Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

It is funny how stupid ggg is though, You literally got on mathil's stream and msged him publicly to relog to bypass streamer queue. You really didnt think to just email or PM him? I mean yeh it was obvious but damn to be that blatant about it. LOL.
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Last edited by xPiranha on Apr 17, 2021, 11:46:18 AM
From reading many of the replies i get the idea that quite a few people here read boycott as avoid completely and don't play the game.
That is not the intention of the message.

Exiles: Boycott GGG. It claims to be a free to play game. So play it for free.

When a company messes up(in a perfect example), they are fined an appropriate amount to make restitution for the harm caused.
In this case the supporter packs acts as that fine and not buying it for a period of time would send a greater message than a 400+ page forum rant.

Completely dropping the game forever and never supporting again would have consequences that reach much further than just sending a powerful message and would mean no more poe and no poe2 and that would be sad.
....danger detected; post edited
Last edited by isnotonline on Apr 19, 2021, 8:35:40 AM
100% agree with you, W. For YEARS this has been the case.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
And you know what else stinks? THIS, from the apology/explanation:

Instead of offering viewers something to watch while they waited, it offended all of our players who were eager to get into the game and weren't able to, while instead having to watch others enjoy that freedom.

In which universe is taunting people with what they can't have by very obviously giving it to the very elite few who always seem to get what they want 'offering viewers something to watch'? I mean, I assume Exiles are perfectly adept at watching/doing something else while the server almost inevitably shits the bed on launch day. They've probably been able to self-entertain without PoE for most of their lives.

I cannot fathom the mindset that would ever consider this an 'offering' -- but y'know, plenty of people have flat-out said something along the lines of, 'well at least I had something to watch while waiting' so maybe they're just that attuned to falling back on watching their favourite game when they can't play it...even when it's 100% obvious that those very people you're happily watching jumped the very queue you are stuck in. That's...I'm sorry, that's a pretty impressive feat of mental acrobatics.

I'm dead sure this was a horrible, awful day at the office. One of the worst, maybe. I probably seem heartless, but this is just business now. And what they did, what they decided to do, should cost them business. Because their fear of losing business made them betray and belittle you.

DoubleU wrote:
You are, you now know, a 'literal pile of money' in their eyes. They will choose that pile of money over you. If not in the same way again, in some other way. This was, I hope, proof of that.

That is all.

I was hoping this game would never come to this, naïve of me no doubt.

The GF was incredulous at my incredulity. Seems she made her peace with where this game was going long before me. Why would I bring her up? Because you guys have no idea how much she's suffered due to my various roles with this game. The rants she's endured. The late nights of me doing just this. The difficulty I've had negotiating GGG's shift from what was to what is and what likely will be. Trust me, friend, I was just as naïve.

Was as naïve and stubborn as many others...

Thankfully, I stopped "supporting" PoE just before getting on REAL "whale" level, and helped others reconsider - PoE lost a few thousand $ due to their asinine ineptitude and sadly, they confirmed that I made the RIGHT CHOICE - the Tencent "business" decision and their "betrayal" via targeting consoles instead of actually improving PoE at "proper pace" were the moment when I stopped...

Even if I "threw" ~1-1.2K $, and I still play - less and less these days - to recoup "my investment", this launch, and TencentGGG's attitude made me want to spend even more time with the competition...

And even though I already joined your "call to arms" awhile ago, James, this was a line they shouldn't have crossed. EVER.

Hopefully, many more players will learn to "think before they act", and properly PENALIZE such disregard for the community...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Last edited by sofocle10000 on Apr 19, 2021, 9:06:25 AM
xPiranha wrote:
It is funny how stupid ggg is though, You literally got on mathil's stream and msged him publicly to relog to bypass streamer queue. You really didnt think to just email or PM him? I mean yeh it was obvious but damn to be that blatant about it. LOL.

They simply don't care anymore... at least 74% is asking for a league restart and we had no announcement from GGG if they will do that or not... Basically wasting more of peoples time as we wait to see if we will delete the game or play the game.
i bought in the past some cosmetic..(flame weapon and other)

i will not buy anymore..i wont support "priority streamers"

this game is too "free to pay"
too many mtx ugly cosmetic ...with high price
Boycott GGG.

No, also...don't you think it's time you moved on.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
lagwin1980 wrote:
Boycott GGG.

No, also...don't you think it's time you moved on.

Ah finally, gatekeeper of the community and controller of people's money. I was wondering when you would arrive.

How about you just let people decide how GGG's actions impacted them, and what they decide to do to voice it. Not everyone is ok with being devalued, and blatantly disrespected so that "piles of money" could be saved. (not understanding they are just burning a different pile at a different time)

It's a colossal fuck up.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
lagwin1980 wrote:
Boycott GGG.

No, also...don't you think it's time you moved on.

He's more entitled his say than you are. (Bigger investment)
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
And you know what else stinks? THIS, from the apology/explanation:

Instead of offering viewers something to watch while they waited, it offended all of our players who were eager to get into the game and weren't able to, while instead having to watch others enjoy that freedom.

In which universe is taunting people with what they can't have by very obviously giving it to the very elite few who always seem to get what they want 'offering viewers something to watch'?

Yeah, that bit also had me cringing at the total lack of regard for people it showed. Pity, but it's been clear for a few years now that the bottom line became ever more important.
Can't say I support a full boycott, but I can completely understand if the "support" part of buying a pack has lost its appeal.
May your maps be bountiful, exile

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