Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

johnKeys wrote:
Sadly, have to agree with Phrazz and Charan here.

All the good intentions fly out of the window when you get caught fucking up so badly.
Preparing "priority servers", labeling player accounts to know which ones belong to Streamers... all indicate an approach which is advertisment at the expense of the players.
Only Chris knows what kind of other benefits or tricks have been implemented to that end.

That's not the GGG from 7-8 years ago...

hahaha finally you wake up
No need to boycott when there's other games. Some people in the entertainment industry may think they're an essential service. They're not. They live and die with the goodwill of their customers. And GGG lost mine. Time to move on.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
johnKeys wrote:
Sadly, have to agree with Phrazz and Charan here.

All the good intentions fly out of the window when you get caught fucking up so badly.
Preparing "priority servers", labeling player accounts to know which ones belong to Streamers... all indicate an approach which is advertisment at the expense of the players.
Only Chris knows what kind of other benefits or tricks have been implemented to that end.

That's not the GGG from 7-8 years ago...

DarthSki44 wrote:

Common sense? You are taking the blind faith approach with GGG.

That GGG / Chris, whoever, is beyond reproach. Their intentions are pure, and motivated purely by human experience and making people happy.

no, because if you take the idea that theyre just evil people who only care about money then the conclusion is the same, that they only care about the player base and making them happy because the way they make this selfish evil money is entirely through making the player base happy.

youre not making sense, you are not reading what im writing or you are not actually thinking it through.

you know that the reason they paid the streamer was to advertise the game in order to get more players because all that matters is the player base, you know this as a fact, so you know they were using him and only care about the players he would bring in. they didnt pay him because theyre a fan of his stream, somewhere in that head you know everything i have said is correct, it just doesnt gel with how you want to feel emotionally right now so youre trying to reject it, against all sense and reason.

Phrazz wrote:

1) Was this so-called "priority server" made on the fly? Or was it maybe ready to go in case of emergency? If so, there goes the "heat of the moment" part of the discussion.

no, because them having one for emergencies, for actually needing to log into the game for whatever reason doesnt mean the decision to put those people on it was not made on the fly.

when the people initially logged on and were put in the queue all the streamers were in the queue and had to wait in the queue with everyone else. it was only after the server started dumping everyone out over and over that streamers clients started skipping the queue, so THERE goes any idea that it wasnt done on the fly, or they would have been on the thing already.

you think they knew the game would fall apart and that they had preplanned this login skip? that they paid for advertising knowing that the game everyone would see was a total fuck up of crashing and dcs, that this whole thing was known in advance and planned out so that the streamers would skip these insane queues and then show off a completely broken game to their viewers for 5 minutes before being kicked out?

think about it.

Phrazz wrote:

Doesn't this tell us that "potential new players" joining their game, is far more important than the players actually playing their game?

no, because what the players playing the game were suffering in terms of queues and discons could not have been stopped and was not being made worse in order to make a good advert.

Phrazz wrote:

Doesn't this tell us that portraying and advertising the league, is more important than to offer a good quality of product, and a level playing field?

it says they put a lot of time and money into advertising the game for the good of the game, and when that was jeopardised they made a terrible decision in that moment.

its not more important than offering a quality product, this was many peoples first league, the people playing this league are the people buying supporter packs right now that they need to stay afloat. so no, it doesnt tell us advertising is more important, because its not, theres no sane world where anyone can say regardless of how good or bad they think ggg are as people that the advert comes above the quality of the product the people who are actually playing get.

so why did they make that decision? because they did the wrong thing, it was the wrong decision. even if you think they are terrible people who hate us all and only want money ITS STILL the wrong decision even for those sort of people because it has cost them money. so yes, the only possible conclusion that we can make no matter how good or bad we think they are, no matter what we think their motivations are, is that they made a big mistake and regret it.

thats all it tells us, that a big mistake was made. it doesnt tell us that the advertising was more important, because theres no world where that makes any sense at all. the people playing today are the people the last advert brought in and the only reason they made that advert to bring them in was so they would play the game, enjoy it and then decide to buy a support pack which is what the entire thing is about, that moment, the whole reason they advertise is to get the people in so the people can buy the pack. theyre not gonna do that if the game sucks, so theres no world where they dont matter, the whole point of the adverts is because they matter, because they are the only thing that matters, so screwing up the game for them makes absolutely zero sense at all.

its like suggesting a shop only cares about customers coming in the door, they dont care about customers at the tills. of course they care, the only reason they want them to come in the door is to get them to the till.

and you guys know all this, i know you all, youre good people, smart people, but youre not thinking straight.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
but youre not thinking straight.

Wow, OK. So disagreeing with you means we're "not thinking straight". Good talk.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Lawl boycott the game see you in 2 weeks.

Me personally? Nah you won't. But you knew that.

Also, it's clear you didn't read what I said beyond the topic title. Or my signature, which I made since I figured people might not read what I said. Play all you want. It's a free to play game. But giving them money after this? That's embarrassingly foolish. And do try to remember who is saying that. Unlike you, my name wasn't taken -- and people remember it, even when I choose to use another.

Go find a new game to simp for.

Ultimatum is the best league mechanic since breach. It is going to be the literal game seller of the series going forward.

Yeah mate, so who's 'simping' here again? -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 18, 2021, 4:01:21 AM
Definitely I won't.

In fact I'm kind of sympathetic to the position GGG was in.
We tested it extensively
Icholas wrote:
Definitely I won't.

In fact I'm kind of sympathetic to the position GGG was in.

You're old guard, so I'm curious. Please elaborate on what you think that position was, how they got into that position, and why you feel sympathetic. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
These titles remind me of people despite the news media lying to them, but still, keep watching these media that lied to them, because "what other choice do I have, others are worse!"

If you want the news to stop lying, then you must stop watching them, not I still watch, but I will be sceptical.

There are so many good games out there, the thing is, I think people are so comfy with the game that they just do not give other games a try. I have been enjoying D3, last epoch, outriders to name a few. D2R still lokks good, & I will be playing when it launch
kiadaw wrote:
These titles remind me of people despite the news media lying to them, but still, keep watching these media that lied to them, because "what other choice do I have, others are worse!"

If you want the news to stop lying, then you must stop watching them, not I still watch, but I will be sceptical.

There are so many good games out there, the thing is, I think people are so comfy with the game that they just do not give other games a try. I have been enjoying D3, last epoch, outriders to name a few. D2R still lokks good, & I will be playing when it launch

ArcheAge's NA/EU* publisher treated their players like shit. That's the reason why I stopped playing. If people were still playing ArcheAge comfortably, then I'd call that 'lack of self-respect'.

Apply that same logic to Path Of Exile and I'll call you the same.
Friendship with Path Of Exile has ended. Now [Insert a video game title here] is my best friend.
Last edited by namikazemaru on Apr 18, 2021, 4:23:39 AM

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