering what last remaining shred of fun will be deemed "wrongfun" and taken away.

It's not that they're nerfing "my" build or skill or favourite side activity or favourite monster or whatever.

It's the whole attitude of "every time players do something we did not expect them to, or work together to overcome our artificial scarcity algorithms and RNG grind, it's CHEATING!!!11" and being scolded and nerfed and having what we designed given the tools they gave us, taken away with a petulant flourish.

I'm tired of having my brainstorming sessions and collaborations with other players and my offer of free help with any number of grindy make-work chores filed under "EXPLOITS! DOUBLEPLUSBAD!"

Tired of being told I'm ruining their game because I enjoy a long session of just darkdelving or trying to stack as many iterations of beyonders in a map instead of flinging myself at maven 1000 times or always marching lockstep through the league feature content to the expense of all the other shit I need to do to have a competent and endgame-ready character: syndicate, harvest, atlas progress, temple recipes, lab.

Wrongfun, because you're not beta-testing our "circle jerk of the fiscal quarter" mechanic. Bad. You like delving instead of fighting in a circle? We're gutting it. Jun? Pushed rewards back so you have to wipe your board to see rewards you used to be able to get with careful curating of relationships.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Sadly, have to agree with Phrazz and Charan here.

All the good intentions fly out of the window when you get caught fucking up so badly.
Preparing "priority servers", labeling player accounts to know which ones belong to Streamers... all indicate an approach which is advertisment at the expense of the players.
Only Chris knows what kind of other benefits or tricks have been implemented to that end.

That's not the GGG from 7-8 years ago...
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Apr 18, 2021, 2:42:24 AM

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