" i've edited the title because i dont want my account to be locked by the ggg censorship squad, they removed my posts and topics in the past because my posts were "antagonistic" for some reason there is only one broken spectre - redemption sentry and it causes all the problems, thats it, take it away and those numbers will be near 5%. |
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" You interpret it wrong my friend. Like in pvp its technically possible to make every skill have a individual T Value. If some spectre is too broken it gets an T value and its balanced again. |
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Show me on the doll where the Necromancer hurt you...
Why do people really care what other people play? More to GGG's perspective though, if players are still buying supporter packs, what does it matter if people like raising the dead? I know a lot of people here think a build costing 10 or 20 ex is considered budget, but that's not the reality for a lot of people. This is the real problem, the wealth gap between the haves and have-nots means real character power is actually out of reach for a lot of people and nerfs really hurt those people. |
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Mostly I play Necros, last leagues I played Guardian, nerfed, nerfed, nerfed, so I skipped Harvest league after few weeks, I was thinking to make again a Necro next league, if they nerf I will skip again, this game becomes boring, nothing to farm, crap loots, 16K Ehp OS... OS.... OS, annoying to complete awaken bonuses all the time, Sirus make me crazy. They destroyed the game isntead of making it great again.
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" So how I read this is: Nefting powerful skills and increasing difficulty destroys the game. GGG should just keep on powercreeping everything until it possible to clear all content naked with default attack. |
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" There are plenty of viable spectres that do millions and millions of damage, so no. You could halve spectre damage and they would still be fine compared to %85 of skills in the game vs investment. Spectres in particular are currently on the S tier if not broken OP tier, enjoy the nerfs :D |
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Just nerf spectres and do only a minor dmg nerf to stone and carrion golems. Zombies is balanced after past nerfs and skellies are kinda UP atm.
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Just to remind everyone that harvest is not a good league to base balance changes off of.
Also minion builds are great for their low barrier of investment for dps. But at the end of the day the fact is that other build types can and do Achieve similar damage numbers while not having to deal with minion ai. |
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I do not know where the hate against summoners come from.
Diversity in minions causes the popularity of necromancers. SRS, Skeletons, Zombies, Animate Weapon, Phantasm are very different. Raising spectres on its own creates diversity by the spectre that is used. Lazy gameplay? I use 7 different skills actively (animate weapon, desecrate, bone offering, bladefall, flamedash, convocation, armageddon brand). No triggered casts atm. Necromancers are weak compared to past leagues. Top notch in breach league where you can have more than 100 Animated weapons, today it is about 15. Same goes for SRS. Damage was not increased by the amount they decreased the numbers. Zombies die a lot today. And if your minions are dead than the player is dead too (most of the time). Best patch note in 3.10 for skeletons: "Damage dealt by minions at all gem levels has been lowered by approximately 40%." Yeah, just nerf minions again. Or better: just remove the ascendancy completely. |
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" Let me disagree with this statement. "S-tier"? Lulz, You watch too much rykker's top builds videous go back to diablo 3! Spectres are fine, you cant scale them well unless you have 5 awakened gems, crazy 15-20 ex convoking wands, cluster jewels, and even after that they may deal some damage, but the survivability of necromancer would be pathetic. Redemption sentries are broken, as many have said in this topic including op, but other spectres are pain in the ass to complete, they need like 50ex+ of investment, and even then you have like what, 4kk total slave drivers sirus dps? dead game bring back 3.13 Last edited by Tainted_Fate#2799 on Sep 9, 2020, 9:38:45 AM
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