Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

Have to say I cant spend any more $ after this and reading those crocodile tears in Chris' post.

Its all talk just like big corporate does 24/7
I had a nice long rant typed, but it doesn't matter who I am or what I've done. If you know, you know. If you don't, you've still been screwed over all the same by this event. You've still been treated with utter contempt by a company you supported.

ICYMI: -- and if you don't want to bother with that, here's the money shot: several clips of the most popula streamers being messaged by GGG to relog to bypass an extremely long log-in queue. And doing just that.

If being openly shown that streamers get preferential access to a new league isn't your breaking point to stop supporting PoE, if 'reset the league' would be enough for you, then I seriously question what it'd take.

GGG has openly shown they 100% choose profits over people, which for a free to play game shouldn't even be possible. YOU are GGG's profits.

It's time to remind them of that. One person can't make a difference. I, more than many, know this. That's why I'm saying it to all of you.

Don't take this as just 'GGG being GGG' and 'of course they give streamers first dibs'. Don't see this as the price you pay to play 'the best ARPG around'. Surely being treated like a lower priority for what should be a fair start for all is too high a price to pay. Because it's not just that they did this; it's that they knew you'd see them doing it via streams and didn't care that you'd see it. They're assuming you'll just get over it, forget about it once you're back to playing. Like the good little PoE junkies you are.

I can only conclude that is exactly what they think of you. How helpless and stupid they think you are.

Exiles: Boycott GGG. It claims to be a free to play game. So play it for free. See how that turns out for them while they're coddling their toxic, parasitic mouthpieces.

GGG have shown you who they are now. Show them that it's unacceptable.

Boycott GGG.

I would like to post this

page 10 I said that :

lolozori wrote:
Where is Charan when we need him.

The dependency this create on both side is not good.

I would have loved to read what was your take on this, because the results of my critic came quicker than I imagined.

Now about the boycott, for me it is Free to play since a long time. I still enjoy pvp in this game , the addiction is silly.

Good post.
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Apr 17, 2021, 3:10:57 PM
lolozori wrote:

I would have loved to read what was your take on this, because the results of my critic came quicker than I imagined.

Eh, I was completely apathetic about that. Seemed simply symptomatic of where the game and the company are now in terms of developer/streamer/player dynamics and co-dependency.


I really want to make this clear: I haven't been sitting here lurking, waiting for a time to strike or parade about banging pots and pans and yelling I told you so. Game-wise I play other things and love them; forum-wise I browse and occasionally chip in my position. What happened yesterday was beyond extraordinary. My first few posts were absolutely along the lines of 'wtf are you serious nope I'm out this is fucked'. But then as I was playing said other games, the whole thing burrowed into my skull and I realised if I didn't say something, I'd probably just annoy the shit out of other Ex-Exiles who feel the same, so fuck it, Ruler Mode Engaged.

I don't want this to become the new normal for you guys. And I think it's going to happen anyway, if it already hasn't. This idea that you, you who supported PoE freely and generously and did so as a RESULT of GGG's many wonderful aspects rather than having to be lured here (am I projecting here, or do you not feel the same?), are going to be treated as less important than someone who couldn't fucking care less about the game but might make GGG 'a literal pile of money'...come on, how doesn't that roil your guts? If they're going to make literal piles of money from paid streamers with no investment otherwise, then...they surely don't need your itty, bitty speck of support, do they?

So yeah, lolozori. If they want to partner up and sell mtxes and pass on some of the profits to existing, committed streamers? So be it. That seems pretty much on-brand to me. But this streamer queue bypass is a whole other level of line-crossing. And for once, GGG did it to themselves. It's not that the servers burned down when they didn't expect them to and then they had to run around fixing them -- heroically, no doubt, as usual -- or that they were so transparent in their explanation (I believe there was another tactical fuck-bomb by Chris deployed -- gosh)'s that they decided to offer something they had no proof they could deliver: a smooth launch day 2 hour streaming experience to a third party when there has never been such a thing. This. Was. Supremely. Foolish. And. Entirely. Avoidable.

