Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

BTW: Please do not quote or name specific players/streamers in here, not even just with a video clip. Other threads have now been locked for doing this, and I'm willing to bet they're just looking for an excuse to shut this one down too. And I'm not so arrogant as to think this would make me a martyr. It would just make this ancient history come next week...until the next time GGG's choice of 'piles of money' over you becomes apparent. I'd rather that not happen. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
but its obviously not how ggg feels, and its not what they think, so why do you think its the message being sent? its a possible interpretation but its a poor one, should we humour it even tho we know better just because its something we think someone with less brains might think?

ggg did what they did because they care about the game and their players, they want more players and more money to make an even better game that everyone will enjoy even more. very few people devote their entire working lives in a creative field to projects without caring if people enjoy their work, they care about the players and that we are enjoying what theyve put so much passion into.

they just fked up, they made a bad call in an extremely time pressured situation and genuinely regret it.
When a press release/damage control post so directly contravenes what so many of us saw and experienced and felt at the time...uh, yeah. That's called 'spin', and you're apparently 100% happy to eat it up. I wouldn't go so far as to call it gaslighting (Chris is far too smart to try that), but it was definitely a mea culpa that didn't in any way change what happened, or suggest that there shouldn't be consequences based on it. "Apology accepted; you still fucked up and you will still pay for it". This is not an unrealistic or even unfair reaction.

Hell, you can still love GGG and boycott them. Consider it a tough lesson in what happens when someone you love makes a promise and then breaks it, not out of necessity as they try to say, but out of self-interest.

Make no mistake, Exiles: this was a betrayal, and it was nowhere near as complicated or hard to figure out as the league. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 17, 2021, 11:19:26 PM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
but its obviously not how ggg feels, and its not what they think, so why do you think its the message being sent? its a possible interpretation but its a poor one, should we humour it even tho we know better just because its something we think someone with less brains might think?

ggg did what they did because they care about the game and their players, they want more players and more money to make an even better game that everyone will enjoy even more. very few people devote their entire working lives in a creative field to projects without caring if people enjoy their work, they care about the players and that we are enjoying what theyve put so much passion into.

they just fked up, they made a bad call in an extremely time pressured situation and genuinely regret it.

Where is the remedy? Words are nice to hear and all but league shoulda immediately been reset when 99% couldnt play. As time goes on it's impossible remedy since the 99% are now invested so all we have is take it on faith it's was "just a bad call"... Not buying it. They are far too smart for that knowing their player base that invested in an ethical/fair ARPG. Genuinely regret getting caught.
Git R Dun!
To All Chucks.. Cry, Cry. Press release, blah, blah, blah. Don't care... Don't give 2 shits.. Is the game up and running? Was it a bad release.. Yes the worst IMO!!

Do I give a F... Nun!!! LOL...Why b/c I have a life outside of this world:)

Step out of Momma's basement and look up....

So I gather GGG lost a lot of money on this Famous Paid Streamer who, being a non-Exile and only here for the cashmonies, proceeded to shit on the game for 2 hours because he's a non-Exile and a normal modern gamer who, y'know, isn't From The Past when ID scrolls were accepted and QoL was almost never discussed by players.

Okay, well, that sucks. But that's between GGG and that Famous Paid Streamer. That's got nothing to do with you.

But if you consider what happens next, this absolutely does have to do with you. GGG made a big gamble on an unknown and lost. Ordinarily, they'd then turn back to the known quantity -- you and your faithful support -- for reliable safety. And that's great: faithful supporters of what they love should be there for these dark, rocky times.

But NOT when the gamble involved throwing you under the bus to try to salvage this unknown quantity's involvement (ie priority server access). GGG's response to your loyalty and faithfulness was basically, 'we'll keep that on the side in case we need it if this big deal falls through'. Are you a goddamn doormat or something, Exile? Is this some sort of abusive relationship where you play the role of the dumb partner supporting the ambitious fuck-up who can't stop fucking up? Are you the one on the side?

That is when you, faithful supporter cast aside for greed, wake the fuck up and say, "nah, you think you can put me second place when you said everyone's equal and then expect my support? Do you really think I'm that much of a fucking pushover?"

Are you? Are you really going to be the schmuck who's there to reward this incredibly bad behaviour because of a sincere apology (that looks a lot like the last three)? REALLY? -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
^^^ Fictional and weird to be honest!!

Been playing this game for many yrs...

Chuck was even confused... He has the brain power of like 10 Einsteins:)

Chuck just made a quote to me... He said "relax T.. there are always gonna be crazy peeps on ur planet. They exist on my planet Nutball as well"
Last edited by tmmhmm on Apr 17, 2021, 11:59:12 PM
Thanks Charan, great posting. I will be quite happy to play for free going forward. Stay well my good man.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
When a press release/damage control post so directly contravenes what so many of us saw and experienced and felt at the time...uh, yeah. That's called 'spin', and you're apparently 100% happy to eat it up.

what press release contravened what that we saw? genuinely unsure what exactly youre referring to.

Aim_Deep wrote:

Where is the remedy? Words are nice to hear and all but league shoulda immediately been reset when 99% couldnt play. As time goes on it's impossible remedy since the 99% are now invested so all we have is take it on faith it's was "just a bad call"... Not buying it. They are far too smart for that knowing their player base that invested in an ethical/fair ARPG. Genuinely regret getting caught.

not buying what? take it on faith it was a bad call? what else would it be?


But if you consider what happens next, this absolutely does have to do with you. GGG made a big gamble on an unknown and lost. Ordinarily, they'd then turn back to the known quantity -- you and your faithful support -- for reliable safety. And that's great: faithful supporters of what they love should be there for these dark, rocky times.

But NOT when the gamble involved throwing you under the bus to try to salvage this unknown quantity's involvement (ie priority server access). GGG's response to your loyalty and faithfulness was basically, 'we'll keep that on the side in case we need it if this big deal falls through'.

again, where are you going with this? the player base wasnt put on the side in case the big deal fell through, the big deal was there to grow the player base, it was all about the player base. the player base arnt ignored and uncared for in this equation, the player base was the entire reason they did all this in the first place because the player base is where the money comes from. you are trying to say we, the player base, dont matter to them, but you know thats not true, you know thats not what they think, thats not how they feel, thats not whats going to make them money. everything they do revolves around trying to deliver the best product possible to their player base because the player base provides 100% of their income essentially. their living along with the entire success and validation of everthing they have worked towards for over a decade of their lives rests entirely on the playerbase being happy and loving the game and the company, they dont give a crap about this streamer outside of his ability to show the game to players who might love it and join the player base.

the picture youre trying to paint here is incorrect, you try and make out they only care about this guy and not the player base who supports them when the truth is they only care about the player base who supports them and dont care at all about this guy, they were just using him. sry if that doesnt fit how you feel emotionally but its the truth.
I uninstalled and ill never come back to this garbage game again, i regreat every penny i spend on this shit company.

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