And then they had to let him in, legally. And so they panicked and figured, well, we had to openly let this paid streamer who otherwise couldn't give two fucks about the game in, better let the other big profile PoE-for-life streamers in too. Y'know, TO BE FAIR TO EVERYONE (who matters). Even the ones who aren't slinging that #ad tag. With absolutely everyone watching. SELF-OWN MISTAKE NUMBER 2.

And frankly, there didn't need to be a third. Those two were bad enough. What That Streamer I Won't Name said is just shit-flavoured icing. I hope it costs him as well, but eh, no horse in that race. We all know there's a fuckwit up-their-own-arse self-serving streamer just a click away, even if our 'favourite' streamer is 'one of the good guys'. And do you honestly think GGG care at this point about the integrity of their game's streamers? Fuck no -- if anything, they like them spicy and salty. Adds flavour. Problem is 'spicy' and 'salty' stops being amusing when it reveals it's also smug as shit and makes completely inappropriate social statements enabled entirely by GGG's willingness to kow-tow to that culture and the CHA-CHING it brings.

From the culture that brought you racist fucksticks, homophobia as a casual diss and selling literal bathwater, I bring you the ultimate response to tens of thousands of frustrated players who watched as GGG played favourites with game access: 'life isn't fair, I got in, you didn't, ahaha, it's just like kids in Africa'. Some sentences just beg to be punched in the face. That was about four of them.

Boy did you ever show your colours when you enabled THAT, GGG.

Oh...and in case it isn't clear by now:

Boycott GGG. Play it for free. Do you REALLY need more stash tabs by now? And if you do, are you okay with the message giving them money now sends, when they've made clear where they're getting their real money and how happy they are to cast your right to be treated as a valued customer aside to get it? -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 17, 2021, 11:58:02 PM
If they're going to make literal piles of money from paid streamers with no investment otherwise, then...they surely don't need your itty, bitty speck of support, do they?

how do you think they plan to make money from these streamers, who they are paying?
Snorkle_uk wrote:
If they're going to make literal piles of money from paid streamers with no investment otherwise, then...they surely don't need your itty, bitty speck of support, do they?

how do you think they plan to make money from these streamers, who they are paying?

How indeed. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
did OP literally just drop a wall of text and has no supporter packs? omegalul but yes I agree stream privilege is not justified. half of them shit talk the game and create fucked up economies just for the lols
mr_cervelo wrote:
did OP literally just drop a wall of text and has no supporter packs? omegalul but yes I agree stream privilege is not justified. half of them shit talk the game and create fucked up economies just for the lols

Oh please don't do that that specific person is literally one of the highest payment on support you can ever make in fact hes richer then me and I brag about shit.

Like you have no clue who you're talking too not even close.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Apr 17, 2021, 10:50:16 PM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
If they're going to make literal piles of money from paid streamers with no investment otherwise, then...they surely don't need your itty, bitty speck of support, do they?

how do you think they plan to make money from these streamers, who they are paying?

They use the streams as advertising.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
If they're going to make literal piles of money from paid streamers with no investment otherwise, then...they surely don't need your itty, bitty speck of support, do they?

how do you think they plan to make money from these streamers, who they are paying?

How indeed.

Royella wrote:

They use the streams as advertising.

and how does that advertising turn into them making money?
Are you seriously going to make me spell out how a boycott works and the fact that 'they don't need your money, they're getting streamer piles of money' is 100% untrue despite that being the message sent by GGG when they chose that pile of money over YOU and YOUR SUPPORT is WHY a boycott would work?

Well shit, I just did.

Did you even fucking read GGG's explanation/apology? I'm not pulling this 'literal pile of money' thing out of nowhere. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 17, 2021, 11:01:44 PM

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